Contact Information
Name: Cindi L SturtzSreetharan, PhD
Title: Associate Professor
Office Location: MND 4034
Email: csturtz@csus.edu
Office Phone: Please use email
Mailing Address: Sacramento State 6000 J Street Sacramento, CA 95819-6043
Office Hours: TBD
Where to find me : 4034 Mendocino Hall
Courses that I teach
- ANTH 4: Language, Culture, and Critical Thinking
- ANTH 2H: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology, Honor's Section
- ANTH 134: Japanese Culture and Society
- ANTH 160: Linguistic Anthropology
- ANTH 169: Research Methods in Linguistic Anthropology
- ANTH 190: Advanced Topics in Linguistic Anthropology
2010 With Janet S. Shibamoto and Debra J Occhi. Finding Mr. Right: New looks at gendered
modernity in Japanese Televised Romances.
Published as part of the Special Issue: Language in
Public Spaces in Japan Journal of Japanese Studies 30(3): 409-17.
2009 "Ore" and "Omae": Japanese men's use of first- and second-person pronounsPragmatics 19(2): 253-278.
2008 Osaka Aunties: Negotiating Honorific Language, Gender, and Regionality in Brown, Amy
& Josh Iorio (eds.) Proceedings of SALSA XVI: 2008 Texas Linguistic Forum 52: 163 – 173.
2006 I read the Nikkei, too: Crafting positions of authority and masculinity in Japanese
Conversations, the Journal of Linguistic Anthropology, 16(2): 173 – 193.
2006 Gentlemanly Gender? Japanese Men’s Politeness in Casual Conversations,
Journal of Sociolinguistics: 10(1): 70-92.
2004 Japanese Men’s Linguistic Stereotypes and Realities: Conversations from the Kansai and
Kanto regions in Okamoto, S. and (Shibamoto)Smith, J. (eds.) Japanese Language, Gender,
and Ideology: Cultural Models and Real People, Oxford University Press: 275 – 289.
2004 Students, Sarariiman (pl.), and Seniors: Japanese men’s use of “manly” speech register.
Language in Society 33: 81-107.
2002 “Uwaki tte iu no wa attemo ii n janai ka?”: Japanese men’s conversations up-close and
personal. (“It’s alright to have a mistress/affair, isn’t it?”), Japanese Studies 22(1): 49-63.
Research Projects/Interests
Linguistic Anthropology
Language and Linguistic Ideologies
Language and Gender (specifically masculinity)
Standardization pressures on regional variation
Professional Associations
- JAWS: Japan Anthropology Workshop (Society)
- SLA: Society for Linguistic Anthropology
- SEA: Society for East Asian Anthropology
- AAA: American Anthropological Association