Contact Information
Name: Dr. Lew Robinson - Faculty Web Page - Foreign Languages Department
Title: Professor of Chinese and Chinese Area Head
Office Location: Mariposa Hall 2059
Email: robinsonl@csus.edu
Office Phone: (916) 278-6726
Mailing Address: Sacramento State University, Foreign Languages Dept, 6000 J Street, Sacramento, CA 95819-6087
Office Hours: Mon, Wed, Fri 10:30 – 11:30am
This page updated:January 24, 2013 : August 29, 2012
Courses that I teach
Spring 2013:
- Chinese 1B
At this time, only the beginning three semesters of Chinese are offered. Two semesters of coursework meets the Sac State Graduation Requirement.
A working knowledge of Chinese is an increasingly important tool in the world of international business and foreign affairs. Course work in Chinese may be applied toward other specially designed minors and majors, such as Asian Studies, Anthropology, Humanities, International Business, and International Affairs.