Contact Information
Name: Cheryl Osborne, EdD, MSN, RN, FAGHE
Title: Professor of Nursing & Gerontology & Director of Gerontology
Office Location: Benicia 1020
Email: osbornec@csus.edu
Office Phone: (916) 278-7281
Mailing Address: Sacramento State 6000 J Street Sacramento, CA 95819-6132
Office Hours: Thursday mornings by appointment
Professional Degrees & Honors
Doctor of Education, University of San Francisco. Focus: Curriculum and Instruction
FAGHE - Fellow in the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education (2013)
Master of Science in Nursing, California State University Chico. Focus: Older Adult, Chronic Illness & Education
Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Holy Names College.
Diploma: Registered Nurse, Samuel Merritt College School of Nursing
- GERO 121/221: Models for Successful Aging
- GERO 122/222: Managing Disorders in Elders
- GERO 130: Gerontology Practicum
- GERO 131: Gerontology Capstone Practicum
- GERO 199/299: Special Problems
- GERO 295: Internship/Project
- Osborne, C. (2012-13). Gerontology & geriatric nursing curriculum integration online modules.
- PI on two CSU "Give Students a Compass Phase II: Networking Partnerships 2012 & 2013."
- Contributor: The dual challenge: Preserving services for the oldest old today; planning for the elderly baby boomers of tomorrow. (2009). Area 4 Agency on Aging, Contributor to final publication of this 7-County Report.
- National Advisory Board Member & contributor to US Department of Education FIPSIE Grant with UCLA (Systems Response to Improving Education on Aging in California SAGE).
- Contributor to: Lagerquist, S.L. (2012). NCLEX-RN success. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Co.
- Osborne, C. (2005). Sacramento Centenarian Project: Student and Elders Connect. Published in (peer-reviewed) AGHE 31st Annual Conference proceedings.
- Osborne, C. (2002). Guidebook for developing an effective internship program. CCGG and CSU Chancellor's Office.
Research Interests
- Attitudes About Longevity/Aging
- Baby Boomer Needs as an Aging Population
- Caregiver Burden/Coping
- Curriculum Development
- Educational Assessment
- Educational Strategies
- End of Life Challenges
- Functional Restorative Care
- Holistic Aspects of Longevity/Aging: Bio-psycho-social spiritual cultural/gender environmental age cohort
- Nursing Professional Issues
- Professional Socialization
- Returning Student's Stressors/Coping
- Older Women's Life Transitions
Professional Presentations
- 2013 - AGHE 39th Annual Meeting and Educational Leadership Conference (Presenter & participant): A Collaborative Model for Incorporating High Impact Educational Practices in GE/Gerontology Courses: Promoting Student Motivation, Engagement, and Retention: A Two Step Process ~ "Compass IIA & IIB" (peer-reviewed).
- 2013 - Presenter: Implementing Inter-college (Community College and CSU) Gerontology Curriculum (California Community College Statewide Curriculum Conference and California Council for Gerontology and Geriatrics).
- 2011 - Guest speaker for Renaissance Society Forum Longevity - Participating in the Revolution: Promoting Health (Even During Times of Illness).
- 2010 & 2011 - Guest speaker in CSUS Design course: Considering Older Adult Needs in Design.
- 2010 - AGHE 36th Annual Meeting and Educational Leadership Pre Conference Institute Invited Presenter: Learning Goes Both Ways: Creating Intergenerational Experiences that Connect , Explore & Amplify Life Span Understanding.
- 2009 & 2010 - Facilitator: Evidence-Based Health Promotion for Older Adults: Competencies, Content & UCLA Curricula.
- 2008 - present - Presenter: UCLA/SCAN Geriatric Medicine Leadership Training Program (peer-reviewed). Includes mentorship of 1-3 fellows in the program.
Professional Activities
- Gerontology/Geriatric BRN Certified Consultant: Sacramento City College, CSUS School of Nursing, & West Coast University
- Sigma Phi Omega, Gerontology Honor Society, President
- Association of Gerontology in Higher Education (AGHE), Fellow
- California Council for Gerontology and Geriatrics - CSU Institutional Representative
- University of California, Davis Center for Aging Community, Advisory Board Member
- Advisory Board, Eskaton Carmichael Adult Day Health Center
- California Gerontology Education Center
- National Geriatric Nurses Association
- Phi Delta Theta
- Phi Kappa Phi
- Sigma Theta Tau
Associated Websites
Benicia Hall, location of Gerontology offices
Guy West Bridge
Dr. Osborne's parents in 1977
The Sac State Library in the fall