Contact Information
Name: Dr. Jana Noel
Title: Professor and Provost's Fellow for Community and Civic Engagement
Office Location: 303 Eureka Hall
Email: noelj@csus.edu
Office Phone: (916) 278-5514
Mailing Address: Sacramento State University 6000 J Street Sacramento, CA 95819-6079
Office Hours: By appointment
Provost's Fellow for Community and Civic Engagement
I am pleased to serve as Sacramento State Provost's Fellow for Community and Civic Engagement. In this role I work to build on and strengthen our university's connection with the community. Sacramento State was selected for the 2010 Carnegie Community Engagement Classification, in recognition of our long commitment to the communities we serve. We currently have over 160 partnerships with community, and I am proud to have the privilege to be able to document and celebrate our community and civic engagement. My work entails, in part:
- Document and integrate Sacramento State's community and civic engagement partnerhsips and activities
- Create and maintain the Sacramento State Community and Civic Engagement web site
- Develop and facilitate new partnerships with government and community organizations
- Work collaboratively to establish risk management procedures for internships, service learning, and field trips, and help to facilitate implementation of these procedures
Selected Community Engagement Activities
2011-present: Promise Neighborhood Coalition for the Marina Vista and Alder Grove Public Housing Complexes. Governance Team Member
2010-present: Parent Teacher Home Visit Project. Board Member
2010-2011: United Way Sacramento Regional Educational Collaborative. Steering Committee Member
2010-2011: Sacramento Mayor's Office Cities of Service Initiative. Research and Evaluation Team Chair
Selected Publications
Noel, J. (Ed.) (In press). Moving teacher education into urban schools and communities: Prioritizing community strengths. New York: Routledge.
Noel, J. (Ed.) (2011). Classic Edition Sources: Multicultural Education (3rd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.
Noel, J. (2011). Striving for authentic community engagement: A process model from urban teacher education. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement, 15(1), 31-52.
Noel, J. (2010). Weaving teacher education into the fabric of urban schools and communities. Teacher Education Quarterly, 37(3), 9-25.
Noel, J. (2010). A critical interrogation of privilege, race, class, and power in a university faculty – urban community relationship. The Urban Review, 42(3), 210-220. DOI: 10.1007/s11256-009-0131-4.
Noel, J., & Sessoms, D. (2009). Structural shifts and cultural transformations: University faculty and their work in PDSs. In Pia Wong and Ronald Glass (Eds.), Prioritizing Urban Children, Teachers and Schools through Professional Development Schools (pp. 155-171). New York: SUNY Press.
Noel, J. (2008). Developing Multicultural Educators (2nd ed.). Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press, Inc.
Noel, J. (2005). Jeremiah B. Sanderson: Educator and organizer for the rights of ‘Colored citizens’ in early California. The Journal of Negro Education, 74(2), 151-158.
Noel, J. (2002). Education toward cultural shame: A century of Native American education. Educational Foundations, 16(1), 19-32.
Selected Honors and Awards
2010: Research and Creative Activities Capstone Award (for research that contributes to the field nationally and internationally)
2008: Outstanding Community Service Award (Sacramento State College of Education)
2008: Quality Education Partnership Award for Distinguished Service to Children and the Preparation of Teachers (given by the California Council on Teacher Education)
Selected Grants Received
2011: "Factors in Faculty Incorporation of Service Learning into Their Courses." Research and Creative Activities Grant received from Sacramento State. $15,470.
2009: "Research and Assessment of Community Engagement at Sacramento State." Project Activities Grant received from Sacramento State, $8073.
2004: "Sacramento Science Projects Related to Equity in Education" (co-author). Grant received from the California Postsecondary Education Commission, funded annually for a total of four years, $1,104,024.
2004: "Community Efforts to Create Public Schooling for African American Children in the 1850s: Three Case Studies." Grant received from the Spencer Foundation, $27,750.
Selected Service on University Committees
2011-present: Faculty Senate Committee on Instructional Program Priorities (member)
2011-present: College of Education Academic Affairs Commmittee (member)
2010-present: Department of Teacher Education Retention, Tenure, and Promotion Committee (Chair)
2010-present: Faculty Senate Faculty Policies Committee (Chair)
2010-present: Faculty Senate Executive Committee (member)
2009-2010: University Program Review Team (member)
2009-2010: Department of Teacher Education Department Executive Committee (member)
Selected Coordinator and Evaluation Positions
2010-present: Co-Chair, Sacramento State/UC Davis Partnership to Reduce Health Disparities through Education, Research, and Training
2009-2011: Facilitator, Sacramento State Community Engagement Faculty Fellows
2005-2009: External Evaluator, Arizona State West Project TENET, Project funded by the U.S. Department of Education
2004-2009: Coordinator and Co-Creator, Sacramento State Urban Teacher Education Center
2003-2004: Teacher Research Coordinator, Sacramento Equity Network
1998-2000: Evaluator, Montana Systemic Teacher Education Program, Project funded by National Science Foundation
Selected Professional Associations
AERA (American Educational Research Association)
AESA (American Education Studies Association)
ASHE (Association for the Study of Higher Education)
PES (Philosophy of Education Society)
The library quad
Guy West Bridge
Mariposa Hall
University Union