University Service:
- Academic Advisor, Competitive Robotics Club (Spring 2023-present)
- Member, ECS Outstanding Faculty Awards Committee (Fall 2023-present)
- Member, Faculty Policies Committee (Fall 2023-Fall 2024)
- Member, Research and Createve Activity (RCA) Awards Committee (Fall 2023-present)
- Member, Institutional Scholarship Committee (Fall 2023-present)
- Juror for Spring Student Research and Creative Activity Sympsium (Spring 2023, Spring 2024, Spring 2025)
- Panel Chair, Research and Creative Activity Awards Committee (AY 2024-2025, AY 2025-2026)
- Chair, EEE Department Assessment Committee (Fall 2024-present)
- Member, EEE Department Assessment Committee (Fall 2022-Fall 2024)
- Member, EEE Department Part Time Faculty Evaluation Committee (Spring 2023-present)
- Member, NSF Review Panel (2023, 2024, 2025)
- Reviewer, IEEE A&A Committee of Senior Member Applications (Fall 2024)
- Co-chair, The 1st Colorado River Basin Symposium on Sustainable Energy, Environment, and Urban Development (CRB-SEED) in the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (Spring 2024)
- Reviewer, Journal and Conferences such as IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, IEEE Transaction on Neural Network and Learning Systems, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics.
Professional Society Membership:
- Senior Member, IEEE (2022-present)
- Senior Member Compotational Intelligence Society, IEEE (2022-present)