Advanced Robotic/Control Research Group (ARC-RG)
Awarded Grants:
- (PI) Department of Defense(DoD)- Army, 2024 Research Equipment Grant to HBCU/MSI, ”Acquisition of Cyber Security Autonomous Heterogeneous Vehicles Laboratory for Research and Teaching in Applied Cyber-Physical Multi-Agent Control Systems and Outreach to High School Students/Teachers.”, $335,194, 2024-2025.
- (PI) The California State University, Chancellor’s Office (CSUCO), The STEM-NET Early Concept Grants for Exploratory Research (EAGER) Program (2024/25), ”Enhancement of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations and Grid Integration to Address Climate Change through AI-Driven Solutions”, $25,000, 2025-2026.
- (PI) The Summer of AI program, "Pre-Advising Conversational AI chatbot for Electrical and Electronic Engineering Students (PAC-AI-EEE)", National Institute on AI in Society (NIAIS), Sacramento State, Summer 2024.
- (PI) Research and Creative Activity (RCA) Faculty Award Program, "Implementation of a Cyber Attack Analysis, Detection, and Mitigation for Multi-Robot Collaboration", Sacramento State, 2024-2025, $10,000.
- (PI) Research Enhanced Support Grant (RESG) program, "Advanced Artificial Intelligence-based Autonomous Control for Industrial and Robotic Applications", Fall 2024 and Spring 2025.
- (PI) Developing Hispanic Serving Institutions (DHSI) Career Mini-Grant, "Providing Student Access to Advanced Industrial Control System Equipment" (Beckhoff PLC training Station), Sacramento State, 2024, $5,000.
- (Co-PI). NSF CYBERCORPS:SFS award (Dr. Behnam Arad (PI)), Title: CyberCorps Scholarship for Service (Renewal): Expanding the Reach of Cybersecurity Training at Sacramento State (award # 2234922). $3,094,046. Aug. 1, 2023-Jul. 31, 2024.
- (PI) IEEE Young Professional Travel Award for IEEE SMC Conference 2023, $500.
- (PI) Research and Creative Activity (RCA) Faculty Award Program, "Implementation of a Human-Multi Robot Collaboration via Virtual Reality (VR)", Sacramento State, 2023-2024, $10,000.
- (PI) Developing Hispanic Serving Institutions (DHSI) Career Mini-Grant, "Improving Student's Knowledge in Robotics by Adopting Autonomous Ground Robot", Sacramento State, 2023, $10,000.
- (PI) Advancing Early Career Faculty Research and Scholarship (ADVANCE) program, funded by the Office of Research, Innovation, and Economic Development (OREID), Sacramento State, 2023, $5,000.
- (PI) Incentive for Developing External Awards (IDEA) program, funded by the Office of Research, Innovation, and Economic Development (OREID), Sacramento State, 2022, $2,500.
- (PI) Faculty Development Grant, "Robotic Training Kit for CET and EET Students", Pennwest-California, 2022, $1,000.
- PI: Principal Investigator, Co-PI: Co-Prioncipal Investigator
Student Projects:
- Juan Jose Goiz-Maya received the 2023/24 ECS Research Assistantship Program Award for the "Implementation of Human and Mobile Robot Interaction using Virtual Reality" project. $3,600 award for the 2024-2025 academic year.
- Sponsored Project, Computer Science Senior Project Team Bit Busters, "Implementation of an Nvidia Jetson Nano-based Autonomous Car", Spring 2024-Fall 2024
- Simran Parkash Jagtap received the 2023/24 ECS Research Assistantship Program Award for the "Face Recognition Attendance System" project. $3,600 award for the 2023-2024 academic year.
Outreach Activities:
- Esparto Elementary Schools Career Technical Education Night, April 17, 2024.
Available Research Positions: