Contact Information
Name: Tom Landerholm
Title: Professor of Biological Sciences
Office Location: Humboldt Hall 211E
Email: landerholm@csus.edu
Office Phone: 916.278.6152
Mailing Address: 6000 J Street
Office Hours: Fall 2016: W 1-4
Courses That I Teach
- BIO 2 Lab: Cells, Molecules and Genes
- BIO 127: Developmental Biology
- BIO 187: Advanced Cell Biology
A. Millan, J. Chapman and T.E. Landerholm; Comparison Between Collagenase Adipose Digestion
and StromaCell Mechanical Dissociation for Mesenchymal Stem Cell Separation, The McNair Scholars Journal, Issue 15, 2014.
R. Muradyan and T.E. Landerholm; Pthalate Plasticizers Disrupt Early Reproductive Development in Nematode Worms, The McNair Scholars Journal, Issue 14, 2013.
Gunhan, E., P. Choudary, T.E. Landerholm and L.M. Chalupa; Depletion of cholinergic amacrine cells by a novel immunotoxin does not perturb the formation of segregated On and Off cone bipolar cell projections; J. Neuroscience, 2002, 22(6):2265-2273..
Lu, J., T.E. Landerholm, J. Wei, X.-R. Dong, X. Lu, M. Inagaki, K. Nagata, and M.W. Majesky; Coronary smooth muscle differentiation from proepicardial cells requires Rho A-mediated actin reorganization and p160 Rho-Kinase activity; Developmental Biology, 240: 404-418, 2001.
Majesky, M.W., T.E. Landerholm and J. Lu; Developmental origins of vascular smooth muscle diversity; J. Vasc. Surg., 29(6): 10-12, 1999
Landerholm, T.E., X-R Dong, J. Lu, N.S. Belaguli, R.J. Schwartz and M.W. Majesky; A role for serum response factor in coronary smooth muscle differentiation from proepicardial cells; Development, 126(10): 2053-2062, 1999.
Menon, V.K. and T.E. Landerholm; Intralesion injection of basic fibroblast growth factor alters glial reactivity to neural trauma; Experimental Neurology, 129:1-6, 1994.
Landerholm, T.E. and J.S. Stern; Use of epinephrine-stimulated lipolysis as a predictor of obesity in high-fat fed female rats; Am. J. Physiol., 263(RICP): R1248-R1253, 1992.
Brilla, L.R. and T.E. Landerholm; Effect of fish oil supplementation and exercise on serum lipids and aerobic fitness; J. Sports Med. Phys. Fitness, 30(N2):173-180, 1990.
K. McDonald, A. Martin, C. Watters, T. Landerholm; Design and Impact of a Faculty Development Program to Implement Inquiry-Based Curriculum Across a Department; Society for the Advancement of Biology Education and Research Annual Conference; University of Minnesota – Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN, July 14-17, 2016.
T. Landerholm, K. McDonald; The Sacramento State SIRIUS Project: Sustainable Interdisciplinary Research to Inspire Undergraduate Success; American Association for the Advancement of Science and the National Science Foundation: Envisioning the Future of Undergraduate STEM Education Symposium; Washington, D.C., April 27-29, 2016.
A. Martin, K. Ahrens, M. Johnson, T. Landerholm, K. Mulligan, H. Nguyen, A. Rechs, K. McDonald; Impacts of an Introductory Level Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE) Exploring Microbial Diversity along the American River; the CSUPERB annual conference, Orange County, CA, January 9-11, 2016.
A. Martin, C. Watters, M. Johnson, T. Landerholm, K. McDonald; Evaluation of a Faculty Development Program to Design Inquiry-Based Curriculum across a Department; the Association of American Colleges and Universities, Transforming STEM Education Conference, Seattle, WA, November 12-14, 2015.
A. Martin, C. Watters, M. Johnson, T. Landerholm, K. McDonald; The Sacramento State Sustainable Interdisciplinary Research to Inspire Undergraduate Success (SIRIUS) Project; the Gordon Conference on Undergraduate Education, Bates College, Lewiston, ME, July 12-16, 2015.
A. Millan, J. Chapman and T.E. Landerholm; Comparison between Collagenase Adipose Digestion and StromaCell Mechanical Dissociation for Mesenchymal Stem Cell Separation, University of Buffalo Research Conference, Niagara Falls, NY, July 24-26, 2014.
A. Millan, J. Chapman, K. Horton and T.E. Landerholm; Comparison between Collagenase Adipose Digestion and StromaCell Mechanical Dissociation for Mesenchymal Stem Cell Separation, SAEOPP, National McNair Conference in Atlanta, GA, June 26-29, 2014.
C. Watters, T.E. Landerholm and K. McDonald; Increasing the opportunity for undergraduate biology students to engage in authentic research at a four-year comprehensive university, Society for Advancement of Science Education Research, University of Minnesota – Twin Cities, July 11-14, 2013.
T.E. Landerholm and K. McDonald; Increasing the opportunity for undergraduate biology students to engage in authentic research at a four-year comprehensive university, National Science Foundation Days, UC Davis, April 25, 2013.
R. Muradyan, R. Copaciu, M. Huanaco, B. Rosenstrauch and T.E. Landerholm; Pthalate Plasticizers Disrupt Early Reproductive Development in Nematode Worms, West Coast Biological Sciences Undergraduate Research Conference, April 20, 2013.
E. Worku, R. Copaciu, D. Chism, D. Hubbert and T.E. Landerholm; Dioxin Disrupts Normal Development through Impairment of the Early Embryogenesis in Nematode Worms, West Coast Biological Sciences Undergraduate Research Conference, April 20, 2013.
C. Watters, T.E. Landerholm and K. McDonald; An Inquiry-Based Model for Teaching Large-Scale Scientific Problems Spanning Biology, CSU Teaching Symposium at CSU Maritime Academy in Vallejo, CA, February 23, 2013.
Sulfab, M., B. Singh and T.E. Landerholm; The combination of platelet-derived growth factor and sonic hedgehog direct differentiation of coronary smooth muscle from the proepicardium in serum-free media; poster at the International American Society for Cell Biology Conference, San Francisco, CA, December, 2006.
Cazares, A., E. Olinger and T.E. Landerholm; Transcriptional regulation of smooth muscle cell differentiation by serum response factor and myocyte enhancing factor 2; Poster at the West Coast Undergraduate Biomedical Research Conference, Santa Clara, CA, April, 2006.
Agar-Gunhan, E., P. Choudary, T.E. Landerholm and L.M. Chalupa; Selective depletion of cholinergic amacrine cells from the developing and adult ferret retina; Neuroscience 2001, abstract.
Huberman, A.D., Agar-Gunhan, E., P. Choudary, T.E. Landerholm and L.M. Chalupa; Combined elimination of ganglion and cholinergic amacrine cells severely perturbs retinal development; Neuroscience 2001, abstract.
Wang, G.-Y., Liets, L.C., T.E. Landerholm and L.M. Chalupa; A role for nitric oxide in retinal ganglion cell activity in mice; Neuroscience 2001, abstract.
Lanoue, L, M.E. Beckers, T.E. Landerholm, R.B. Rucker, C.L. Keen and J.Y. Uriu-Adams; Copper deficiency alters cardiovascular structure and extracellular matrix protein expression during murine development; Teratology 2000, abstract.
T.E. Landerholm, A role for serum response factor in coronary smooth muscle differentiation from proepicardial cells, Young Investigator Award Competition, North American Vascular Biology Organization, 1998 Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
T.E. Landerholm, A role for serum response factor in coronary smooth muscle differentiation from proepicardial cells, Program in Cardiovascular Sciences Elected Speaker, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences Research Symposium 1998, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX.
Research Projects/Interests
Professional Associations
American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB)
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)