Contact Information
Name: Dr. Joseph A. Klucas - Faculty Web Page - Foreign Languages Department
Title: Professor of Spanish, Spanish Major and Minor Advisor, and Graduate Coordinator
Office Location: MRP 2033
Email: klucasja@csus.edu
Office Phone: (916) 278-6652
Mailing Address: Sacramento State University, Foreign Languages Department, 6000 J Street, Sacramento, CA 95819-6087
Office Hours: Spring 2014: MTW: 11:00pm -12:00pm/Grad Adv M 4:00-5:00pm T 3:00-5:00pm
This page updated: : May 8, 2014
Courses that I teach
MA in Spanish Info: MA PP Orientation - F 13 MA Exam Schedule - MA Essay Rubric - On-campus Grad Course Rotation - Summer Grad Course Rotation
MA Comprehensive Exam Guidelines for Hispanic Culture Sub-Areas: 1 Spain (1469-1700) - 2 Spain (1700-Present) - 3 Hispanic America - 4 Mexico
Spring 2014:
Span 151 Outline - Schedule - Topics
Span 151 Notes: Intro Geo - Geo y la Gente
Span 151 Notes: Los mayas - Los incas - La conquista - La arquitectura - Study Guide for Architecture - Study Guide Exam #3
Fall 2013:
- Span 152 01 M eve Outline - Schedule - Topics - Map
- 152 Notes: Introduction - Transition - Felipe Gonzalez
- 152 Notes: Questions 1 - Questions 2 - Ten Yrs After - 20th Century
- 152 Notes: Roman Spain - Muslim Spain - Catholic Kings
- 152 Notes: Carlos V - Felipe II - Ultimos Reyes del Siglo XVII
- 152 Notes: Notas sobre los reyes
- Span 152 02 MW Outline - Schedule - Topics - Map
- Span 250B Outline - Schedule - Topics - Guide - Map - Barcelona - Madrid - Andalucia - Galicia
- 250B Notes: Felipe V - Carlos III y Carlos IV - Bourbon Dynasty
Spring 2013:
- Span 7 Outline - Schedule
- Span 47 Outline - Schedule
- Span 153 Outline - Schedule - Map - Topics - Geo Intro - Olmecas - Mayas - Mexicas - Conquest - Independencia - Porfiriato - Revolucion
Professional Experience
Dr. Joseph A. Klucas is a Professor of Spanish in the Department of Foreign Languages. He received his B.A., M.A. and Ph.D. in Spanish, with a concentration in Brazilian Portuguese, from the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at the University of Iowa in Iowa City, Iowa. His area of research and scholarship is Erasmus of Rotterdam and his influence on Renaissance humanists in sixteenth-century Spain and Portugal.
Dr. Klucas developed his fluency in Spanish by participating in family stays in Temuco, Chile, and study abroad programs at the Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico City, and the Universidad Complutense in Madrid, Spain. Prior to his arrival at CSUS, he taught for two years as a visiting assistant professor at Cornell College in Mount Vernon, Iowa, a four year private Liberal Arts college. At CSUS, in addition to Spanish, he has also taught elementary and intermediate Portuguese.
Dr. Klucas enjoys serving as the first contact person for new freshmen and transfer Spanish majors, guiding students through their Spanish major, and assisting them in planning their study abroad programs. Dr. Klucas currently teaches courses in the area of civilization and culture of Spain, Mexico, and Spanish America, as well as in Spanish conversation and composition. His outside interests include playing classical guitar and Spanish and Latin American folk music.
Erasmus of Rotterdam
Mariposa Hall
El Alcazar de Segovia