About the Program
Sacramento State’s Collaborative Opportunity for Student Advancement COSA Project is a multi-faceted program aimed at facilitating transfer and progress to degree for Los Rios Community College students. The overarching goal of the project is to have students ready to enroll in advanced writing courses in the first semester after transfer and to have completed all upper division GE requirements within the first two semesters after transfer.
A small but robust start-up, now beginning its 6th year, COSA was initially funded by Lumina and the California State University’s Compass Project. Currently, the COSA project is a collaboration between the faculty and staff in both segments of higher education committed to fostering a culture of transfer at the community college and a feeling of belonging at the university, vital for student success. There are three specific components in the project:
A Sac State Transfer COSA club at the community college with student ambassadors in a service learning capacity as navigators and peer mentors
An alt-WPJ writing placement via an easy to use eportfolio assessment system that may be completed the semester prior to transfer at the community college
Guaranteed enrollment in one of several transfer friendly upper division GE courses that meet several graduation requirements, including the advanced writing courses that meets the Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement (GWAR).
- 2016 COSA WPJ with Portfolium
- COSA Project Final Grant Report 2014
- Innovations in General Education: Giving California Students a Compass, ePortfolios, Sacramento State University and Cosumnes River College
More Information
For more information, please contact Janet Hecsh, jhecsh@csus.edu