Contact Information
Name: Dr. Marjorie Gelus - Faculty Web Page - Foreign Languages Department
Title: Professor of German
Office Location: MRP 2055
Email: gelus@csus.edu
Office Phone: (916) 278-6300
Mailing Address: Sacramento State University, Foreign Languages Dept, 6000 J Street Sacramento, CA 95819-6087
Office Hours: Spring 2013: Mon 8:00-8:50am, Wed 10:00-10:50am, Thurs 10:00-10:50am
This page updated: : January 27, 2013
Spring 2013:
- Germ 1B (sec 1)--syllabus
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Curriculum Vitae
I Education
PhD 1975, German Literature, University of California at Berkeley
Dissertation (with Heinz Politzer): "Hölderlin's 'Mnemosyne": An Interpretation."
Minor: French Symbolist Poetry
MA 1968, German Literature, University of California at Berkeley
1965-66, Austrian Literature, University of Vienna
BA 1965, Comparative Literature, Scripps College for Women
Senior Thesis: 'The Approach to Reality: The Theater of Brecht and Ionesco"
II Employment
1992- Professor of German, CSUS
1987-92 Associate Professor of German, CSUS
1983-87 Assistant Professor of German, California State University at Sacramento
1982-83 Visiting Assistant Professor of German, Williams College
1976-77 Leave of absence, for research and writing
1975-82 Assistant Professor of German, Queens College
1971-75 Instructor of German, Queens College, City University of New York
III Research and Writing
Dissertation, book in progress, ten articles, one translation, twenty-seven book reviews, twenty talks, consulting, poetry
Primary interests: literature of the Goethe Era, especially Heinrich von Kleist; modern
literature, especially Franz Kafka; issues of literary theory; feminist theory and criticism.
IV Teaching
German language courses:
beginning, intermediate, advanced, conversation, translation, composition, reading
German and Comparative Literature/ Humanities courses (see attached list):
Twenty-two courses. The German courses concentrate on literature of the Goethe Era,
but include survey courses; introductions to literature and literary criticism; genre
studies; cultural history; history, methods and theory of criticism; and modern literature.
The Comparative Literature/ Humanities courses are Great Books and theme courses.
V Service
German Area, Department, School, University
Chair, Arts and Letters ARTP Committee, 1996-1998
Arts and Letters ARTP Committee, 1996-1999
Faculty Policies Committee, 1996-1998
Chair, ad hoc working group of FPC on sabbatacals, 1996
Chair, ad hoc working group of FPC on PSI, 1996
Academic Senate. 1996-1998
Executive Committee, Academic Senate, 1996-1998
Arts and Sciences ARTP Committee, 1995-1996
Advisory Committee to Academic Vice President Jolene Koester on School responses to Academic Plan, Spring 1995.
Collaborated with David Wagner and Sheila Orman of the Office of Faculty and Staff Affairs on creating a Faculty Manual, 1994-1995;
Chair, Faculty Affairs Committee, 1994-1995;
Faculty Affairs Committee, 1993-1995;
Academic Council of the School of Arts and Sciences, 1993-1995;
Executive Committee of Academic Council, 1993-1995;
Selected to work in Advising Center, 1993-1995;
Member, drafting team for Academic Programs segment of Strategic Plan, as well as Faculty Scholarship segment. Spring 1993;
Chair of search committee for Associate Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies, Spring 1993;
Advisory Committee to Academic Vice President Mary Burger on School Priorities Documents, 1992-93;
Program Reviews: team member for ROTC, Spring 1991; Chair of Art team and Geography team. Fall 1991; Chair of Anthropology team and Ethnic Studies team. Fall 1992; Chair of Women's Studies team. Spring 1993; Chair of Geology team. Fall 1995;
Active in Student Research Competition, 1987-92, as screener, juror, workshop organizer, and chair of steering committee;
Executive Committee representative to CUP in Sylvia Navari's absence. Summer 1992;
Senate Executive Committee, 1992-93;
Senator, 1984-86,1990-93;
Elected as A&S representative to Professional Leave Committee 1991-1993
Regular reviewer of faculty grant proposals, and chair of review teams 1986-92;
Invited presenter at Rodney King forum 5/3/92
Chair of A&S MPPP 4/88
Chair of Research and Creative Activity 1988-90;
Many other departmental, school and university committees, especially those concerned with research and faculty professional development, including Affirmative Action, General Education, UTEC, Faculty Professional Development, Graduate Policies and Programs, Professional Leave;
Regularly attend commencement, twice as marshal (1988, 1990);
Many letters of recommendation written for students and colleagues;
Library liaison for German, evaluate candidates for teaching and exchange positions, coordinate placement exams, create courses, coordinate textbook search, administer Lowet Scholarship;
Panelist on UC Davis Career Panel, 2/8/96
Appointed by Donald Gerth to Board of Directors, KXPR/KXJZ 1/1/94-12/31/96
Critiqued creative writing efforts of Al Sasser, convict in Folsom, 1990-91
Presented a talk on German reunification at the Arlington Women's Club in Berkeley, 9/21/90
Occasional translator of German documents for members of the community, including proofreading and correcting German version of Capitol Tour Brochure, 1989
Mensa-on-Campus sponsor, 1986-87
Treasurer and membership chair of Foreign Language Association of Greater Sacramento, 1985-88
Presenter on Career Panel at UCD Career Day, 1988, 1990
VI Honors. Awards. Grants
1999 Sabbatical Leave, Fall 1999
1999 Stipend for Summer Seminar at UC Berkeley, with Judith Butler
1998 Fulbright Summer Seminar: "Germany and Central Europe"
1996-97 Performance Salary Step Increase award
1992-93 Partial stipend to seminar on current German culture and politics, European Academy, Berlin, June 14-19, 1993
1991-92 6 units CSUS Assigned Time Award for research, S92
1990-91 Sabbatical Leave, F90
1989-90 6 units CSUS Assigned Time Award for research, S90
MPPP award for service
Goethe Institute stipend for two-week Summer Seminar in Berlin
1988-89 3 units CSUS Minigrant Assigned Time for research, S89
1986-87 MPPP award for teaching
1966-71 Three full fellowships at UCB (NDEA, Title IV), two Teaching Assistantships
1965 Phi Beta Kappa
Fulbright Grant to Austria
VII Professional Organizations
Phi Beta Kappa, 1964- present (Chapter Secretary, 1980-81)
Modern Language Association, 1977- present
American Association of Teachers of German, 1977-82 and 1985- present
German Studies Association, 1985- present
California Language Teachers Association, 1985- present
Foreign Language Association of Greater Sacramento, 1985- present (Treasurer and
Membership Chair, 1985-88)
Delta Phi Alpha, 1987- present
Women in German, 1991-present; Steering Committee, 1995-98; conference co-organizer
Research and Writing
"Holderlin's 'Mnemosyne": An Interpretation. University of California at Berkeley,
“The Stain of Flesh. Heinrich von Kleist’s Die heilige Cäcilie oder die Gewalt der Musik.” Heinrich von Kleist. Konstruktive und destruktive Funktionen von Gewalt. Eds. Ricarda Schmidt, Sean Allan, Steven Howe. Verlag Königshausen & Neumann GmbH: Würzburg, 2012. 279-298.
"Patriarchy 's Fragile Boundaries Under Siege: Three Stories of Heinrich von Kleist," article invited by the editors of Women in German Yearbook 10, 1994, 59-82.
"Josephe und die Männer. Klassen und Geschlechtsidentität in Kleists Das Erdbeben in Chili," Kleist-Jahrbuch, 1994, 118-140.
"Birth as Metaphor in Kleist's Das Erdbeben in Chili. A Comparison of Critical Methodologies," Women in German Yearbook 8, 1993, 1-20.
'Thomas Bernhard's 'Viktor Halbnarr': Faust in Contemporary Idiom." Archiv, Vol. 225, 140/2, 1988, 269-284.
'The Advantage of Death: Thomas Bernhard's 'Attaché an der französischen Botschaft and 'An der Baumgrenze.'" Modern Austrian Literature , Vol. 21, Nos. 3/4,1988, 69-88.
"Displacement of Meaning: Kleist's 'Der Findling."' German Quarterly (GQ) (Nov. '82), 541-553.
"Kafka's 'Der Bau': Problems with Reality." Colloquia Germanica 15/1(1982), 98-110.
'"Kleist Conquers New York': Kleist Reception in the U.S., 1975-76." Collaborative article with Ruth Crowley. Comparative Literature Studies 18:4 (Dec. '81), 459-474.
"Kleist in Ragtime." Collaborative article with Ruth Crowley. Journal of Popular Culture 14:1 (Summer '80), 20-26.
"Laughter and Joking in the works of Heinrich von Kleist." GQ 50 (Nov. '77), 452-473.
Hartmut Krug. "Form as Goal - Art as Message: The 29th Berlin Theatertreffen." Theatre Journal. 45/1, March. 1993, 91-97.
Book Reviews
Sara Friedrichsmeyer, Patricia Herminghouse, eds. Women in German Yearbook 13. Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press, 1997. (German Studies Review, Vol. XXII, Number 3, October 1999, 525-527)
AnkeVogel. Unordentliche Familien. Über einige Dramen Kleists. Heilbronn: Kleist-Archiv Sembdner, 1996. (German Studies Review, Vol. XXI, Number 3, October 1998, 595-596)
Seán Allan. The Plays of Heinrich von Kleist. Ideals and Illusions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996. (Monatshefte, Vol.90, Nr.l, Spring 1998, 110-111)
Beatrice Martina Guenther. The Poetics of Death. The Short Prose of Kleist and Balzac. SUNY Series, The Margins of Literature. Ed., Mihai Spariosu. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1996. (Seminar, Vol. XXXIV, Number 2, May 98, 163-164)
Leslie Adelson. Making Bodies, Making History. Feminism and German Identity. Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press ( 1993). (German Studies Review, Vol.XX, Number I, February 1997, 197-199)
William C. Reeve. Kleist on Stage, 1804-1987. Montreal & Kingston, London, Buffalo: McGill-Queen's University Press (1993). (German Studies Review XVII, 2, May 1994, 391-392)
Walter Hinderer, ed. Friedrich Schiller. Wallenstein and Mary Stuart (The German Library, Vol. 16). New York: Continuum (1991). (The American Journal of Germanic Linguistics and Literatures, Vol. 6, No. I, January 1994, 146-149)
Markus Zenker. Zu Goethes Erzählweise versteckter Bezüge in "Wilhelm Meisters Wanderjahre oder die Entsagenden. Würzburg: Konigshausen & Neumann (1990). (German Studies Review, Vol. XV, No.2, May 1992, 382-383)
Frank G. Ryder, ed., German Romantic Stories (The German Library, Vol.35). New York: Continuum (1988), and Jeffrey L. Sammons, ed., German Novellas of Realism, Vols. l-2 (The German Library, Vols.37-38). New York: Continuum (1989). (The American Journal of Germanic Linguistics and Literatures, Vol. IV, Nr. l, Jan.-Feb., 1992, 93-99)
Frank Tobin, ed. and tr. Henry Suso. The Exemplar, with Two German Sermons. New York, Manwah: Paulist Press (1989). (Studia Mystica, XIII/2-3, Summer/Fall '90, 116-120)
Mechthild von Magdeburg, "Ich tanze, wenn du mich führst" (Texte zum Nachdenken, Vol. 59 ). Breisgau: Herderbücherei (Vol. 1549, 1988). (Studia Mystica, XIII/2-3, Summer/Fall '90, 104-107)
Géza von Molnár. Romantic Vision, Ethical Context. Novalis and Artistic Autonomy (Theory and History of Literature, Vol. 39). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press (1987). (Studia Mystica, XII/l, Spring '89, 74-76)
John M. Grandin. Kafka's Prussian Advocate: A Study of the Influence of Heinrich von Kleist on Franz Kafka (Studies in German Literature, Linguistics and Culture, Vol. 31). Columbia, South Carolina: Camden House (1987). (German Studies Review XI/l, February 1988, 154)
Benjamin Bennett, Goethe's Theory of Poetry. "Faust" and the Regeneration of Language, Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press (1986). (Theatre Journal 40/1, March 1988, 133-136)
Benjamin Bennett, Modern Drama & German Classicism. Renaissance from Lessing to Brecht. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press (1979), Cornell Paperbacks (1986). (Theatre Journal 40/1, March 1988, 133-136)
Angelus Silesius, The Cherubinic Wanderer, tr. Maria Shrady. New York, Manwah, Toronto: Paulist Press (1986). (Studia Mystica X/4, Winter '87, 67-69)
Walter Hinderer, ed., Kleists Dramen. Neue Interpretationen. Stuttgart: Philipp Reclam Jun. (1981). (Monatshefte 74/3, Fall '84, 363-364)
Gunter Grimm, ed., Justinus Kerner. Ausgewählte Werke. Stuttgart: Philipp Reclam Jun. (1981). (GQ 56, Jan. '83, 146-167)
Wolfgang Wittkowski, Heinrich von Kleists "Amphitryon". Materialien zur Rezeption und Interpretation. Berlin: de Gruyter (1978). (Monatshefte 73/3, Fall '81, 356-357)
Rainer Nägele, Literatur und Utopie. Versuche zu Holderlin. Heidelberg: Lothar Stiehm Verlag (1978). (Monatshefte 73/3, Fall '81, 354-355)
Klaus Kanzog, Edition und Engagement. 150 Jahre Editionsgeschichte der Werke und Briefe Heinrich von Kleists. Band 1. Darstellung. Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter (1979). (GQ 54, May '81, 350-351)
David J. Constantine, The Significance of Locality in the Poetry of Friedrich Hölderlin. London: Modern Humanities Research Association (1979). (GQ 54, Jan. '81, 96-97)
John M. Ellis, Heinrich von Kleist. Studies in the Character and Meaning of his Writings. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press (1979). (GQ 53, March '80, 227-228)
Maria M. Tatar, Spellbound. Studies on Mesmerism and Literature. Princeton: Princeton University Press (1978). (GQ 52, Nov. '79, 569-70)
Herminio Schmidt, Heinrich von Kleist. Naturwissenschaft als Dichtungsprinzip. Bern, Stuttgart: Verlag Paul Haupt (1978). (GQ 52, Jan. '79, 121-122)
Rolf Dürst, Heinrich von Kleist. Dichter zwischen Ursprung und Endzeit. Kleists Werk im Licht idealistischer Eschatologie. Bern, München: Francke Verlag (1965, 1977). (GQ 52, Jan. '79, 119-120)
Klaus Birkenhauer, Kleist. Tübingen: Rainer Wunderlich Verlag (1977). (GQ 52, Jan. '79,91-92)
Talks Presented
"Johann, Ye'd Hardly Know Ye," celebration on the occasion of Goethe's 250th birthday, California State University, Sacramento, September 1999
Commentary on guest panel "Bodies and Identity" (Tina Campt, Sue-Ellen Case, Sandra Harding), Women in German, 10/30/99, Aptos, CA
"Feminist Revisions of Kleist." Presented at the meeting of the Modern Language Association in Toronto on December 30, 1993, and at the University Association of Research Scholars, CSUS, March 19, 1994. At the MLA, I also also served as commentator for another panel ("Sexualities and Sexual Politics") on December 28.
"Josephe and the Men. Class and Gender Identity in Kleist's Das Erdbeben in Chili." Presented at the meeting of the German Studies Association in Minneapolis, October 2, 1992, and at UARS on October 31, 1992.
"Kleist and Wellbery: Birth as Metaphor." Presented at UARS on November 17, 1990.
"Practicing Theory on Kleist." Presented at the meeting of the German Studies Association in Buffalo, NY, on October 6, 1990.
"Perspectives on the Reuniting Germanys." Presented at the Arlington Women's Club in Berkeley, CA, on September 21, 1990.
Presented a lecture on Goethe and German theater to Janelle Reinelt's Drama 3 class (History of the Theater), CSUS, on April 7, 1989, and April 6, 1990.
Presented formal commentaries on three papers on the panel "Literary Discoveries," at the meeting of the German Studies Association in St. Louis, Missouri, October 15-18,1987.
Presented formal commentaries on the six papers of two panels: "Studies in Böll and Grass" and "The Morality of the Senses," at the meeting of the German Studies Association in Albuquerque, NM, on September 27-28, 1986.
Chaired a panel discussion, "Research in the CSU: Whether, Why and How?" at a meeting of the UARS at CSUS on April 19, 1986.
'"Faust' and Other Classics in Contemporary Garb, or: Thomas Bernhard Is Not So Inaccessible After All." Presented at a meeting of the UARS at CSUS on November 2,1985.
"Thomas Bernhard's Improbable Forms." Presented at a meeting of the German Studies Association in Washington, D.C., on October 5, 1985.
"The Stories of Thomas Bernhard." Presented at a meeting of the University Association of Research Scholars (UARS) at CSUS on December 1, 1984.
"Danger in Kafka's 'Metamorphosis': A Failure of Cognition." Presented at Williams College on April 25, 1983, at the invitation of Chairman of German Edson Chick.
"Danger in Kleist's 'Marquise': A Failure of Nerve." Presented at Williams College on April 21, 1983, at the invitation of Chairman of German Edson Chick.
"Literary Paradigms of a Changing World View: Kleist and Kafka." Presented at Vanderbilt University on January 27, 1983, at the invitation of Acting Chairman of German James Engel.
"Displacement of Meaning: Kleist's 'Der Findling" as Precursor to Kafka. ' Read at the Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, April 23, 1982.
"Kafka's 'Der Bau' Problems with Reality." Read at the Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, April 23-25, 1981.
'"Kleist Conquers New York': Kleist Reception in the U.S., 1975-76." Presented at the University of Wisconsin at Madison on May 3, 1979, at the invitation of Chairman Valters Nollendorfs.
Evaluated an article submitted to Women in German, January 16, 1998 ("Scene 15 of Heinrich von Kleist's Penthesilea: Subverting Phallocentrism and Liberating Écriture Féminine").
Evaluated an article submitted to Women in German, January, 1996 ("Epistemological Asymmetries and Erotic Stagings: Father-Daughter Incest in Heinrich von Kleist's Die Marquise von 0...").
Evaluated an article submitted to Seminar, June, 1995 ("Kafka's Der Prozess: An Analysis of the Way in Which the Court Reflects Joseph K.'s Guilt and Misconduct").
Evaluated an article submitted to Women in German, September, 1994 ('The Body in the Discourse of Wilde and Frauen in the Enlightenment").
Evaluated an article submitted to Women in German, January, 1994 ("Anmut's Gender. The 'Marionettentheater' and Kleist's Revision of Anmut und Würde" ).
Evaluated an article submitted to Women in German, Spring 1993 ("A Family Affair: The Dialogic Construction of Patriarchal Order in Kleist's Marquise von O...").
Evaluated an article submitted to Modern Austrian Literature, Summer 1988 ("Candid Camera Notes on Thomas Bernhard's Novel Auslöschung").
Evaluated an article submitted to Modern Austrian Literature, Summer 1987 ("Does the Non-Sense Make Sense? The Prose of Thomas Bernhard").
Evaluated an article submitted to Modern Austrian Literature, Summer 1986 ("The Rhetoric of Anarcho-Nihilistic Murder: Thomas Bernhard's Das Kalkwerk").
Evaluated the publications of a candidate for tenure at Wabash College, Fall 1985.
Spent several days interviewing the twelve 1982 Williams College applicants for Fulbright Grants.
Evaluated two articles on Heinrich von Kleist submitted to The German Quarterly, May and October 1982.
Commissioned to evaluate and amend a new translation of Arthur Schnitzler's Professor Bernhardi submitted to Cornell University Press, May 1982.
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