Contact Information
Name: Rafael Escamilla, Ph.D., P.T., C.S.C.S., F.A.C.S.M.
Title: Professor of Physical Therapy, Co-Director Biomechanics Laboratory, 2002 to Current
Office Location: Doctor of Physical Therapy Program, Folsom Hall 1054R
Email: rescamil@csus.edu
Office Phone: (916) 278-6930
Mailing Address: Sacramento State University 6000 J Street, MS 6020, Sacramento, CA 95819
Education : Ph.D., Biomechanics, Auburn University; M.P.T., Physical Therapy, Elon University; M.S., Biomechanics, Washington State University; B.S., Mathematics and Physical Education, Linfield College
Sample of Previous Work Experience : 1998 to 2002: Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery; Department of Surgery (Division of Orthopaedic Surgery), Department of Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy, Director of the Michael W. Krzyzewski Human Performance Biomechanics Laboratory. 1996-1998: California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA; Professor; Department of Physical Education and Kinesiology. 1991 to 1996: American Sports Medicine Institute, Birmingham, AL, Biomechanist Researcher.
Professional Interests & Brief Biography
Dr Escamilla is currently a Professor of Physical Therapy and Director of the Biomechanics Laboratory at California State University, Sacramento, and Research Coordinator at Results Physical Therapy and Training Center in Sacramento. He previously served as Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery at Duke University Medical Center in Durham, NC, Director of the Michael W. Krzyzewski Human Performance Laboratory at Duke University, and taught biomechanics and anatomy courses in the Doctor of Physical Therapy program at Duke University. Dr Escamilla received a Ph.D. Degree in Biomechanics from Auburn University in 1995. He also received a Master of Physical Therapy degree from Elon University in 2002 and has practiced as a physical therapist since 2002. He has been a certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (C.S.C.S.) since 1991 and has taught numerous C.S.C.S. classes and workshops, and he is a Fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine. His area of expertise is in Sports Medicine and Sports Biomechanics. He has published over 200 peer reviewed scientific papers, abstracts, and book chapters in biomechanics, physical therapy, and sports medicine related journals and textbooks. He has given nearly 300 professional presentations at scientific conferences, primarily in the areas of knee biomechanics during exercise, overhead throwing biomechanics, and strength and conditioning. He has worked with numerous high profile professional athletes focusing on training and rehabilitation, athletic performance, and injury prevention. In 2015-2016 Dr Escamilla was chosen the outstanding senior faculty researcher at California State University, Sacramento, and in 2014-2015 he was chosen the outstanding researcher for the College of Health and Human Services at California State University, Sacramento. Dr Escamilla has won three national and international powerlifting championships, and was a collegiate athlete in football, baseball, and track.
Courses that I teach in the DPT program
PT 600 Pathokinesiology
PT 620 Therapeutic Exercise I
PT 602 – Evidence Informed Practice I
PT 660 Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist Elective
PT 638 - Health, Wellness, and Ergonomics
PT 636 Geriatrics/Gerontology for Physical Therapists
Select Sample of First Author Peer Reviewed Journal Publications (see CV for complete list):
Escamilla, R.F. My Top Five Concepts for Selecting Lower Extremity Exercises For Cruciate Ligament and Patellofemoral Rehabilitation. International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, In press, 2023.Escamilla, R.F., Slowik, J.S., & Fleisig, G.F. Effects of Contralateral Trunk Tilt on Shoulder and Elbow Injury Risk and Pitching Biomechanics in Professional Baseball Pitchers. American Journal of Sports Medicine, In Press, 2023.
Escamilla, R.F., Zheng, N., MacLeod, T.D., Imamura, R., Wilk, K.E., Wang, S., Yamashiro, K., & Fleisig, G.S. Patellofemoral joint loading in forward lunge with step length and height variations. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 38(4):210-220, 2022.
Escamilla, R.F., Poage, C., Brotherton, S, MacLeod, T.D., Leddon, C., & Andrews, J.R. Kinematic and radiographic evaluation of acromioclavicular reconstruction with a synthetic ligament. Advances in Orthopedics, https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/7144209, Article ID 7144209, Volume 2022: 1-8, May 28, 2022.
Escamilla, R.F., Zheng, N., MacLeod, T.D., Imamura, R., Wilk, K.E., Wang, S., Rubenstein, I., Yamashiro, K., & Fleisig, G.S. Patellofemoral joint loading during the performance of the forward and side lunge with step height variations. International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, 17(2):174-184, 2022.
Aguinaldo, A. & Escamilla, R. Induced power analysis of sequential body motion and elbow valgus load during baseball pitching. Sports Biomechanics, 21(7):824-836, 2022.
Aguinaldo, A. & Escamilla, R. Segmental power a20nalysis of sequential body motion and elbow valgus load during baseball pitching: Comparison between professional and high school baseball players. Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine, 7(2):1-9, 2019.
Ostrander, R., Escamilla, R.F., Hess, R., Witte, K., Wilcox, L., & Andrews, J.R. Glenohumeral rotation deficits in high school, college, & professional baseball pitchers with and without an UCL injury. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, 28(3): 423-429, 2019.
Misra, A.K., Escamilla, R.F. & Trivedi, N.N. Throw Like a Pro V.2.0 mobile app review. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 53(9): 581-582, 2019.
Escamilla, R.F., Slowik, J.S., Diffendaffer, A.Z., & Fleisig, G.S. Differences among overhand, three-quesrters, and sidearm pitching biomechanics in professional baseball players. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 34(5):377-385, 2018.
Escamilla, R.F., Fleisig, G.S., Groeschner, D., Akizuki, K. Biomechanical comparison among fastball, slider, curveball, and changeup pitch types and between balls and strikes in professional baseball pitchers. American Journal of Sports Medicine, 45(14): 3358-3367, 2017.
Escamilla, R.F., Dowling, B, & Fleisig, G.S. Biomechanics of swinging a bat. In C.S. Ahmad, A.A. Romeo (Eds), Baseball Sports Medicine, Wolters Kluwer Health: Medical Practice: New York, 2017.
Escamilla, R.F., Yamashiro, K., Mikla, T., Collins, J., Lieppman, K., & Andrews, J.R. Effects of short-duration stretching drill after pitching on elbow and shoulder range of motion in professional baseball pitchers. American Journal of Sports Medicine, 45(3): 692-700, 2017.
Escamilla, R.F., Lewis, C., Pecson, A., Imamura, R., & Andrews, J.R. Muscle Activation Among Supine, Prone, and Side Position Exercises With and Without a Swiss Ball. Sports Health Journal, 8(4): 372-379, 2016.
Escamilla, R.F., Yamashiro, K., Mikla, T., Dunning, R., Grover, M., Kenniston, M., Loera, J., Tanasse, T., Paulos, L., & Andrews, J.R. Electromyographic analysis of the shoulder while performing exercises using the bodyblade device. International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, 11(2): 175-189, 2016.
Escamilla, R.F. Core stabilization. In M. Miller, K.E. Wilk, J. Irrgang (Eds.), Orthopaedic Knowledge Update: Sports Medicine (pp.), 5th Edition. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 2015.
Escamilla, R.F., MacLeod, T.D., Wilk, K.E., Paulos, L. & Andrews, J.R. Cruciate ligament loading during common knee rehabilitation exercises. Journal of Engineering and Medicine, 226(9): 670-680, 2012.
Escamilla, R.F., Ionno, M., deMahy, S., Fleisig, G.S., Wilk, K.E., Yamashiro, K., Mikla, T., Paulos, L. & Andrews, J.R. Comparison of three baseball-specific six-week training programs on throwing velocity in high school baseball players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 26(7): 1767-1781, 2012.
Escamilla, R.F., MacLeod, T.D., Wilk, K.E., Paulos, L. & Andrews, J.R. Anterior cruciate ligament strain and tensile forces for weight bearing and non-weight bearing exercises: a guide to exercise selection. Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy, 42(3): 208-220, 2012.
Escamilla, R.F. Core trunk stabilization. In J.S. Dines, D.W. Altchek, J.R. Andrews, N.S. ElAttrache, K.E. Wilk, L.A. & Yocum (Eds.), Sports Medicine of Baseball (pp. 498-511). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, 2012.
Escamilla, R.F., Fleisig, G.S., Yamashiro, K.,Mikla, T., Dunning, R., Paulos, L., & Andrews, J.R. Effects of a 4-week youth baseball conditioning program on throwing velocity. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 24(12): 3247-3254, 2010.
Escamilla, R.F., Zheng, N., Imamura, R., MacLeod, T.D., Edwards, W.B., Hreljac, A., Fleisig, G.S., Wilk, K.E., Moorman, C.T. III, Paulos, L., & Andrews, J.R. Cruciate ligament tensile forces between a short-step and long-step forward lunge. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 42(10):1932-1942, 2010.
Escamilla, R.F., Lewis, C., Bell, D, Bramblet, G., Daffron, J., Lambert, S., Pecson, A., Imamura, R., Paulos, L., & Andrews, J.R. Core muscle activation in swiss ball exercises compared to traditional abdominal exercises. Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy, 40(5):265-276, 2010.
Escamilla, R.F., Zheng, N., Imamura, R., MacLeod, T.D., Edwards, W.B., Hreljac, A., Fleisig, G.S., Wilk, K.E., Moorman, C.T. III, Paulos, L., & Andrews, J.R. Cruciate ligament tensile forces during the forward and side lunge. Clinical Biomechanics, 25(3): 213-221, 2010.
Escamilla, R.F., Yamashiro, K., Paulos, L., & Andrews, J.R. Shoulder Muscle Activity and Function in Common Shoulder Rehabilitation Exercises. Sports Medicine, 39(8): 663-685, 2009.
Escamilla, R.F. & Andrews, J.R. Shoulder muscle recruitment patterns and related biomechanics during upper extremity sports. Sports Medicine, 39(7): 569-590, 2009.
Escamilla, R.F., Fleisig, G.S., DeRenne, C., Taylor, M.K., Moorman, C.T., Imamura, R., Barakatt, E, & Andrews, J.R. Effects of bat grip on baseball hitting kinematics. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 25: 203-209, 2009.
Escamilla, R.F., Fleisig, G.S., DeRenne, C., Taylor, M.K., Moorman, C.T., Imamura, R., Barakatt, E, & Andrews, J.R. A comparison of age level on baseball hitting kinematics. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 25: 210-218, 2009.
Escamilla, R.F., Zheng, N., Imamura, R., MacLeod, T.D., Edwards, W.B., Hreljac, A., Fleisig, G.S., Wilk, K.E., Moorman, C.T. III, & Andrews, J.R. Patellofemoral compressive force and stress during the one leg squat and wall squat. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 41(4): 879-888, 2009.
Escamilla, R.F., Zheng, N., Imamura, R., MacLeod, T.D., Edwards, W.B., Hreljac, A., Fleisig, G.S., Wilk, K.E., Moorman, C.T. III, & Andrews, J.R. Cruciate ligament force during the wall squat and one leg squat. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 41(2): 408-417, 2009.
Escamilla, R.F. Electromyographic activity during upper extremity sports. In K.E. Wilk, M.M. Reinold, & J.R. Andrews (Eds), The Athletes Shoulder (pp. 385-400). Churchill Livingstone Elsevier: Philadelphia, 2009.
Escamilla, R.F. & Yamashiro, K.M. Open and closed kinetic chain rehabilitation for the upper extremity. In K.E. Wilk, M.M. Reinold, & J.R. Andrews (Eds), The Athletes Shoulder (pp. 603-625). Churchill Livingstone Elsevier: Philadelphia, 2009.
Escamilla, R.F., Zheng, N., Imamura, R., MacLeod, T.D., Edwards, W.B., Hreljac, A., Fleisig, G.S., Wilk, K.E., Moorman, C.T. III, & Andrews, J.R. Patellofemoral compressive force and stress between a short and long step forward lunge. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy. 38:11, 681-690, 2008.
Escamilla, R.F., Zheng, N., MacLeod, T.D., Edwards, W.B., Hreljac, A., Fleisig, G.S., Wilk, K.E., Moorman, C.T. III, & Imamura, R. Patellofemoral compressive force and stress during the forward and side lunge with and without stride. Clinical Biomechanics, 23:8, 1026-1037, 2008.
Escamilla, R.F., Barrentine, S.W., Fleisig, G.S. Zheng, N., Takada, Y., Kingsley, D., & Andrews, J.R. Pitching biomechanics as a pitcher approaches muscular fatigue during a simulated baseball game. American Journal of Sports Medicine, 35:1, 23-33, 2007.
Escamilla, R.F. & Wickham, R. Exercise based conditioning and rehabilitation. In G. Kolt & L. Snyder-Mackler (Eds), 2nd Edition, Physical Therapies in Sports and Exercise (pp. 149-170). Churchill Livingstone Elsevier: Philadelphia, 2007.
Escamilla, R.F., Babb, E., DeWitt, R., Jew, P., Kelleher, P., Burnham, T., Busch, J., D’Anna, K., Mowbray, R., & Imamura, R.T. An electromyographic analysis of traditional and non-traditional abdominal exercises: implications for rehabilitation and training. Physical Therapy, 86:5, 656-671, 2006.
Escamilla, R.F., McTaggart, M.S.C., Fricklas, E.J., DeWitt, R., Kelleher, P., Taylor, M.K., Hreljac, A., & Moorman, C.T. An electromyographic analysis of commercial and common abdominal exercises: implications for rehabilitation and training. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 36:2, 45-57, 2006.
Escamilla, R.F. Exercise testing and prescription. In K.P. Speer (Ed), Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation for Active Older Adults (pp. 19-47). Human Kinetics: Champaign, 2005.
Escamilla, R.F. & Wickham, R. Exercise based conditioning and rehabilitation. In G. Kolt & L. Snyder-Mackler (Eds), Physical Therapies in Sports and Exercise. Churchill Livingstone: 2003.
Escamilla, R.F., Fleisig, G.S., Barrentine, S.W., Andrews, J.R., & Moorman, C.T., III. Kinematic and kinetic comparisons between american and korean professional baseball pitchers. Sports Biomechanics, 1(2): 213-228, 2002.
Escamilla, R.F., Francisco, A.C., Kayes, A.V., Speer, K.P., & Moorman, C.T., III. An electromyographic analysis of sumo and conventional style deadlifts. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 34(4): 682-688, 2002.
Escamilla, R.F., Fleisig, G.S., Zheng, N., Lander, J.E., Barrentine, S.W., Bergemann, B.W., Andrews, J.R., & Moorman, C.T., III. Effects of technique variations on knee biomechanics during the dynamic squat and leg press exercises. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 33(9): 1552-1566, 2001.
Escamilla, R.F., Lowry, T.M., Osbaryl, D.C., & Speer, K.P. A biomechanical analysis of sumo and conventional deadlifts during the 1999 special olympics world games. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 33(8): 1345-1353, 2001.
Escamilla, R.F., Fleisig, G.S., Lowry, T.M., Barrentine, S.W., & Andrews, J.R. A three-dimensional biomechanical analysis of the squat during varying stance widths. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 33(6): 984-998, 2001.
Escamilla, R.F., Fleisig, G.S., Zheng, N., Barrentine, S.W., & Andrews, J.R. Kinematic comparisons of 1996 olympic baseball pitchers. Journal of Sports Science, 19: 665-676, 2001.
Escamilla, R.F. Knee biomechanics of the dynamic squat exercise. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 33(1): 127-141, 2001.
Escamilla, R.F., Francisco, A.C., Fleisig, G.S., Barrentine, S.W., Welch, C.M., Kayes, A.V., Speer, K.P., & Andrews, J.R. A three-dimensional biomechanical analysis of sumo and conventional style deadlifts. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 32 (7): 1265-1275, 2000.
Escamilla, R.F., Fleisig, G.S., Barrentine, S.W., Andrews, J.R, & Speer, K.P. Effects of throwing overweight and underweight balls on baseball throwing and pitching. Sports Medicine, 29(4): 259-272, 2000.
Escamilla, R.F., Lander, J.E., & Garhammer, J. Biomechanics of Powerlifting and Weightlifting Exercises. In W.E. Garrett & D.T. Kirkendall (Eds), Exercise and Sport Science (pp. 585-615). Lippincott Williams & Wilkens: Philadelphia, 2000.
Escamilla, R.F., Fleisig, G.S., Zheng, N., Barrentine, S.W., Wilk, K.E., & Andrews, J.R.Biomechanics of the knee during closed kinetic chain and open kinetic chainexercises. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 30(4): 556-569, 1998.
Escamilla, R.F., Fleisig, G.S., Barrentine, S.W., Zheng, N., & Andrews, J.R. Kinematic comparisons of throwing different types of baseball pitches. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 14(1):1-23, 1998.
Escamilla, R.F. Normal and abnormal muscle and ligament physiology. In G.J. Sammarco (Ed.), Rehabilitation of The Foot and Ankle (pp. 77-94). Mosby: St. Louis, 1995.
Select Sample of First Author Book Chapters (see CV for complete list):
Escamilla, R.F & Finatto, Paula. Core stabilization. In F. Azar, K.E. Wilk, (Eds.), Orthopaedic Knowledge Update: Sports Medicine (pp.), 6th Edition. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 2019.
Escamilla, R.F. Pitching Biomechanical Comparisons Among Fastball, Slider, Curveball, and Changeup Pitch Types in Professional Baseball Pitchers. In Subic, A. et al. (Eds), The Impact of Technology on Sport VIII, Elsevier Procedia, 2019.
Escamilla, R.F. Peak Patellofemoral and ACL/PCL Forces While Performing the Forward Lunge Exercise With Varying Techniques. In Subic, A. et al. (Eds), The Impact of Technology on Sport VIII, Elsevier Procedia, 2019.
Escamilla, R.F., Dowling, B, & Fleisig, G.S. Biomechanics of swinging a bat. In C.S. Ahmad, A.A. Romeo (Eds), Baseball Sports Medicine, Wolters Kluwer Health: Medical Practice: New York, 2019.
Escamilla, R.F., Dowling, B, & Fleisig, G.S. Biomechanics of swinging a bat. In C.S. Ahmad, A.A. Romeo (Eds), Baseball Sports Medicine, Wolters Kluwer Health: Medical Practice: New York, 2017.
Escamilla, R.F. Core stabilization. In M. Miller, K.E. Wilk, J. Irrgang (Eds.), Orthopaedic Knowledge Update: Sports Medicine (pp.), 5th Edition. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 2015.
Escamilla, R.F. Core trunk stabilization. In J.S. Dines, D.W. Altchek, J.R. Andrews, N.S. ElAttrache, K.E. Wilk, L.A. & Yocum (Eds.), Sports Medicine of Baseball (pp. 498-511). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, 2012.
Escamilla, R.F. Core Stability of the Lumbopelvic-Hip Complex. In A.L. Chen (Ed.), Orthopaedic Care of the Mature Athlete (pp 113-136). American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons: Illinois, 2011.
Escamilla, R.F. Electromyographic activity during upper extremity sports. In K.E. Wilk, M.M. Reinold, & J.R. Andrews (Eds), The Athletes Shoulder (pp 385-400). Churchill Livingstone Elsevier: Philadelphia, 2009.
Escamilla, R.F. & Yamashiro, K.M. Open and closed kinetic chain rehabilitation for the upper extremity. In K.E. Wilk, M.M. Reinold, & J.R. Andrews (Eds), The Athletes Shoulder (pp 603-625). Churchill Livingstone Elsevier: Philadelphia, 2009.
Escamilla, R.F. & Wickham, R. Exercise based conditioning and rehabilitation. In G. Kolt & L. Snyder-Mackler (Eds), 2nd Edition, Physical Therapies in Sports and Exercise (pp 149-170). Churchill Livingstone Elsevier: Philadelphia, 2007.
Escamilla, R.F. Exercise testing and prescription. In K.P. Speer (Ed), Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation for Active Older Adults (pp. 19-47). Human Kinetics: Champaign, 2005.
Escamilla, R.F. & Wickham, R. Exercise based conditioning and rehabilitation. In G. Kolt & L. Snyder-Mackler (Eds), Physical Therapies in Sports and Exercise. Churchill Livingstone: 2003.
Escamilla, R.F., Lander, J.E., & Garhammer, J. Biomechanics of Powerlifting and Weightlifting Exercises. In W.E. Garrett & D.T. Kirkendall (Eds), Exercise and Sport Science (pp. 585-615). Lippincott Williams & Wilkens: Philadelphia, 2000.
Escamilla, R.F. Normal and abnormal muscle and ligament physiology. In G.J.Sammarco (Ed.), Rehabilitation of The Foot and Ankle (pp. 77-94). Mosby: St. Louis, 1995.
Select Sample of Professional Presentations (see CV for complete list):
Patellofemoral joint loading during the wall and ball squat with heel-to-wall-distance variations. 2023 Annual Meeting, World Congress on Exercise is Medicine, and World Congress on the Basic Science of Exercise and the Brain of the American College of Sports Medicine, Denver, CO, June 2023.Strengthening and knee loading during lunge and squat exercises. 41st Annual Injuries in Baseball Course, American Sports Medicine Institute, Plano, TX, January 2023
Goldberg Mueller Keynote Address on Injury Prevention: Prevention of UCL injuries in baseball pitchers. 41st Annual Injuries in Baseball Course, American Sports Medicine Institute, Plano, TX, January 2023
Pathomechanics of the overhead throwing shoulder and elbow. 2022 Twin Cities Orthopedics Baseball Medicine Conference, St Paul, MN, November 2022.
Using weighted balls for performance enhancement. 2022 Twin Cities Orthopedics Baseball Medicine Conference, St Paul, MN, November 2022.
Designing a weighted ball program for the youth thrower. 2022 Twin Cities Orthopedics Baseball Medicine Conference, St Paul, MN, November 2022.
Epidemic of UCL Injuries in Adult and Youth Baseball Pitchers - Causes and Prevention Strategies. 2022 Annual Meeting, World Congress on Exercise is Medicine, and World Congress on the Basic Science of Exercise and the Brain of the American College of Sports Medicine, San Diego, CA, June 2022.
Comparison of Four Quick and Reliable Methods of Assessing Body Fat Appropriate for Clinical Settings Among Young, Middle-Age, and Older Healthy Male and Female White Adults. 2022 Annual Meeting, World Congress on Exercise is Medicine, and World Congress on the Basic Science of Exercise and the Brain of the American College of Sports Medicine, San Diego, CA, June 2022.
Clinically appropriate methods for assessing body composition. Spring 2022 Health and Human Service Research Colloquium, College of Health and Human Services, Sacramento State University, Sacramento, CA, April 2022.
Health-Related Fitness to Enhance Function and Decrease Risk of Cardiovascular Disease. 25th Annual McGinty Continuing Educational Seminar. Department of Physical Therapy, Sacramento State University, Sacramento, CA, April 2022
Rehabilitation Following Selected Shoulder Surgeries. 40th Annual Injuries in Baseball Course, American Sports Medicine Institute, Virtual, January 2022
Patellofemoral joint loading in forward lunge rehabilitation exercises. 2021 Annual Meeting, World Congress on Exercise is Medicine, and World Congress on the Basic Science of Exercise and the Brain of the American College of Sports Medicine (Virtual), June 2021.
Biomechanical Aspects of QB versus Pitcher or Dual Throwers in High School: Good or Bad. Andrews Institute Injuries in Football Virtual Course, May 2021.
Shoulder and Elbow Biomechanics and Common Injuries in Overhead Throwing. California Student Conclave (Virtual), March 2021.
Elbow Biomechanics of the Overhead Throwing Athlete. Duke Sports Medicine Baseball Symposium (Virtual), January 2021.
Plyometrics for the thrower. 39th Annual Injuries in Baseball Course, American Sports Medicine Institute, Virtual, January 2021.
The effects of 12 weeks of exercise compliance versus non-compliance on body composition, muscular strength, power and endurance, agility, fall risk, walking speed, flexibility, and cardiorespiratory fitness in older healthy adults. 2020 California Physical Therapy Association Annual Conference (Virtual), October 2020.
Patellofemoral joint loading performing the forward and side lunge with step height variations. 2020 Annual Meeting, World Congress on Exercise is Medicine, and World Congress on the Basic Science of Exercise and the Brain of the American College of Sports Medicine (Virtual), June 2020.
Cruciate Ligament & Patellofemoral Loading during Weight Bearing and Non-Weight Bearing Exercises. 1st Annual Brazilian Physiotherapy Conference, Sao Paulo, Brazil, May 2020.
Pitching Mechanics on a Dirt Mound Versus a Turf Mound. 38th Annual Injuries in Baseball Course, American Sports Medicine Institute, Atlanta, GA, January 2020.
Best Evidence-Based Exercises for the Throwing Shoulder. 38th Annual Injuries in Baseball Course, American Sports Medicine Institute, Atlanta, GA, January 2020.
Weighted Ball Throwing Programs: Are they safe and effective? 38th Annual Injuries in Baseball Course, American Sports Medicine Institute, Atlanta, GA, January 2020.
Biomechanics and pathology of the throwing shoulder and elbow in the athletic population. Charles University Physiotherapy Workshop, Prague, Czech Republic, November 2019.
Induced power analysis of sequential body motion and elbow valgus load during baseball pitching. 2019 International Society of Biomechanics Annual Meeting, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, July-August, 2019.
Glenohumeral rotation deficits in high school, college, & professional baseball pitchers with and without an UCL injury. 2019 Annual Meeting, World Congress on Exercise is Medicine, and World Congress on the Basic Science of Exercise and the Brain of the American College of Sports Medicine, Orlando, FL, May - June, 2019.
Resistance training programs: are they safe and effective in enhancing throwing velocity? 37th Annual Injuries in Baseball Course, American Sports Medicine Institute, Birmingham, AL, January 2019.
How mound slopes affects pitching mechanics. 37th Annual Injuries in Baseball Course, American Sports Medicine Institute, Birmingham, AL, January 2019.
Elbow Biomechanics and Rehab of the Overhead Throwing Athlete. 2019 American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meetings, Washington, DC, January 2019.
Elbow Biomechanics and Pathology in the Overhead Throwing Athlete. 5th Annual San Francisco Giants Sports Medicine Conference. San Francisco, CA, January 2019.
Shoulder Biomechanics and Pathology in the Overhead Throwing Athlete. 5th Annual San Francisco Giants Sports Medicine Conference. San Francisco, CA, January 2019.
Differences among overhand, three-quarter, and sidearm pitching biomechanics in professional baseball players. 5th Annual San Francisco Giants Sports Medicine Conference. San Francisco, CA, January 2019.
Weight loss through Exercise. Renaissance Society, Sacramento, CA, September 2018.
Four Methods of Assessing Body Fat in 60 Seconds or Less in Young, Middle Age, and Older Healthy Adults. Eighth International Conference on Health, Wellness & Society, London, England, September 2018.
Relationship of segmental energy flow and elbow valgus loading during baseball pitching. International Sports Biomechanics Society (ISBS) 2018 Annual Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, September 2018.
Peak Patellofemoral and ACL/PCL Forces While Performing the Forward Lunge with Varying Techniques. 2018 Sacramento State University Research Symposium, Sacramento, CA, March 2018.
Epidemic, Epidemiology, and Risk Factors of UCL Injuries. 2018 American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meetings, New Orleans, LA, February 2018.
Biomechanics and Pathology of the Overhead Throwing Elbow. 2018 American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meetings, New Orleans, LA, February 2018.
Outcomes After UCL Reconstruction. 2018 American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meetings, New Orleans, LA, February 2018.
Biomechanics and Pathology of the Overhead Throwing Shoulder. 2018 American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meetings, New Orleans, LA, February 2018.
Re-Injury Rates of Post-Op ACL Reconstruction and Re-Injury Prevention Strategies. 2018 American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meetings, New Orleans, LA, February 2018.
Biomechanics of the throwing shoulder. 36th Annual Injuries in Baseball Course, American Sports Medicine Institute, Birmingham, AL, January 2018.
The 2 Out Program: What Is It and Is It Effective?. 36th Annual Injuries in Baseball Course, American Sports Medicine Institute, Birmingham, AL, January 2018.
Biomechanical comparison among fastball, slider, curveball, and changeup pitch types in professional baseball pitchers. The 8th Asia-Pacific Congress on Sports Technology, Tel Aviv, Israel, October 2017.
Electromyographic muscle analysis during swiss ball bridging exercises performed with two different ankle positions. The 8th Asia-Pacific Congress on Sports Technology, Tel Aviv, Israel, October 2017.
Patellofemoral force and stress performing the forward lunge with a short and long step at ground level and up to an elevated platform. 2017 California Physical Therapy Association Annual Conference, San Diego, CA, September 2017.
Re-injury rates of Post-Op ACL Reconstructions. Teen Sports Medicine Symposium: Prevention, Injury, Rehab, Performance for the Young athlete, presented at the 2017 Northeast District of the California Physical Therapy Association, Sacramento, CA, July, 2017.
Peak patellofemoral and ACL/PCL forces while performing the forward lunge exercise with varying techniques. 2017 Annual Meeting, World Congress on Exercise is Medicine, and World Congress on the Basic Science of Exercise and the Brain of the American College of Sports Medicine, Denver, CO, May – June, 2017.
Comparison of baseball-specific training programs on performance and shoulder injury potential. 2017 American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meetings, San Antonio, TX, February 2017.
SLAP injuries and the role of the biceps in the overhead throwing athlete. 2017 American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meetings, San Antonio, TX, February 2017.
Shoulder and elbow biomechanics and pathology in pitching. 2017 American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meetings, San Antonio, TX, February 2017.
Biomechanics of the throwing elbow. 35th Annual Injuries in Baseball Course, American Sports Medicine Institute, Dallas, TX, January 2017.
Comparison of pitching mechanics and control among various pitch types. 35th Annual Injuries in Baseball Course, American Sports Medicine Institute, Dallas, TX, January 2017.
Knee joint loading between weight bearing and non-weight bearing rehabilitation exercises. The 11th Beijing International Forum on Rehabilitation, Beijing, China, December 2016.
Peak patellofemoral and ACL/PCL forces while performing the forward lunge exercise with varying techniques. 2016 Innovative Techniques – The Knee Course. Las Vegas, NV, October 2016.
ACL and patellofemoral loading during weight bearing and non-weight bearing exercise. Evaluation and Treatment of Shoulder and Knee Injuries Course, Salvador, Brazil, August 2016.
Strengthening Exercises for the “Core” to Help Prevent Lower Extremity Injuries and Improve Function. Evaluation and Treatment of Shoulder and Knee Injuries Course, Salvador, Brazil, August 2016.
Advanced strength & conditioning and nutrition to maximize athletic performance and enhance the rehabilitation process. 2016 American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meetings, Anaheim, CA, February 2016.
Biomechanics and pathology of the overhead throwing elbow and the current epidemic of UCL injuries. 2016 Arkansas Physical Therapy Annual Conference, Little Rock, AR, September 2016.
UCL reconstruction long term outcomes and surgical techniques. 2016 Arkansas Physical Therapy Annual Conference, Little Rock, AR, September 2016.
Advanced strength & conditioning and nutrition to maximize athletic performance and enhance the rehabilitation process. 2016 American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meetings, Anaheim, CA, February 2016.
What’s new in ACL rehabilitation? evidence based approach for the selection and application of strength and neuromuscular control exercises. 2016 American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meetings, Anaheim, CA, February 2016.
Biomechanics of the throwing shoulder. 34th Annual Injuries in Baseball Course, American Sports Medicine Institute, Costa Mesa, CA, January 2016.
What are the best evidence-based exercises for the shoulder? 34th Annual Injuries in Baseball Course, American Sports Medicine Institute, Costa Mesa, CA, January 2016.
Shoulder biomechanics, pathomechanics, and pathology. 2nd Annual San Francisco Giants Sports Medicine Conference. San Francisco, CA, January 2016.
Evidence-based research: rotator cuff & scapular exercises. 2nd Annual San Francisco Giants Sports Medicine Conference. San Francisco, CA, January 2016.
Elbow biomechanics, pathomechanics, and pathology. 2nd Annual San Francisco Giants Sports Medicine Conference. San Francisco, CA, January 2016.
The loading of the ACL between weight bearing and non-weight bearing rehabilitation exercises: Is there a Difference? 2015 10th International Congress of Chinese Orthopaedic Association, Chongqing, China, November 2015.
Epidemic of UCL injuries in youth & adult pitchers: causes, treatment, & prevention. 2015 62nd Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, World Congress on Exercise is Medicine, and World Congress on the Basic Science of Exercise Fatigue of the American College of Sports Medicine, San Diego, CA, May 2015.
Muscle activation among supine, prone, and side position exercises with and without a swiss ball. 2015 62nd Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, World Congress on Exercise is Medicine, and World Congress on the Basic Science of Exercise Fatigue of the American College of Sports Medicine, San Diego, CA, May 2015.
Loading of the cruciate ligaments during weight bearing and non-weight bearing exercises and activities. 4th International Knee Rehabilitation Course, Campinas, San Paulo, Brazil, April 2015.
Loading of the patellofemoral joint during weight bearing and non-weight bearing exercises and activities. 4th International Knee Rehabilitation Course, Campinas, San Paulo, Brazil, April 2015.
Pathomechanics and biomechanics of the throwing shoulder. 2015 American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meetings, Indianapolis, IN, February 2015.
SLAP injuries and the role of the biceps in the overhead throwing athlete. 2015 American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meetings, Indianapolis, IN, February 2015.
Comparison of baseball-specific training programs on performance and shoulder injury potential. 2015 American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meetings, Indianapolis, IN, February 2015.
Special considerations for the overhand throwing youth athlete. 2015 American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meetings, Indianapolis, IN, February 2015.
Biomechanics and pathomechanics of the adolescent thrower. 2015 American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meetings, Indianapolis, IN, February 2015.
Elbow pitching biomechanics and UCL elbow risk factors in adult and youth pitchers: Biomechanics and risk factors in the throwing elbow. 2015 American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meetings, Indianapolis, IN, February 2015.
Biomechanics of the pitching shoulder. 1st Annual San Francisco Giants Sports Medicine Conference. San Francisco, CA, January 2015.
Biomechanics of the pitching elbow. 1st Annual San Francisco Giants Sports Medicine Conference. San Francisco, CA, January 2015.
Weighted baseballs and long toss biomechanics for healthy pitchers. 1st Annual San Francisco Giants Sports Medicine Conference. San Francisco, CA, January 2015.
Which exercise are most effective in recruiting glenohumeral and scapulothoracic muscles. 1st Annual San Francisco Giants Sports Medicine Conference. San Francisco, CA, January 2015.
Strengthening exercises for the core. 2nd Annual International Congress of Physiotherapy of the Bahia (II CIFIBA), Porto Seguro, Brazil, November 2014.
Cruciate ligament loading during weight bearing and non-weight bearing exercises and activities. 2nd Annual International Congress of Physiotherapy of the Bahia (II CIFIBA), Porto Seguro, Brazil, November 2014.
Patellofemoral joint loading during weight bearing and non-weight bearing exercises and activities. 2nd Annual International Congress of Physiotherapy of the Bahia (II CIFIBA), Porto Seguro, Brazil, November 2014.
Rehabilitation after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. 2nd Annual International Congress of Physiotherapy of the Bahia (II CIFIBA), Porto Seguro, Brazil, November 2014.
Rehabilitation after patellofemoral joint pain syndrome. 2nd Annual International Congress of Physiotherapy of the Bahia (II CIFIBA), Porto Seguro, Brazil, November 2014.
The Relationship among Biomechanics, Pitch Counts, and Injury Risk in Youth Baseball. 2014 61st Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine & 5th World Congress on Exercise is Medicine, and World Congress on the Role of Inflammation in Exercise, Health, and Disease, Orlando, Florida, May 2014.
Comparison of Three Baseball Specific Six-Week Training Programs on Trunk Strength and Power in High School Baseball Players. 2014 61st Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting & 5th World Congress on Exercise is Medicine, and World Congress on the Role of Inflammation in Exercise, Health, and Disease, Orlando, Florida, May 2014.
Cruciate ligament loading during weight bearing and non-weight bearing exercises and activities. IV Brazilian Conference of Manual Therapy, João Pessoa, Brazil, April-May, 2014.
Patellofemoral joint loading during weight bearing and non-weight bearing exercises and activities. IV Brazilian Conference of Manual Therapy, João Pessoa, Brazil, April-May, 2014.
Minimizing injuries and enhancing performance in youth baseball players. 2014 American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meetings, Las Vegas, NV, February 2014.
Assessment of baseball training programs on trunk strength and power in high school baseball players. 2014 American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meetings, Las Vegas, NV, February 2014.
Soft tissue and joint influences of poor trunk stability. Northeast Seminars Hip Course, Raleigh, NC, February 2014.
Analysis of trunk exercises in open and closed chain. Northeast Seminars Hip Course, Raleigh, NC, February 2014.
Weighted baseballs and long toss biomechanics. 32nd Annual Injuries in Baseball Course, American Sports Medicine Institute, Atlanta, GA, January 2014.
Six-week core training program for high school baseball players. 32nd Annual Injuries in Baseball Course, American Sports Medicine Institute, Atlanta, GA, January 2014.
Anterior cruciate ligament: weight bearing and non-weight bearing exercises. IV IBRAMED International Scientific Meeting, Amparo, Brazil, October 2013.
Patellofemoral loading during rehabilitation exercises and injury prevention strategies for patellofemoral pain. IV IBRAMED International Scientific Meeting, Amparo, Brazil, October 2013.
Comparison of three baseball-specific six week training programs on trunk strength and power in high school baseball players. 2013 California Physical Therapy Association Annual Conference, Pasadena, CA, September 2013.
Comparison of three baseball-specific six week training programs on shoulder strength and power in high school baseball players. 60th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, May 2013.
Elbow mechanics during baseball pitching. 2013 Northern California Sports Medicine Education, Sacramento, CA, February 2013.
The effects of baseball training programs on shoulder function. 2013 American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meetings, San Diego, CA, February 2013.
Select Sample of Funded Research Grants/Projects (see CV for complete list):
Escamilla, R.F. $7,500 awarded April 2022. Grant Organization: Health and Human Services Faculty 2022 Summer Fellowship. Title: Comparison in Patellofemoral Joint Loading Between Wall and Ball Squat Exercises.Escamilla, R.F. $7500 awarded March 2022. Grant Organization: CSUS Research and Creative Activity Award Program, California State University, Sacramento, CA. Title: Cruciate Ligament Loading in Forward Lunge with Step Length and Height Variations.
Escamilla, R.F. $7500 awarded March 2021. Grant Organization: CSUS Research and Creative Activity Award Program, California State University, Sacramento, CA. Title: Patellofemoral Joint Loading in Forward Lunge with Step Length and Height Variations.
Escamilla, R.F. $7,500 awarded April 2021. Grant Organization: Health and Human Services Faculty 2021 Summer Fellowship. Title: Cruciate Ligament Loading in Side and Forward Lunge with Height Variations.
Escamilla, R.F. $5,000 awarded April 2019. Grant Organization: Health and Human Services Faculty 2021 Summer Fellowship. Title: Patellofemoral Joint Loading Performing the Forward and Side Lunge with Step Height Variations
Escamilla, R.F. $4,400 awarded April 2018. Grant Organization: Health and Human Services Faculty 2018 Summer Fellowship. Title: Biomechanical Loading of the Knee Joint While Performing a Ball Squat Exercise With Technique and Resistance Variations.
Escamilla, R.F. $7,500 awarded April 2017. Grant Organization: Health and Human Services Faculty 2017 Summer Fellowship. Title: Peak loading of the Patellofemoral Joint While Performing the Forward Lunge with a Long and Short Step on a Flat surface and up to a 4 inch Platform.
Escamilla, R.F. $10,000 awarded April 2016. Grant Organization: Health and Human Services Faculty 2016 Summer Fellowship. Title: Development of a Health and Fitness Center.
Escamilla, R.F., MacLeod, T.D., Zheng, N. $7,500 awarded April 2016. Grant Organization: Health and Human Services Faculty 2016 Summer Fellowship. Title: Knee Biomechanics While Performing Therapeutic Exercises on Unstable and Stable Surfaces.
Escamilla, R.F. $5000 awarded April 2015. Grant Organization: Provost’s Research Incentive Fund, California State University, Sacramento, Office of research Affairs. Title: Cruciate Ligament Loading in Lower to Higher Intensity Plyometric Exercises Used in Females During Rehabilitation After ACL Reconstruction Surgery,
Leddon, C., Fleisig, G.S. Escamilla, R.F., Ciccotti, MD, Mandelbaum, BR, Aune, KT MacLeod, T.D., Andrews, J.R. $143,080 awarded February 2014. Grant Organization: Major League Baseball. Title: A comparison of pitching biomechanics in professional pitchers with a history of ulnar collateral ligament reconstruction versus a non-surgical group.
Escamilla, R.F. & Yamashiro, K. $2500 awarded April 2013. Grant Organization: Educational Grant co-sponsored by Kaiser Permanente and California State University, Sacramento to put together and present a physical therapy education course. Title: Advanced Concepts In Knee Rehabilitation.
Escamilla, R.F. & Yamashiro, K. $2750 awarded April 2012. Grant Organization: Educational Grant co-sponsored by Kaiser Permanente and California State University, Sacramento to put together and present a physical therapy education course. Title: Treating the Overhead Athlete: Biomechanics, Pathology, and Rehabilitation of the Shoulder and Elbow.
Escamilla, R.F & Parker, D. $5000 awarded October 2012. Grant Organization: Intelliskin, L.L.C., Newport Beach, CA. Title: Effects of Wearing Posture Shirt on cardiorespiratory VO2 Max and running performance.
Escamilla, R.E. $9805 awarded September 2010. Grant Organization: Blu Sky Solutions, LLC Rotex, Opelousas, LA. Title: Core and Hip Muscle Recruitment Pattern Between the Rotex Device and Common Hip Rotation Rehabilitation Exercises.
Escamilla, R.F. $11,000 awarded April 2009. Grant Organization: EARDA CSUS Pilot Grant, California State University, Sacramento, College of Health and Human Services, Sacramento, CA. Title: Knee Forces and Muscle Activity During Squatting Exercises on Stable and Unstable Surfaces.
Escamilla, R.F. $7251 awarded March 2008. Grant Organization: CSUS Research and Creative Activity Award Program, California State University, Sacramento, CA. Title: Knee Biomechanics During Forward and Backwards Lunging.
Escamilla, R.F. $13,166 awarded April 2007. Grant Organization: CSUS Research and Creative Activity Award Program, California State University, Sacramento, CA. Title: Knee Biomechanics During Common Weight Bearing Knee Rehabilitation Exercises.
Escamilla, R.F. $7000 awarded October 2007. Grant Organization: EARDA CSUS Pilot Grant, California State University, Sacramento, College of Health and Human Services, Sacramento, CA. Title: Knee Biomechanics During Common Lower Extremity Rehabilitation Exercises.
Escamilla, R.F. $7000 awarded September 2006. Grant Organization: EARDA CSUS Pilot Grant, California State University, Sacramento, College of Health and Human Services, Sacramento, CA. Title: Knee Forces and Muscle Activity During Common Lower Extremity Rehabilitation Exercises.
Escamilla, R.F. $11,590 awarded September 2005. Grant Organization: CSUS Research and Creative Activity Award Program, California State University, Sacramento, CA. Title: Muscle Activation Patterns in Abdominal Exercises with Rehabilitation and Training Implications.
Escamilla, R.F., Simovitch, R.W., & Moorman, C.T, III. $5000 awarded March 2002.Grant Organization: Piedmont Grant, Duke University Medical Center, Orthopaedic Surgery, Durham, NC. Title: Biomechanical analysis of the bench press with technique variations and injury implications.
Fleisig, G.S., Escamilla, R.F., Nicholls, R.L., & Elliott, B.C. $26,680 awarded April 1999. Grant Organization: Grant Organization: International Olympic Committee Subcommission on Biomechanics and Physiology to conduct research at the 2000 Centennial Olympic Games, Sydney, Australia. Title: Fatigue and implications for injury in tennis serving.
Escamilla, R.E. $4500.00 awarded February 1998. Grant Organization: University Services Summer Grant, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, CA. Title: Biomechanics of the knee during rehabilitation exercise.
Escamilla, R.E. $5000.00 awarded April 1997. Grant Organization: University Services Summer Grant, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, CA. Title: Biomechanics of the knee during closed and open kinetic chain exercises.
Fleisig, G.S., Escamilla, R.F., Barrentine, S.W., & Zheng, N. $5000 awarded February 1995. Grant Organization: International Olympic Committee Subcommission on Biomechanics and Physiology of Sport to conduct research at the 1996 Centennial Olympic Games, Atlanta, GA. Title: Biomechanical comparisons of Olympic baseball pitchers and Olympic tennis.
Fleisig, G.S., Barrentine, S.W., & Escamilla, R.F. $66,500 awarded April 1993. Grant Organization: Titleist and Foot-Joy Worldwide, Fairhaven, MA. Title: Biomechanical differences between Classic and Dry-Joy golf shoes during a golf swing.
Fleisig, G.S., Escamilla, R.F., & Barrentine, S.W. $17,500.00 awarded March 1992. Grant Organization: Chicago White Sox Professional Baseball Organization, Chicago, IL. Title: Biomechanics of baseball pitching,
Escamilla, R.F., Fleisig, G.S., & Dillman, C.J. $10,000.00 awarded October 1991. Grant Organization: The Rocker, Professional Products, Inc., Defuniak Springs, FL. Title: The "rocker" exercise: A study of muscular Involvement.
Professional Associations
Professional Membership:
2001-present American Physical Therapy Association
1999-present American Society of Biomechanics
1995-present American College of Sports Medicine
2001-present International Society of Biomechanics in Sports
1990-present National Strength and Conditioning Association