Contact Information
Name: Dennis Dahlquist, PE
Title: Professor
Office Location: RVR 3030 (Riverside Hall - room 3030)
Email: dahlquid@csus.edu
Office Phone: (916) 278-6185
Mailing Address: 6000 J Street, Sacramento, CA 95819-6019
Office Hours: Mon 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. and by appointment
Alternate Location : RVR 3009 Lab, RVR 3005 Lab
Current Courses
EEE 64/CpE 64: Introduction to Logic Design
EEE 174: Introduction to Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
CpE 185: Computer Interfacing
CpE 187: Embedded Systems Design
ENGR 17: Introduction to Electric Circuit Analysis
ENGR 50: Engineering Computation
Professional Associations
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, IEEE
National Society of Professional Engineers, NSPE
California Society of Professional Engineers, CSPE
Society of Technical Communicators, STC
Tau Beta Pi
Professional Research
MATLAB Virtual labs, CSU and Mathworks developed Curriculum
Chancellor's Office, CO, Course Redesign with Technology, CRT
CRT ENGR 17 ePortfolio
Cohort Lead Engineering Faculty, Chancellor's Office Course Redesign with Technology
Co-Lead Chancellor's Office Virtual Labs