Contact Information
Name: EunMi Cho
Title: Mild/Mod Program and Placement Coordinator_Professor
Office Location: Eureka 403
Email: eunmicho@csus.edu
Office Phone: (916) 278-7547
Mailing Address: 6000 J street
- EDUC 190A: Becoming an Educator
(Canvas course: To access the course you need to be an enrolled student)
- EDUC 100A/B: Educating Students with Disabilities in Inclusive Settings
(Canvas course: To access the course you need to be an enrolled student) - EDSP 225A/B: Assessment and Evaluation for Students with Mild to Moderate Disabilities
(Canvas course: To access the course you need to be an enrolled student) - EDSP 232: Effective Communication and Collaborative Partnerships
(Canvas course: To access the course you need to be an enrolled student)
- EDSP 292: Teaching English Learners in Special Education Classroom
(Canvas course: To access the course you need to be an enrolled student)
- EDSP 293: Strategies for Inclusive Elem/Second Classrooms
(Canvas course: To access the course you need to be an enrolled student)
- EDMS 315: Social Science: Teaching and Learning in Inclusive Environments
(Canvas course: To access the course you need to be an enrolled student)
- EDMS 317: Teaching Visual and Performing Art
(Canvas course: To access the course you need to be an enrolled student)
- EDUC 128: Korean Education and Communication in Modern Society
(Canvas course: To access the course you need to be an enrolled student)
- Student/Intern Teacher Placement Coordination and Supervisement
- Thesis Sponsor for MA Students
Cho, E. & Kraemer, R. (2020). Academic assessment of English learning school-aged children with suspected learning disabilities, Journal of leadership, Equity, and Research, 6(2), 9-22.
Chung, M. & Cho, E. (2019). Exploring Korean language school teachers’ perception of L2 Korean learners’ learning disabilities in the U. S.: Based on Korean language schools in the state of California, Korean language education research, 5(3), 251-281.
Stahmer, A.C., Vejnoska, S., Iadarola, S., Straiton, D., Segovia, F., Luelmo, P., …, Cho, E. (2019). Caregiver voices: Cross-cultural input on improving access to autism services, Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, 6(4), 752-773.
Choi, N., Shin, M. & Cho. E. (2017). Policies and issues surrounding the identification of students with learning disabilities in South Korea, International Journal of Special Education, 32(2), 439-457.
Cho, E. (2017). Global Engagement On and Off-Campus as an Ambassador, Criminal Justice Department’s Colloquium Conference Proceedings, College of Health and Human Services, CSUS
Choi, N., Shin, M. & Cho. E. (2017). Policies and issues surrounding the identification of students with learning disabilities in South Korea, International Journal of Special Education, 32(2), 439-457.
Barnes, J., Cho, E., Frost, J., & White, P. (2016). High school equivalency exams: Accessibility of accommodations for persons with learning disabilities, Learning disabilities Association of America.
Cho, E. (2014). Asian American youth with special needs struggle to gain more recognition and aid, Asian Fortune (interview).
Cho, E. (2014). Learning disabilities identification issues and considerations in the multicultural society, Chapter 13, Introduction to Learning Disabilities, Hakjisa, 403-440.
Han, K., Song, M. & Cho, E. (2014). The experiences of Korean American parents of children with disabilities, The Journal of Special Children Education, 15(2), 99-126.
Park, C. & Cho, E. (2012). Criteria of multicultural curriculum for P-12sStudents and teacher candidates in the United States, The Journal of Korea Elementary Education, 23(1).
Cho, E. (2011). Transformative education of Korean American parents for their children with special needs, Chapter 6, Transforming Communities One at a Time, California Association of Bilingual Educators.
Cho, E., Byun, C. H. & Choi, N. (2011). Suggestions for Korean RTI model by comparing learning disabilities related issues in the United States, The Journal of Special Education: Theory and Practice, 12(3), 587-611.
Cho, E. (2011). Landed at an unexpected land, What Is The Color Of Your Heart?, a story inserted in the Chapter 12, Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, 246-247.
Cho, E., & Choi, N. (May-June, 2011). Why was the 2011 LDAA annual international conference so special?, LDAA NewsBrief, 12-14.
Cho, E. (2011). The role of education in disability ministry, Journal of Christian Education & Information Technology, 19, 37-54.
Cho, E. (2010). English learners with disabilities or other special needs, Preschool English Learner Resource Guide, Chapter 7, Extended Teacher Training Module, California Department of Education, Child Development Division.
Choi, M., Kim, H....& Cho, E. (2010). Find Korea!: T eacher’ s Guide Book 1, Student’ s W orkbook 1, & T eacher’ s Guide Disc 1, Korean Schools Association of Northern California, Design Sebo.
Cho, E. (2009). Differentiated instruction for English language learners based on universal design of learning, Journal of Korean-American Education. The National Association for Korean Schools, Long Island City, NY: Canaan Printing Corp.
Weatherspoon, N., Eagen, D., & Cho, E. (2009). Engaging children in early mathematical experiences: Mathematical Handbook, Sacramento County Office of Education, CPIN 3.
Kim, J., Seo, J., & Cho, E. (2008). A study of textbook policy and quality management systems in the U.S.A., Korea Institute of Curriculum and Evaluation.
Weatherspoon, N., Eagen, D., & Cho, E. (2007). Preparing children to read prepares children for Life: Language and Literacy Handbook, Sacramento County Office of Education, CPIN 3.
Cho, E. (2007). The effective instructional strategies for English learners with mild to moderate disabilities, Annual Conference of the Joy Missions for the Disabled, 34-45, LA, CA: Joy Mission Publication.
Cho, E. (2007). A case-based approach to individualized education programs: Development and implementation, Annual Conference of the Korean Association for Children with Special Needs, 59-97, University Press, South Korea.
Cho, E. (2006). Social Studies contents made comprehensible: The Adapted and Sheltered Instruction for English Learners with Special Needs. Chapter 4, Teaching English Learners with Special Needs in Inclusive Classes, Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas Publisher.
Cho, E. & Cho, G. (2006). Integrated assessment methods for English learners. Journal of Korean-American Education. The National Association for Korean Schools, 144-154, Long Island City, NY: Canaan Printing Corp.
Cho, E. (2015). Ten Articles on Bilingual Special Education Practices in the U.S.A and International Countries, Korean Times, CA
Cho, E. & No, H. (2006). The problems of textbook adoption policy and process: History-Social Science, Korea Textbook Research Foundation, 47, 37-44.
Cho, E. & Cha, J. (2006). English Learner Parent Handbook: Translated into Korean, Davis Joint Unified School District English Learner Program
Cho, E. (2004, September). The comparison of the teacher credentialing programs between CSUS and Seoul National University of Education: The Part I, Seoul National University of Education Alumni Quarterly Newsletter, South Korea.
Cho, E. (2004, Spring). Comparative explorations of intercultural communication styles to enhance collaboration between special education professionals and Asian American parents. GRAM: Learning Disabilities Associations of California, 37, 5-7.
Cho, E. (2003, December). Insights into cultural communication styles in special education. The Capitol Kappan, Sacramento Chapter of Phi Delta Kappa, International, 1-3.
Cho, E. (2002). The effective ways of Korean language teaching children with ADHD and specific learning disabilities. Journal of Korean-American Education. The National Association for Korean Schools, 48-56.
Cho, E. (1998). The role of communication in providing effective special education services for Korean-American children with specific learning disabilities: A participatory study. Doctoral Dissertation, University of San Francisco.
Cho, E. (1998). Literature teaching: Methods and material preparation. Korean Language and Culture Teaching Journal. The National Association for Korean Schools.
Cho, E. (1998). A Korean American parent reference guide for their children in special education, Korea Times, S.F.
Cho, E. (1993). Korean American parents' attitudes toward their children or youth with disabilities and their education in the United States. Master of Arts Thesis, California State University, Sacramento.
Cho, E. (1984). Rolling Stone, Children’s Book, Seoul, Self-Published in South Korea.
Cho, E. & Kwon, J. (2020). “CA Teacher Preparation on Inclusive Education: Comparison Studies to That of China, Korea, Philippines, and Uganda”, April 1, 2020, San Francisco, California.
Cho, E. & Mann, J. (2020). “Inquiry Resources and Methods on Korean Immigration to USA and Impact on Korea/USA”, California Council for the Social Studies, Feb. 29, 2020, Costa Mesa,
Claravall, E. & Cho, E. (2020). “Using Document-based Instruction to Develop Multicultural Perspectives in History for English Learners”, Learning Disabilities Association of America 57th International Conference, 17-20, 2020, Orlando, Florida.
Cho, E. & Beddow, M. (2019). “Educating All Children for a Sustainable World-Population Education”, California Council for the Social Studies, March 15, 2019, San Jose,
Cho, E. (2019). “How to Make History Lessons Alive in English Learners with Dyslexia!”, Learning Disabilities Association of America 56th International Conference, Fort Worth, Texas.
Claravall, E., Irey, R. & Cho, E. (2019). “Developing Historical Thinking in the Era of Fake News: Document-Based Instruction”, Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Special Education Convention and Expo, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Das, A. Cho, E, &. Tiwari, A. (2019). “General Education Teachers’ Attitudes and Concerns towards Inclusive Education in Delhi, India”, Learning Disabilities Association of America 56th International Conference, Fort Worth, Texas.
Cho, E. & Coughlin, M. (2018). “H-SS Framework Changes and Textbook Updates on Current Korea”, Multicultural Education Conference, CSUS.
Cho, E. & Qian, A. (2018). “Universal Design for Learning & Accessibility”, CSUS Teaching Summit
Lee, H. S., Cho, E., Stahmer, A. & Kasari, C. (2017). “Access to Autism Information and Services for Korean American Families of Children with ASD”, International Society for Autism Research (IMFAR) Conference, May 10, San Francisco, California, USA
Cho, E. & Lee, D. (2017). “Special Education Laws and Practices in Uganda”, Multicultural Education Conference. CSUS, California
Cho, E., Limm, N., & Gonzales, L. (2017). “Best Practice in Psycho-Educational Assessment of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Learners: Using the Pattern of Strengths and Weaknesses Model (PSW) of Assessment,” The Summer Institute on Neuro-developmental Disorders, Continuing Medical Education, July 28, Davis, California
Cho, E. & Otani, M. (2017). “General Education Teacher Preparation for Inclusive Practices in Japan, India, and Uganda”, Learning Disabilities Association of America 54trd International Conference, February 17, 2017. Baltimore, Maryland.
Cho, E. & Das, A. (2016). “Inclusive Special Education in Uganda: Are the teachers prepared?, Learning Disabilities Association of America 53trd International Conference, Orlando, Florida.
Frei, A. & Cho, E. (2016). “Preservice and in-service teachers’ preparation towards Inclusive education in California,” Learning Disabilities Association of America 53trd International Conference, Orlando, Florida.
Cho, E. & Coyne, K. (2015). “Social Studies Alive with Dramatic Arts: Students with Learning Disabilities Learn the Content with More Fun!,“ Learning Disabilities Association of America 52nd International Conference, February 20, Chicago, IL.
Cho, E. & Das, A. (2014). “Inclusive education in three east Asian countries (China, South Korea and the Philippines): Are the teachers prepared?, Learning Disabilities Association of America 51th International Conference, Anaheim, CA.
Cho, E. & Choi, N. (2013). “Instruction and Assessment in Multicultural Insights.” Learning Disabilities Association of America 50th International Conference, February 14, 2013. San Antonio, Texas.
Cho, E. (2012). “Effective Instructions and Assessments for English Learners with Learning Disabilities and ADHD.” Northern California Korean Teacher Association, March 24, Milpitas, California.
Cho, E. (2012). “Transforming Communities One at a Time,” California Association of Bilingual Educators, March 9, Sacramento, California.
Duran, E., Johnson, R., Gonzales, R., & Cho, E. (2012). “Response to Intervention: A Model for Working Collaboratively with English Learners,” California Association for Bilingual Education (CABE) Two-Day Institute, March 7-8, Sacramento, California.
Cho, E., Byun, C., & Choi, N. (2012). “Historical Relations between South Korea and the United States in their Identification and Education of Students with Learning Disabilities,” Learning Disabilities Association of America 49th Annual Conference, February 24, 2012. Chicago, IL
Kim, Y. & Cho, E. (2012). “Investigating the Use of Meta-cognitive Style of Students with Learning Disabilities in Tier 2 Assessment,” Learning Disabilities Association of America 49th Annual Conference, February 22, 2012. Chicago, IL
Cho, E. (2011). “Response to Intervention and Special Learning Disability Eligibility in the United States,” Annual International Conference of Korea Learning Disability Association, May 7, Chang Won, Korea.
Cho, E. (2011). “The Role of Education in Disability Ministry,” 2011 International Conference of Christian Education & Information Technology, March 26, Seoul, Korea.
Cho, E. (2010). “Korean Speaking Parent Support Group: How to Organize and Maintain a Successful Support Group,” Joni and Friends International Disability Center’s West Coast Disability Summit, May 8, 2010, Pasadena, CA
Noel, J., Dugan, M., & Cho, E. (2010). “Connections, Community, and Communication: A Faculty Fellows Cohort Program Designed to Foster Relationships and Create Leadership,” 13th Annual Continuums of Service Conference: Engagement to Strengthen Communities, April 1, 2010, Portland, Oregon
Cho, E. & Eagen (2010). “How to Support the Dual Language Learners in CA?” 16th Annual Statewide SEECAP Symposium: Lessons for Leadership, Feb. 24, 2010, Newport Beach, CA
Cho, E. & Eagen (2009), “From Research to Culturally Responsive Practices: Young Dual Language Learners with Special Needs,” Early Symposium, Nov 2, 2009, San Joaquin County, CA
Cho, E. & Gutierrez-Clellen. (2009). “From Research to Culturally Responsive Practice: Addressing the Needs of Dual Language Learners,” UC Davis M.I.N.D. Summer Institute on Neurodevelopmental Disorders and UC Davis Pediatric Conference, Sacramento, CA
Cho, E. & Park, C. P. (2008). “Application of Drama to Teacher English Learners with Dyslexia,” California Reading Association, Sacramento Convention Center, October 18, 2008.
Cho, E. & Sellens, H. (2008). “Language Disabilities vs Language Difference,” The Summer Institute on Neuro-developmental Disorders, UC Davis Health System, M.I.N.D. Institute, Continuing Medical Education, Sacramento, August 8, 2008.
Cho, E. & Sellens, H. (2008). “Assessment and Instruction Strategies for Asian American Students with Special Needs,” The California Association of School Psychologist (CASP) Convention, March 14, 2008, Burlingame, CA
Garcia, J. & Cho, E. (2007). “Efficacy Outcomes Among Youth Researchers Investigating Racial Inequality in Schooling,” Bilingual/Multicultural education Department Annual Conference, March 17, Sacramento, CA
Cho, E., Duran, E., Johnson, R. & Gonzales, R. (2007). “RTI in various subjects for English learners with special needs,” The 36th Annual International Conference of NABE (National Association for Bilingual Education), Feb. 7-10, San Jose Convention Center, San Jose, CA.
Cho, E., Gonzales, R., & Antonia Lue, V. (2005). “Culturally Responsive Practices for Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders,” The Summer Institute on Neuro-developmental Disorders, UC Davis Health System, M.I.N.D. Institute, Continuing Medical Education, Sacramento, August 5, 2003
Cho, E. (2005). “The Effective Special Education Service Delivery System,” The 5th International Diversity Conference, June 30, 2005, Beijing, China
Cho, E., Lioyd-Jones, A. & Benavides, M. (2004). “The Diagnostic Dilemma of Learning Disabilities,” The LDA-CA Annual Conference: Learning Disabilities, We Won’t Be Left Behind, San Mateo, CA
Cho, E. (2004). “Enhancing Collaboration Between Mainstream Special Education Professionals and Asian American Parents,” The California Association of School Psychologist (CASP) 2004 Convention, March 19, 2004, Burlingame, CA
Cho, E. (2004). “The Diagnostic Dilemma of Disabilities for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Children,” 10th Annual Multicultural Education Conference, CSUS.
Cho, E. & Gonzales, R. (2004). “Creating Learning Conversations Between Families of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Exceptional Children and Teachers,” 33rd Annual Conference Society for Cross-Cultural Research, San Jose, Ca.
Cho, E., Gonzales, R., & Antonia Lue, V. (2005). “The Diagnostic Dilemma of Learning Disabilities: Differentiation of Linguistic and Cultural Variables?” The LDA-CA Annual Conference, October 25, San Mateo, CA.
Cho, E., Lioyd-Jones, A. & Benavides, M. (2003). “The Diagnostic Dilemma of Learning Disabilities: Differentiation of Neurological, Linguistic and Cultural Variables,” The Summer Institute on Neurodevelopmental Disorders, UC Davis Health System, M.I.N.D. Institute, Continuing Medical Education and Special Education Department of California State University, Sacramento, August 2003
Cho, E. (2002). “Multilingual Support Groups and Materials for Teachers/Parents of Second Language Learners with Specific Learning Disabilities,” Learning Disabilities Association California Conference.
Cho, E., Gonzales, R., Ho, B. & Rickford, A. (2001). “The Effective Special Education Service Delivery,” Learning Disabilities Association California Conference.
Cho, E. & Robinson-Snaer, R. (2000). “Peaceful Tomorrow through Full-Inclusion Early Childhood Program,” The Annual Northern California Early Childhood Education Conference.
Cho, E. (2000). “How to Improve the Reading Skills in the Bilingual Classroom,” The National Association for Korean Schools, The 18th
Cho, E. (1999). “The Effective Literature Instruction by Understanding Culture,” National Head Start Multi-Lingual Conference.
Cho, E. & Cabello, A. (1999). “Multicultural Insights in the Best Ways of Delivering the Special Education Services for All Children,” Learning Disabilities Association California Conference.
Cho, E. & Yau, R. (1998). “Understanding Asian Cultures Through Asian American Literature for Children,” California Reading Association 32nd Annul Conference.
Cho, E. (1998). "The Effective Literature Teaching for Children and Young Adults Through Understanding Their Cultures," Reading the World International Conference Celebrating Multicultural Literature for Children and Young Adults at the University of San Francisco.
Cho, E. & Steinbach, S. (1996). "Three Different Intercultural Communication Styles," Learning Disabilities Association California Conference.
Workshops and Trainings
Cho, E. (2019). “Communication About Sexuality Between Parent and Child/Young Adult with Disabilities”, One Mind Group’s Annual Parent Workshop, Nov. 2, 2019, Orangevale, California.
Cho, E. (2019). “Diverse Needs of Your Children in 21st – century and How to Collaborate with Teachers”, Concord Baptist Church Parent Workshop, October. 27, 2019, Concord, California.
Cho, E. (2019). “Critical Knowledge of Teachers to Teach Diverse Learners in 21st - century: MTSS and UDL Based”, Korean Schools of California’s Annual Teacher Training, Sep. 14, 2019, San Francisco, California.
Cho, E. (2019). “Diverse Learners in 21st - century: MTSS and UDL Based”, Korean Language Schools of Sacramento, Annual Teacher Training, August. 24, 2019, Sacramento, California.
Cho, E. (2019). “Critical Knowledge of Teachers to Teach Diverse Learners in 21st - century: MTSS and UDL Based”, Korean Schools of California Annual Teacher Training, Sep. 14, 2019, San Francisco, California.
Cho, E. (2018). “Effective Communication Strategies between Service Coordinators and Asian and Asian-American Parents for Clients with Disabilities, Three Days, California Alta Regional Center.
Cho, E. (2017). “Global Engagement on Campus and off Campus, First Colloquium on International Education in Criminal Justice”, HHS, April 21, CSUS
Cho, E. (2017). “Inheritance in Courses to Prepare New Special Education Teachers”, One World Initiative Annual, April 17, CSUS
Cho, E. (2017). “Inclusive Practices in Japan and India, & S. Korea,” Asian Studies Symposium, March 15, 2017, CSUS
Cho, E. (2016). “Intercultural Communication Between Koreans and Americans; The Role of Culture in Language”, ICH, CSUS
Cho, E. (2014). “Special Education in the U.S.A,” Uganda Christian University, June 25th, Mukono, Uganda in Africa.
Cho, E. (2012). “Cross Cultural Communication Strategies for Inclusive Practices in School Context,” 18th Annual Multicultural Education Conference, November 5, 2011, Sacramento, CA.
Cho, E. & Eagen (2011), “Crisis, Conflict, and Connection,” Annual Conference by Child Care Planning Council, October 15, Sutter County Superintendent of Schools, Yuba City, CA
Cho, E., Aguilar-Gaxiola, S. & Aguilar, D. (2011). “Lost in Translation: Cross Cultural Communication Strategies in Educational and Medical Settings,” The Summer Institute on Neuro-developmental Disorders, UC Davis Health System, M.I.N.D. Institute, Continuing Medical Education, August 5, Sacramento, California
Cho, E. (2011). “Multicultural Education and Teacher Preparation Education in the United States,” Department of Multicultural Education, Seoul National University of Education, June 13, Seoul, Korea.
Cho, E. (2011). “Full Inclusion Program: What and How?” Yang Pung County Office of Education, June 8, Yang Pung, Korea.
Cho, E. (2011). “RtI Framework in Teaching and Evaluation,” Department of Special Education, Dae Gu University, April 8, Dae Gu, Korea.
Cho, E. (2011). “The Current Status of Response to Instruction and Intervention,” College of Education, Cheon Nam University, April 7, Yeo Su, Korea.
Cho, E., Weatherspoon, L., & Eagen, D. (2006 to Present). Over 30 professional presentations as an English Learner Lead, Region 3, CA Department of Education, Child Development Division, SCOE, CPIN (CA Preschool Instructional Network) Project, since 2006.
Cho, E. (2010). “Differentiated Instruction for Emotionally and Behaviorally Challenged English Learners,” Annual Teacher and Parent Training, Houston Central Church, December 5-7, Houston, Texas
Cho, E. (2010). “Serving Students with Disabilities in Higher Education in the USA,” Invited as a Keynote Speaker at Korea Nazarene University, September 14, Cheon-An, South Korea
Cho, E. (2010). “Strategies to Promote Language Development for Children with Autism,” Beijing Apple Tree School, September 23-26, Beijing, China
Cho, E. (2010). “Communication and Language Skills to Improve the Quality of Life of Teens with Autism,” Qingdao School for Students with Disabilities, Sep. 28-29, Qingdao, China
Cho, E. (2010). “Effective Teaching Strategies to Include the Children with Hearing Impairment in the General Education,” Chengdu Leadership Center for the Deaf, Oct. 1-3, Chengdu, China
Cho, E. & Eagen (2010). “Using the Preschool English Learners Guide to Support English Learners with Disabilities,” MIND Summer Institute Post-Workshop, August 7, Sacramento, CA
Cho, E. (2010). “Individualized Transition Plan in Individualized Education Program for High School Students with Developmental Disabilities,” 2010 Workshop for Persons with Developmental Disabilities, July 21-22, San Bernardino, CA.
Cho, E. (2010). “How to Communicate with Your Children with Emotional Disturbance?” Annual Parenting Workshop at Invitation Church, March 27-28, New Jersey.
Cho, E. (2009). “The Effectiveness of Differentiated Instruction for Children with Disabilities,” The Joy Research Center for Disabled, March 31-April 2, CPA Center, Orange County, CA.
Cho, E. (2009). “The Universal Design of Learning Applications to Korean Language Teachers,” The Northern California Korean Teacher Association, March 26, Santa Rosa, CA.
Cho, E. (2008). “Inclusive Educational Practice in the Preschool to 3rd Grade Programs”, Beijing Apple Tree Academy Intensive Teacher Training Series, August 11 to August 14, 2008, Beijing, China.
Cho, E. & Eagen (2008), “Working with Young English Language Learners and Their Families,” Early Start Interagency Council Meeting, January 29, 2008, Riverside County Office of Education, San Bernardino, CA
Cho, E., Eagen, D., & Weatherspoon, L. (2006 to present). Over 50 professional presentations as an English Learner Lead, Region 3, CA Department of Education, Early Childhood Division, CPIN (CA Preschool Instructional Network) Project, since 2006.
Cho, E. (2007). A case-based approach to individualized education programs: Development and implementation, The Korean Association for Children with Special Needs, Chan Won University, Korea.
Cho, E. (2007). “The effective instructional strategies for students with specific learning disabilities and ADHD,” The Joy Research Center for the Disabled, April 2-4, Rancho Capistrano Conference Center, LA, CA.
Cho, E. (2007). Developmentally Appropriate Language Teaching for Korean Language School Teachers, Florida Korean School Association, January 20, Florida
Cho, E., Fuller, S., & Flores, C. (2006). “The real world of children and adults with learning disabilities and attention deficit disorder: Multicultural voices,” Los Angeles Learning Disabilities Association Annual Conference, October, 28, 2006, Los Angeles, CA.
Murray-García, J., Cho, E., Borunda, R., Ebstein, N., Tessler, C., & Bruch, G. (2006). “Efficacy Outcomes of a Youth-Led Research Project Addressing Racial Inequality In Schooling in Davis, CA,” Center for Health Services Research In Primary Care Seminar, Sep. 21, 2006, UC Davis, CA
Cho, E. & Egan, D. (2006). “Inclusive literacy development for young English learners with special needs,” The 17th Northern California Early Childhood Education Annual Conference, August, 8, 2006, Sacramento, CA.
Cho, E. (2006). “Inclusion programs for students with learning disabilities,” Dae Gu University Graduate Program, Learning Disabilities Major, July 8, South Korea.
Cho, E. (2006). “Differentiated Instruction for students with learning disabilities in general education classrooms,” Summer Guest Speaker Series by Chang Won University Special Education Department, July 7, South Korea.
Cho, E. & Cho, G. (2006). “The authentic assessment methods for all learners, including English learners with language disabilities”, 10th Korean Speaking Teachers Conference, June 10, Richmond, CA
Cho, E. (2006). “Best practices for people with disabilities at church.” The 5th Annual Disability Ministry Conference, March 25, Anaheim, CA.
Cho, E. (2006). “Effective IEP preparation for English learners in special education,” International parent Education Conference, Davis Joint Unified School District, Jan. 28, Davis, CA.
Cho, E. (2006). “Culturally Responsive Assessment Methods for Korean American students with ADHD,” The Annual Teacher Workshop by Colorado Korean Schools Association, Jan. 14, Denver, Colorado.
Cho, E. (2004). “Culturally Sensitive Special Education Practices: Instruction and Assessment Based on Individuals with Disabilities Education Act,” The Annual International Parent Educational Fair, Davis Joint Unified School District, November 20, 2004, Davis, CA
Cho, E. (2004). “Teaching 2nd language to Korean American students with specific learning disabilities and/or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,” The 22nd Annual Meeting of the National Association for Korean Schools, July 23, 2004, Atlanta, GA
Cho, E. (2004). “Cultural and Linguistic Considerations for English Learners in Special Education Programs,” CSUS College of Education Multilingual and Multicultural Colloquium, CSUS.
Cho, E., Walsh, R. & Hwang, S. (2004). “Considerations for Students with Special Needs in Various Cultural Contexts: Case Studies,” CSUS College of Education in Partnership with ACSA Region 3 & ACSA Capital Charter and South Charter, CSUS.
Cho, E. (2003). “The Effective Special Education Service Delivery: Understanding the Cross Cultural Communication Style Differences,” Sacramento Chapter: Phi Delta Kappa, International, Sacramento.
Cho, E. (2003). “The Comparison Between English and Korean Language and Grammar,” The International Conference by BK 21 Ehwa Womans University Linguistic Research Department, Los Angeles, CA.
Cho, E. (2003). “Using Technology to Enhance the 2nd Language Teaching Pedagogy,” Korea University, South Korea.
Cho, E. (2003). “Understanding Asian/Asian-American Culture through Children’s Literature,” Reading the World International Conference Celebrating Multicultural Literature for Children and Young Adults at the University of San Francisco.
Cho, E. & Robinson-Snaer, R. (2000). “Inclusive Approach in Early Childhood Teaching,” Sacramento City Unified School District Teacher In Service Training.
Cho, E. (1998). "Fun Learning Through the Effective Classroom Management," Teacher Training Workshop, Korean Teachers Association of Northern California.
Cho, E. (1997). "Children as Wonderful Authors," 1997 Three Days of Intensive Teacher-Training Conference, Korean Teachers Association of Northern California.
Cho, E. (1996). "Quality Education for All," Korean Teachers Association of Northern California.
Bilingual and Special Education: Instruction and Assessment
School Reform for Inclusive Practices in Asian and African Countries - Internationa Outreach
Family Engagement and Community Outreach
Associate to CTL (Center for Teaching and Learning), 6 units, Fall 2018-Spring 2019
Appreciation of Certificate by the General Consul, SF, on contribution to the new H-SS Framework and adding the current content about Korean culture and history to textbooks by TCI, February 2019
Outstanding Community Service Award, College of Education, California State University, Sacramento, April, 2018
Exceptional Assigned Time Award, California State University, Sacramento, Project on UDL, MTSS, DI, IBSP, 2017-2018
Korean Education Ministry Fund, Teacher Seminar on Korean History, Culture, and Education, 2016, 2017
Center for Teaching and Learning Fund, HACU’s 12th International Conference, Costa Rica, March 28-April 1, 2017
AIR-B Research Project Grant, Mind the Gaps and Building Better Bridge for Preschool to High School Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder, 2015-present.
College of Education’s International Conference Presentation Travel Awards, 2015, 2016, 2017
Faculty Ambassador Grant, California State University, Sacramento Grant, 2015-2016
Sacramento State University President Office, University Enterprises, Inc. (UEI), Celebrating Korea Event Fund, April, 2016
Learning Disabilities Foundation of America (LDFA)’s Research Grant, 2013-2015
Sacramento State, University Enterprises, Inc. (UEI), Faculty Grants Program, Faculty Grant, 2012, 2013. & 2014
Supported Life Institute’s Inclusion Service Honoree, Inclusion Celebration, October 5th, 2011, 25th Annual supported Life Conference, Sacramento, CA
California State University, Sacramento Faculty Sabbatical Year, August 2010-July 2011
Invited Guest Lecturer, Seoul National University of Education, March 2-June 24, 2011, Seoul, South Korea
Academic Affairs Faculty Promotion Development Funds, California State University, Sacramento Academic Affairs Office, June 2011
Research and Teacher Training Travel Fund to Korea, China, Cambodia, and Vietnam by Joy Research and Training Center for the Disabled, Fall, 2010
Sacramento State University Community Engagement Faculty Fellowship, 2009-2010
Faculty Grant by Sacramento State University President Office, University Enterprises, Inc. (UEI) Faculty Grants Program, May 2009
ACE Grant by Center for Teaching and Learning of CSUS, under Teaching Using Technology Training Grant, to travel to two universities in Korea, to disseminate the TUT methods in 2008 & 2006
Center for Teaching and Learning, Advisory Board Member, funded in 2008 and Faculty Mentor
Research Travel Fund by Research and Sponsored Projects of California State University, Sacramento in 2008, 2007, & 2006.
Out of State Travel Allocation by Professional Development, Community, Student Affairs Committee in 2008, 2007, & 2006
Teacher Educator Stipend of 2005 from The Learning Disabilities Association of America to participate in the Annual LDAA International Conference, March 2 to March 5, 2005, Nevada
Korean American Educator of 2004 Award from The National Association for Korean Schools, July 24, 2004, Atlanta, GA
Asian Pacific American Heritage Month Local Hero Awards from KVIE and Union Bank of California for contributions to improve the quality of community, May 2003
LDA-CA President’s Award from Learning Disabilities Association California in Recognition of exemplary fulfillment of duties as 1st Vice President and Multicultural Chair, November 2002
Scholarship from Learning Disabilities Association California for Being a Dedicated Special Education Teacher and Multicultural Committee Chair, October 2000
Certificate of Appreciation for being an excellent and outstanding educator by California Governor Pete Wilson, May 1988
Certificate of Appreciation for being an excellent work and outstanding dedication as an educator by California State Assembly Woman Deborah Ortiz, May 1998
Forgivable loan for Future Faculty from California State University, 1997, 1996, 1995
Scholarship from California Teachers Association, 1996
Scholarship from Phi Kappa Phi for Academic Excellence, Education Honorary Association, 1993
Scholarship for Outstanding Academic Achievement, Leadership, Community Service and Talent by the Korean American Scholarship Foundation, March 1993
Scholarship for Outstanding Academic Achievement and Korean American Community Services by the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in San Francisco, 1993 and 1992
Scholarship for Outstanding Academic Achievement by the California State University Alumni Association Scholarship, 1993 and 1992
Scholarship from the Asian Pacific Community Counseling Scholarship, 1992
Scholarship for Outstanding Academic Achievement and Asian American Community Services by the Asian American Studies Scholarship, 1992
Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition from House of Representative Robert I. Matsui, March 1992
Education Honorary Award for Excellent Academic Achievement from the Secretary Department of Education, Korea, February 1982
Award for Reporting an Inequality Issues of Severely Handicapped Young Children in Private Institutes as a College Newspaper Reporter, Korea, 1981
Scholarship for Outstanding Academic Achievement from the Seoul National University of Education Scholarship Foundation, 1980 and 1981