Contact Information
Name: Dr. James G. Cottle, PhD
Title: Professor - ECS Electrical & Electronics Engineeering
Office Location: RVR 5062
Email: cottle@csus.edu
Office Phone: (916)278-7935
Office Hours: Spring Semester 2017: RVR 5063 (by appt)
Courses That I Teach in ECS at CSUS (Spring 2017):
Checkout These Links of Personal Interest to Me:
My Experience in Apollo/Saturn As a Coop Student at Kennedy Space Center
My Interest in Variable Star Astronomy and Cataclismic Variable Stars
Fiddletown Observatory Design and Construction
ENGR 17W: Circuit Analysis Workshop
EEE 180 : Signals & Systems
Selected Sample of Research Publications:
- "Effects of electro and stress mmigration forces on the 1/f noise of patterned thin metal films", Thin Solid Films, (1994), with N.S. Klonaris.
- "Modeling 1/f a noise using a simple physical model based on vacancy motion", in Materials Reliability in Microelectronics III, K. P. Rodbell, W. F. Filter et. al. (eds.), The Materials Research Society, Pittsburg, PA (1993), with N. S. Klonaris.
- "1/f a Noise and Fabrication Variations of TiW/Al VLSI Interconnections", IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol.11, No. 11, (1990) with N. S. Klonaris and M. Bordelon.
- "Microstructural Effects on the 1/f a Noise of Thin Aluminum Based Films", Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol. 19, No. 11, (1990) with N. S. Klonaris.
- "Determination of Metal Film Lifetimes Using Excess Noise Measurments", in Noise in Physical Systems, edited by A. Ambrozy, Akademiai Kiado, Budapest (1990);
- "Observations of Deterministic Chaos in Superconducting YBa 2Cu 3O 7", Proceedings of Southeastcon, Columbia, SC (1989), with H. Hickman, G. Gutt and T. M. Chen.
- "Activation Energies Associated with Current Noise of Thin Metal Films", in Microstructural Science for Thin Film Metallizations in Electronics Applications, J. Sanchez, et. al. eds., The Metallurgical Society, Warrendale, PA (1988) with T. M. Chen.
- "Activation Energies Associated with Current Noise of Thin Metal Films", Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol. 17 No. 6, (1988).
Former Students - and where they are now:
Nick Klonaris, PhD, Advanced Device Scientist/Engineer - Intel, Folsom.
Gregory Gutt, PhD, CTO Satelles Corporation.
Linda M Head, PhD, Professor - Electrical Engineering, Rowan University, NJ.
Tom Crandell, PhD, Analog Device Scientist/Engineer, Harris Corporation, Melbourne, FL.
Dr. Cottle's Professional Experience:
Univ. of California - Berkeley - Visiting Associate Professor of EECS (1994-1995)
University of South Florida - Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering (1986-1994)
Dolby Laboratories - San Francisco, CA - Manager Licensing Standards and Test Development 2003-07
Agilent Technologies - Santa Clara, CA - Manager High Speed Analog Design 2002-03
Agilent Technologies - Santa Clara, CA - Manager Reliability of Agilent Optical Switch 2001-02
Agilent Technologies/Hewlett Packard - Palo Alto, CA - Manager - Reliability Physics Integrated Circuits Business Division (1995-2001)
NASA - John F. Kennedy Space Center - CO-OP Student - Design Engineering - Ground Support Equipment, Apollo-Saturn Program (1970-1973)
Professional Associations:
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Audio Engineering Society
Sigma Xi / Tau Beta Pi
American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Center for Backyard Astrophysics