Contact Information
Name: Aaron J. Cohen
Title: Professor
Office Location: Tahoe Hall 3092
Email: cohenaj@csus.edu
History 129c
Twentieth-Century Russia
Catalog Description: Revolutionary origins of the Soviet Union, its rise as a global superpower, and its sudden dissolution. Emphasis on the major political, economic, social, and cultural trends that defined Soviet civilization, as well as the Soviet legacy for contemporary Russia and the world.
Prerequisite and requirements: None.
Number of Units: 3.
GE Category: None.
The Soviet Union was at once the most reviled and revered country in the twentieth century. Its people witnessed some of the darkest days in human history and times of great utopian optimism. In this term we will study Russian and Soviet political, cultural, social, and economic developments from 1917 to the present. Readings and discussions will help us explore various interpretations of the Soviet Union, its links to the Russian past and its radical innovations, and its admirable and abominable contributions to the shape of the modern world.
For more information, please view the syllabus for Fall 2023 (pdf format).