Contact Information
Name: Aaron J. Cohen
Title: Professor
Office Location: Tahoe Hall 3092
Email: cohenaj@csus.edu
History 129b
Imperial Russia
Catalog Description: Emergence and collapse of imperial Russia as a continental world power from 1600 to 1917. Emphasis on the role of monarchy, a changing society and economy, and the growth of the educated public in the development of a distinctive imperial Russian culture and its final destruction in revolution.
Prerequisite and requirements: None.
Number of Units: 3.
GE Category: None.
Imperial Russia was a fascinating, distinctive, and (for many) exotic land caught between Europe and Asia, past and present, and conservatism and innovation. Major themes include the cultural and political traditions that contributed to the formation of imperial Russian civilization as both reactionary and precocious, the meaning of empire and revolution in the Russian context, the significance of the Romanov dynasty, and the tensions that arose between a large, diverse, and changing population and traditional political, social, and economic systems.
For more information, please view the syllabus for Spring 2023.