Contact Information
Name: Aaron J. Cohen
Title: Professor
Office Location: Tahoe Hall 3092
Email: cohenaj@csus.edu
History 129a
Medieval Russia
Catalog Description: Emergence of modern Russia from the principalities of medieval Russia. Emphasis on Eastern European, Byzantine, and Eurasian contributions to Russian history.
Prerequisite and requirements: None.
Number of Units: 3.
GE Category: C2 (Humanities).
For most people, medieval Rus and early modern Muscovy remain little-known chapters in the wider European and Eurasian historical experience. In this course we will study a broad outline of early Russian political, cultural, social, and economic history from the ninth to the seventeenth century, including the formation of Rus, the significance of Byzantium and the Mongols for early Russian history, and the rise of Novgorod, Lithuania, and Muscovy. Major themes include the emergence of different cultural traditions and political regions out of the shared historical experience of medieval Rus, the importance of war and religion in these changes, and early Russia’s place in the wider medieval world.
For more information, please view the syllabus for Fall 2024.