Contact Information
Name: Barbara Carle - Department of World Languages and Literatures - I T A L I A N - Faculty Page
Title: Emerita Professor of Italian
Office Location: No longer on campus
Email: carleb@csus.edu
Mailing Address: Sacramento State University -Dept. of World Languages and Literatures - 6000 J Street - Sacramento, CA 95819-6089
Office Hours: Currently responds to e-mail
Quant'è bella giovinezzache si fugge tuttavia!Chi vuol esser lieto, sia:di doman non c'è certezza!
Lorenzo il Magnifico, Trionfo di Bacco e Arianna
Please contact Professor Viola Ardeni, the new Italian Area Head, for questions on the program: viola.ardeni@csus.edu, Mariposa Hall, 2051.
[…] seggendo in piumain fama non si vien né sotto coltre
Dante, Divina Commedia, Inferno XXIV |
Italian Program at Sac State
Italian Minor at Sac State Campus or at Florence Campus Special Major possible, advanced work in Italian at Sac State also possible Language Courses: Gateway to the Minor Italian 1A Elementary Italian Courses required for the Minor in Italian: (12 units minimum) The Italian Minor combines courses on Italian CINEMA, LITERATURE, and CULTURE
Italian Program in Florence
Amo l'Italia (View Reasons to Love Italy)