Faculty Portrait

Contact Information

Name: Evangeline S Ballerini

Title: Assistant Professor

Office Location: 4015 TSC

Email: ballerini@csus.edu

Office Phone: 916.278.4067

Mailing Address: 6000 J Street, TSC 4015, Sacramento, CA 95819

Office Hours: TTh 10:30-12

Lab Website : www.ballerinilab.com

Courses That I Teach


BIO 100

Research Projects/Interests

My research combines knowledge from the fields of Evolution, Genetics and Genomics, Developmental Biology, and Ecology to understand how biological diversity has evolved on Earth. In order to understand these processes, I focus on the plant genus Aquilegia (columbine). Research in my lab involves wet lab experiments, bioinformatic analysis of genomic and transcriptomic data, and field work. More information can be found at my lab website. If interested in conducting research in my lab, please contact me via email.


Ballerini et al., 2019 Comparative transcriptomics of early petal development across four diverse species of Aquilegia reveal few genes consistently associated with nectar spur development, BMC Genomics 20:668

Filiault, D., et al., 2018 The Aquilegia genome provides insight into adaptive radiation and reveals an extraordinarily polymorphic chromosome with a unique history, eLife 7:e36426


Professional Associations