Contact Information
Name: Sadaf Ashtari, Ph.D.
Title: Assistant Professor of Information Systems and Business Analytics
Office Location: Tahoe Hall 2086
Email: sadaf.ashtari@csus.edu
Office Phone: 916.278.7102
Mailing Address: Department of Information Systems and Business Analytics, California State University, Sacramento, 6000 J Street, Sacramento, CA 95819-6106
Office Hours: Tuesdays 3-4:30
Personal Website : https://sites.google.com/view/sadafashtari/home
LindkdIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/sadaf-ashtari-b0a4a644/
Twitter : @SadafAshtari
Research Projects/Interests
My main research interest lies in the integration of Information Systems applications in healthcare. During my doctoral studies, I investigated the adaptation of Electronic Health Record and its impact on nurses’ performance and satisfaction. My current research is about the Information and Communication Technology (ICT)-enabled self-management of genetic disorders and chronic diseases. My research project titled “Patient Experience-Based Information Systems Application for Mitigation of Genetic-Disorder Pain” is funded by Genentech in 2019-2020. I am investigating how online communities/social media tools can be used for chronic pain reduction for patients with genetic disorders.
In the intersection of social media and healthcare area, I am studying the role of gender differences in online emotional expression on Twitter. I am trying to understand how we can apply users’ tweets as a tool for suicide prevention.
I also study innovative technology in education. In my current project that is funded by the Office of Graduate Studies, Diversity Award Committee, I am studying the impact of innovative teaching technologies on student engagement and the achievement gap in Information Systems courses. I am also studying the impact of mindfulness, energy level, and self-readiness activities on students’ perceived engagement. I have also researched the impact of MakerSpace activities on students’ perception of learning and I would like to work more on this topic in the future.
Ph.D. in Technology (Technology and Professional Service Management), Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, Michigan, 2016
Business and Economic Courses, University of Padova, University of Verona and University of Venice joint Ph.D. program, Italy, 2012
M.A. in Information System Management, Science and Research Azad University, Tehran, Iran, 2010
B.S. in Information Technology Engineering, Qazvin Azad University, Qazvin, Iran, 2007
Courses That I Teach
California State University, Sacramento
- IT Strategy and Innovation (Graduate course) - Summer 2019
- Business Data Communication and Networking, Fall 2017, 2018, 2019, and Spring 2019
- Computer Information Systems for Management, Spring 2018, Fall 2019
- Introduction to Management Information Systems, Fall 2017, 2018
Miami University, Oxford
- Introduction to Computational Thinking for Business, Fall 2016, Spring 2017
- Ashtari, S., Taylor, J., & Lai, G. (2020). Systematic Review of Social Networking Support Groups for Genetic-Disorders Pain Management. forthcoming Proceedings of the 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS).
- Ashtari, S., & Bellamy, A. (2018). Factors Impacting Use of Health IT Applications: Predicting Nurses’ Perception of Performance. Accepted in International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics (IJHISI), forthcoming.
- Ashtari, S., & Bellamy, A. (2018). Impact of Game-Based Classroom Response System as a Persuasive Technology on Students’ Perception of Their Learning Experience: Case study of Information Systems course for Business Student. Proceedings of the 49th Decision Science Institute, Annual Meeting (pp. 746-754).
- Ashtari, S., Merrifield, E., Coleman, R. & Sparks, G. (2018). Designing an Experiential Learning Course Utilizing a Makerspace Tools. Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Academic Makerspaces (ISAM) (pp. 87).
- Ashtari, S., & Bellamy, A. (2017). Health IT Applications Impact on Nurses’ Perception of Performance: Reviewing the Organizational and Personality Factors. Proceedings of the 48th Decision Science Institute, Annual Meeting (pp. 0541-05415).
- Ashtari, S., & Eydgahi, A. (2017). Student perceptions of cloud applications effectiveness in higher education. Journal of Computational Science, 23, 173-180.
- Ashtari, S. (2016). How Nurses Perceive the Impact of Health IT Applications on Their Performance and Satisfaction: Examining the Organizational, Social, and Personal Factors. (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from DigitalCommons@EMU Database. (Accession No. 695)
- Ashtari, S., & Eydgahi, A. (2015, October). Student perceptions of cloud computing effectiveness in higher education. In 2015 IEEE 18th International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering(pp. 184-191). IEEE.
- Ashtari, S., Eydgahi, A., & Lee, H. (2015). Exploring Cloud Computing Implementation Issues in Healthcare Industry. Proceeding of International Conference on Health Information Technology Advancement, ICHITA 2015.
- Ashtari, S. (2013). Book Review: I Know Who You Are and I Saw What You Did, by Lori Andrews.Journal of Information Privacy and Security, 9(4).
- Toloie-Eshlaghi, A., & Ashtari, S. (2011). Assessment of social engineering effective criteria in the organization by DEMATEL method.Elixir Management, 37, 3707-3711.
- Ashtari, S., & Poorebrahimi, A. (2010). Modeling Value Chain Related to ICT Services by NGN Technology in Iran.Proceeding of Second International ASIA-ICIM Conference.
- Ashtari, S., & Nazemi, J. (2009). Sustainable Development via Value Based Management System-An approach based on Telecommunication of Iran. Proceeding of the 5th International Joint Conference on INC, IMS and IDC-INC, IEEE.
- Ashtari, S., & Aflaki, S. (2009). Comparative Performance Evaluation of Media in Provinces of Iran with DEA method.National Conference of Management and Economy of Media.