Contact Information
Name: Dr. Jennifer Rayman
Title: Associate Professor of American Sign Language & Deaf Studies
Office Location: Eureka Hall 310
Email: jrayman@csus.edu
Office Phone: Voice (916) 278-4481 Video: (916) 374-7211
Mailing Address: ASL & Deaf Studies Program, California State University-Sacramento, 6000 J Street Sacramento, CA 95819-6079
Office Hours: Currently on Leave of Absence
Website : https://about.me/jennifer.rayman
Research Projects/Interests
As a hearing scholar in the field of Deaf Studies, I explore the boundaries of language and culture. As I teach mostly hearing students, my aim is to engage students in conversations around becoming more aware of our own privilege as non-Deaf people and encourage us to endeavor to be allies on our journey through the DEAF-WORLD. Prior to working at CSUS, I was a Senior Lecturer at the University of Central Lancashire in Preston, England, where I learned functional skills in British Sign Language. My Ph.D. is in Communication from the University of California, San Diego. While attending the University of Arizona, I earned a B.A. in Interdisciplinary Studies: Studio Art, American Sign Language, and French as well as an M.A. in English as a Second Language.
The overarching theme of my research focuses on power dynamics at the intersection of Deaf and Hearing communities as well as the construction of culture and identity through discourse. My research interests range from Deaf/Hearing power relationships, to discourse analysis of American Sign Language storytelling, preaching and poetry, to the construction of Deaf space, to representations of Deaf people in film and television.
Learn about me in American Sign Language
View a bio I produced for my ASL 2 students circa 2009
Courses that I teach
American Sign Languages Skills Courses
- DEAF 51 American Sign Language 1
- DEAF 52 American Sign Language 2
- DEAF 53 American Sign Language 3
Deaf Studies Theory Courses
- DEAF 163 American Sign Language Literature
- DEAF 165 Seminar Current Issues in the Deaf World: "Talking Culture: Representations of Deaf People in the Media"
- DEAF 166 Experiences in the Deaf Community: Dynamics of Opression and Building Allyship
See side link to Academia.edu for dowloadable pdfs of my publications and my PhD Thesis
Rayman, J. (2010) The politics and practice of voice: representing American Sign Language on the screen in two recent television crime dramas. M/C Journal: A journal of media and culture - special Deaf issue (13:3). http://journal.media-culture.org.au/index.php/mcjournal/issue/view/deaf [refereed journal]
Rayman, J. (2009) Why doesn’t everyone here speak Sign Language? Questions of language policy, ideology and economics. Current Issues in Language Planning (10:3), 342-354. [refereed journal]
Rayman, J. (2007) Visions of Equality: Translating Power in a Deaf Sermonette. The Sign Language Translator & Interpreter (1:1), 73-114. [refereed journal]
Padden, C. and Rayman, J. (2002) Concluding Thoughts: The future of American Sign Language. In J. V. Van Cleve, D. F. Armstrong’ and M. A. Karchmer (Eds). The study of Signed Languages: Essays in honor of William C. Stokoe. (pp. 247-261) Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press. [book chapter]
Rayman, J. (1999). Storytelling in the visual mode: A comparison of ASL and English. In E. Winston (Ed.). Storytelling and Conversation: Discourse in Deaf Communities. (pp. 59-82) Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press. [book chapter]
"Processed Education is for Velveeta Cheese..." Detail of a painting by Jennifer Rayman
Now that's what education is all about!
Detail of "Dehumanizing DEAF," by Jennifer Rayman
"Left and Right," oil on canvas, by Deaf Artist, Chuck Baird, 2000.