Contact Information
Name: Vicki Hall
Title: Associate Professor
Office Location: 560C Amador
Email: hallva@saclink.csus.edu
Office Phone: (916) 278-6806
Mailing Address: Sacramento State 6000 J Street Sacramento, CA 95819-6035
Office Hours: Tues and Thurs. 3:00 - 4:00 Or by appointment
Where to find me : 560C Amador
Courses that I teach
- WOMS 146 Women in Art
- WOMS 145 Feminism and the Spirit
- Woms 120 Mother Woman Person
- WOMS 139 Violence Against Women
Publications Noted In
Fields, Jill, Entering the Picture: Judy Chicago, The Fresno Feminist Art Program and the Collective Visions of Women Artists (New Directions in American History).Routledge, 2011
Moyra Roth, ed. And contributer, The Amazing Decade: Women and Performance Art in America 1970-1980 Performance Anthology: Source Book for a Decade of California Performance Art, Los Angeles: Astro Artz 1983.
Moyra Roth, Art News, June, 1978,
Who’s Who and Where in Women’s Studies, 1974-1975.
Ms., October, 1974.
Faith Wilding , By Our Own Hands, 1974.
Barbara Smith., Artweek, “Three Womanspace Performances”, March 10, 1973.
Charles Johnson, “Scene”, Sacramento Bee, June 27, 1973
Ms., August, 1973.
Larry Liebert, , “Nightmare for a Liberated Woman A Pop Wedding Ritual”, San Francisco Chronicle, October 9, 1972
Lectures, Presentations, and Television
Panelist, Patron of Diversity: The Golden State the People’s University and the “Rise of the Rest” (Elizabeth O’Brien: chair) How I Became a Feminist Performance Artist College Art Association 103rd Annual Conference New York, February 12, 2015
Host and discussion leader Crocker Art Museum Film Frame: W.A.R. Women’s Art Revoliution April 5, 2012
Presenter, Crocker Art Museum Art Mix March 8, 2012
Women’s Studies Month C.S.U.S., lecture: Feminist Art, March 12, 2012
Women’s History Month C.S.U.S., lecture: Women Sculptors, March, 1997
Women Artists and Writers of Sacramento; slide lecture Two Women of the Renaissance, June 1993
Renaissance Society, Women’s History Seminar, Women Artists Imaging Themselves and Other Women, April 1992
Matrix Workshop of Women Artists; Video Series of Matrix exhibitors. Arts Grant in progress. 1989 -1991.
The Challenge to See Anew: Five Forums on American Women, 1985.
October 20: Women in Art: Differences Over the Dinner Party: Seeing Anew in Women’s Art.
Women in Anthropology, 1984 paper, Mothers of Invention: Quilters and Modern Art.
Judy Chicago, Ideas Behind the Images, March, 1983.
Women’s Art Movement: What Next? Panel facilitator. March, 1983.
Brown Bag Lunch Series, Sexism, Feminism and Surrealism, April, 1982.
Women’s History Week, History of Women Artists, March 1974, 1978, 1982.
Channel 10 Thirty Minutes, Women in Art: Your Show, A Video Tour of the first Major Women’s Exhibition in Sacramento, aired June 1978.
Channel 10 Thirty Minutes, Women in Art: the Evolution of the Woman Painter From the Renaissance to the Twentieth Century”, aired May 1977.
Nevada City Women’s Group, Lecture Series, History of Women Artists” June 1976.
Davis Women’s Center Workshop on Women Artists. Evolution of a Feminist Artist, April 1976.
Sacramento City College, Evening Lecture Series, Women in Art, April 3, 1975.
University of California at Davis, A Herstory of Art, First Annual Festival of Women Artists, May 16, 1974
American River College, Adam’s Rib Lecture Series: Women Artists; Patrons or Professionals, October 8, 1973.
Research Projects/Interests
My focus has always been art and culture. My production history includes portrait painting in oils, fiberglass sculpture, performance and installation work and museum reproductions of ancient artifacts associated with the Goddess.
I have been intensely involved for more than thirty five years with oral histories uncovered by my students interviewing and analyzing the lives of their mothers and other female relatives. A selection of these are now available in Library Archives and will, I am sure, convince anyone who reads enough of them that truth is often stranger than fiction and women are incredibly strong.
Professional Associations
- College Art Association
Updates and Activities
The Mc Clintock Roseville Townhall protest; here I am with my handsome son and his fun fiance´.
Edana (my daughter) at her 9th month photo shoot in the garden at the Georgetown Toyota Plant
Coming Soon
- My Artwork
- My Grandmother's Story
Library Archives contains my papers which include many interviews of mothers made over the years. I hope you will consider adding yours!
University Union contains my commissioned stained glass art now behind a wall!