Contact Information
Name: Bryan Coleman Salgado, PT, DPT
Title: Director of Clinical Education, Associate Professor, Physical Therapy Department
Office Location: Folsom Hall 1054C
Email: colemanb@csus.edu
Office Phone: (916) 278-4871
Mailing Address: Sacramento State University 6000 J Street Sacramento, CA 95819-6020
Office Hours: Varies by semester - check on course webpage or my office door
Where to find me : Folsom Hall classroom/labs, or my office
Courses that I currently teach
- PT 618 Foundations of PT Management
- PT 663 Integumentary Patient Management
- PT 695A Clinical Experience I
- PT 695B Clinical Experience II
- PT 695C Clinical Experience III
- PT 689 Doctoral Project Proposal
- PT 690 Doctoral Project Culminating Experience
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Coleman Salgado B. The effectiveness of holistic review of socioeconomic disadvantage and language skills in fostering sociodemographic diversity in a Doctor of Physical Therapy program: A case study. Journal of Physical Therapy Education. Published online April 2021.
Coleman Salgado B. The relationship of preadmission academic variables to academic performance in a Doctor of Physical Therapy program. J of Allied Health, 2019 Spring;48(1):e9-e14
Coleman Salgado B, Barakatt E. Identifying demographic and pre-admission factors predictive of success on the National Physical Therapy Licensure exam for graduates of a public physical therapist education program. Journal of Physical Therapy Education. 32(1):8-16, March 2018.
Barakatt, E, Coleman Salgado B, McKeough M, Mandeville D, Gong J, Mintz E, Thatch J, Vourakis A. Mobility and gait outcomes following intensive rehabilitation, OnabotulinumtoxinA and Baclofen treatment chronic post-stroke: A case report. Journal of Allied Health. 43(4):229-234, Winter, 2014.
Boulgarides, L., Barakatt, E, Coleman Salgado B. The effect of an eight-week adaptive yoga program on physical and psychological status of individuals with Parkinson’s disease. A pilot study. International Journal of Yoga Therapy. 24(2); 31-41 (Oct 2014).
Coleman Salgado B, Jones M, Ilgun S, McCord G, Loper-Powers M, van Houten P. Effect of a 4-month, multicomponent Ananda Yoga program on physical and mental health outcomes for persons with multiple sclerosis. International Journal of Yoga Therapy. (Oct 2013)23(2); 27-35.
Peer Reviewed Scientific & Professional Presentations (last 5 years only)
Coleman Salgado B. Admissions weighting of socioeconomic status is an inclusion practice. Virtual, synchronous, interactive research presentation at The Admissions Summit, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. June 9, 2021.
Coleman Salgado B. Course Instructor “California Physical Therapy Laws & Regulations” 2-hour accredited virtual interactive synchronous course, McGinty Continuing Education, Sacramento, CA 04/24/21
Coleman Salgado B. A Retrospective Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Admission Weighting of Socioeconomic Disadvantage and Language Skills in Fostering Sociodemographic Diversity in a Doctor of Physical Therapy Program. Research presentation, California Physical Therapy Association, Annual Conference, Virtual, 10/04/20.
Coleman Salgado B. Course Instructor “California Physical Therapy Laws & Regulations” 2-hour accredited, synchronous interactive virtual course, Sutter Rehab Services, Sacramento, CA 06/18/20
Moore B, Coleman Salgado B, Garcia W, Green E. Development of Focused Clinical Education Experiences to improve the quality of physical therapist clinical education. Poster presentation at APTA Combined Sections Meeting, Denver. 2/14/20.
Coleman Salgado B. Effectiveness of Holistic Admissions Efforts to Foster Diversity in a Doctor of Physical Therapy Program. Platform presentation, Educational Leadership Conference, Bellevue, WA, 10/18/19. Received the Education Influencer Award for outstanding platform presentation from the Physical Therapy Learning Institute.
Coleman Salgado B. Course Instructor “California Laws & Regulations in Physical Therapy” 2-hour accredited course, Sutter Rehab Services, Sacramento, CA 06/13/19
Coleman Salgado B. The Journey of Implementation and Refining Holistic Review Admissions Processes in the Healthcare Professions. Research presentation at The Admissions Summit, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. June 11, 2019.
McKeough M, Barakatt E, Moore B, Mattern-Baxter K, Coleman-Salgado B. Effects of an integrated clinical experience on physical therapy students' perception of their patient management skills. Poster presentation at the World Confederation for Physical Therapy Congress 2019, May 11, 2019. Geneva, Switzerland.
Coleman Salgado B. Course Instructor “California Laws & Regulations in Physical Therapy” 2-hour accredited course, McGinty Continuing Education Seminar, Sacramento, CA 04/2019
Coleman Salgado B. Course Instructor “Laws & Regulations in Physical Therapy” 2-hour accredited course, John Muir Medical Center, Walnut Creek, CA 01/2019
Coleman Salgado B. Prepare for Holistic Admissions take-off: Perspectives from 5 physical therapy programs. Panel Speaker at the Educational Leadership Conference, Jacksonville, FL Oct 12, 2018
Coleman Salgado B. The relationship of pre-admission variables to academic performance in a Doctor of Physical Therapy program. Poster presentation (invited) at the CPTA Annual Conference, Santa Clara Sept 22-23, 2018.
McKeough M, Moore B, Barakatt E, Mattern-Baxter K, Coleman Salgado B The effects of an intracurricular clinical experience on students’ perception of their patient management skills. Poster presentation (invited) at the CPTA Annual Conference, Santa Clara Sept 22-23, 2018
Coleman Salgado B. Pre-admission variables predictive of academic difficulty in a public DPT program. Poster presentation (Special Recognition, Education category). APTA NEXT Conference & Exposition Orlando, FL June 27-30, 2018
Coleman Salgado B. Course Instructor “Laws & Regulations in Physical Therapy” 2-hour accredited course, Sutter Valley Hospitals, Sacramento. 06/2018
Coleman Salgado B. Course Instructor “California Law & Regulations in Physical Therapy” 2-hour accredited course, McGinty Continuing Education Seminar, Sacramento. 04/2018
McKeough M, Moore B, Barakatt E, Mattern-Baxter K, Coleman-Salgado B. The effects of an intracurricular clinical experience on students’ perception of their patient management skills. Poster at the University Enterprises Research Symposium, 03/2018
Coleman Salgado B. Course Instructor “California Laws & Regulations in Physical Therapy” 2-hour accredited course, Sutter Valley Hospitals, Sacramento. 06/2017
Coleman Salgado B. Course Instructor “California Law & Ethics in Physical Therapy” 2-hour accredited course, McGinty Continuing Education Seminar, Sacramento. 04/2017
Coleman Salgado B. Course Instructor “California Law & Ethics in Physical Therapy” 2-hour accredited course, CPTA annual conference, Santa Clara, Ca. 10/2016
Coleman Salgado B. Course Instructor “Laws & Ethics in Physical Therapy” 2-hour accredited course, Sutter Valley Hospitals, Sacramento. 06/2016
Coleman Salgado B, Maciel S (presenters). Course Instructor & Workshop Trainer of APTA’s “Credentialed Clinical Instructor Program” 15-hour course, UC Davis Medical Center, 11/2015
Coleman Salgado B, Barakatt E. Use of pre-admission quantitative measures data for a physical therapy program to predict performance on the National Physical Therapy Licensure Exam. Poster presentation at the Educational Leadership Conference, annual conference of the APTA and ACAPT. Baltimore, MD. 10/3/2015.
Coleman Salgado B, Barakatt E. Determination of physical therapy program pre-admission quantitative and demographic factors that predict success on the National Physical Therapy Licensure Exam. Poster presentation at the California Physical Therapy Association annual conference. Pasadena, CA. 9/26/2015.
Research Projects/Interests
Research Interests include holistic admissions in physical therapy education, optimizing physical therapist clinical education through focused clinical internships, and the effects of racial and ethnic identity on acceptance into DPT programs.
I currently work full time as faculty, and perform some pro bono physical therapy services in neurologic rehab and wound management.
Favortie quote:
"Diversity is a fact, inclusion is a practice, equity is a goal" -- D. Backmon, Director of Diversity and First Genreation Office, Stanford University.
Education & Professional Associations
- BA in Art, Stanford University
- MS, PT, Duke University
- DPT, Massachusetts General Hospital Institute of Health Profressions
- Diplomat, American Board of Wound Management
- Member, American Physical Therapy Association
- Member, California Physical Therapy Association
- Stanford University Lifetime Alumni Member
- Duke PT Alumni Association
- Expert Consultant and Practice Monitor, Physical Therapy Board of California
The library quad
Guy West Bridge
Mariposa Hall
University Union