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Sac State

Way of the Hornet

What is the Way of the Hornet?

The Way of the Hornet is both a mindset and a way of life. It draws inspiration from the fierce and industrious nature of the hornet, a creature known for its relentless pursuit of success and unwavering determination. Developed by those who have forged the way with resilience and a desire for personal growth, this path represents the nature of the people and the journey of discovery that happens at Sacramento State. It has stood the test of time, guiding countless individuals towards their goals.

How to Hornet: A Beginner’s Guide

Sting with Style

Like the native hornet, practitioners of this way strike with precision and flair, leaving a lasting impact on their endeavors.

student smoldering

Take Fearless Flight

Fear is merely a passing cloud in the sky of the Hornet's journey. Embrace challenges head-on, buzzing through obstacles with unwavering courage.

student smoldering

Experience Hive Mind Mastery

Tap into the collective wisdom of your community, buzzing with the energy of shared knowledge and support.

student smoldering

Enjoy the Sweet Nectar of Growth

Every setback is a chance to grow stronger. The Way of the Hornet teaches resilience in the face of adversity, transforming life's lemons into the sweetest nectar of personal development.

student smoldering