About Peer Assisted Learning Program (PAL)
About the PAL Program
Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) is a curricular structure that encourages cross-year support among students in science and math gateway courses. The PAL program is housed in the Center for Science and Math Success and supports courses offered by the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics. The ECS PAL program supports courses offered by the College of Engineering and Computer Science.
PAL encourages students to learn co-operatively under the guidance of trained students, called PAL Facilitators, who have been very successful in the same course they facilitate, and have been highly trained in group facilitation and pedagogy.
Support the PAL Program
Current Funding
- Sacramento State Academic Affairs
- Associated Students, Inc.
- National Science Foundation DUE 1644273
- Developing Hispanic-Serving Institutions (DHSI) Program
Support the PAL program
It only takes $4,000 to support one Peer Assisted Learning Facilitator for one year, a mentor who will impact 40 students annually. You can also give cash, purchase supplies, or sponsor a student poster presentation at a conference.
For more information please contact Dr. Jennifer Lundmark. For other forms (trust, endowment, estate) please contact Rob Broadhurst, or make a gift directly below.
Connect with Peer Assisted Learning
Find Us
Center for Science & Math Success
Sequoia Hall,
Room 320
Mon. – Fri.,
8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Contact Us
Phone: (916) 278-3577