Faculty Portrait

Contact Information

Name: Chantal Frankenbach

Title: Professor of Music

Office Location: Capistrano Hall 127

Email: cfranken@csus.edu

Office Phone: (916) 278-7980

Office Hours: T-Th 12:00 - 1:00


2012    Ph.D., Music, University of California, Davis. Dissertation: Disdain for Dance,

            Disdain for France: Choreophobia in German Musical Modernism. Dissertation

            director: Beth E. Levy

2007    M.A., Music, University of California, Davis

1985    B.A., Dance, University of California, Irvine. Magna cum laude


Courses I Teach

Graduate seminars

MUSC 201, Introduction to Graduate Studies

MUSC 206, Seminar in Historical Musicology

Special Topics: Music and Dance, Music and Modernism, Musical Humor, The Music of Joseph Haydn, Virtuosity in the 19th Century

Courses for undergraduate music majors

MUSC 10A - 10B - 10C, Survey of Music Literature

MUSC 110, Research in Music History (capstone writing intensive)

Special topics: Musical Premieres, Music in Times of War,  Women in Western Music-Making, Music and Dance

Courses for non-majors

MUSC 18, Music Appreciation (online)

DNCE 22, Music for Dancers




Moving the Body Politic: Isadora Duncan and the German Public, 1902-1905. New York: Oxford University Press. Forthcoming, 2026.

A Cultural History of Dance, co-editor, vol. 5, “A Cultural History of Dance in the Age of Romanticism and Industrialization, 1789–1914.” New York: Bloomsbury Press. Forthcoming, 2026.

Journal articles

“Selling Orchestral Music in the Vaudeville Age: The Duncan-Damrosch Tours, 1908–1911.” Journal of the Society for American Music 15/1 (February, 2021): 60–93.

“Dancing to Beethoven in Wilhelmine Germany: Isadora Duncan and her Critics.” Journal of Musicology 34/1 (Winter, 2017): 71–114.

 “Curricular Design and Institutional Support for Undergraduate Research in Music History.” CUR Quarterly (Fall, 2016): 20–25.

 “Dancing the Redemption of French Literature: Rivière, Mallarmé, and Le Sacre du printemps.” Dance Chronicle: Studies in Dance and the Related Arts 38/2 (2015): 134–160. [Awarded the 2016 Selma Jeanne Cohen Prize in Dance Aesthetics, American Society for Aesthetics]

Book Chapters

“Hypnotic Dancing and the Science of Sleep and Dreams:The Controversial Case of Madeleine G.” The Articulate Body: Dance and Science in the Long Nineteenth Century, edited by Lynn Matluck Brooks, Serial Golomb, and Garth Grimball. University of Florida Press, 2025.

"Cakewalking the Black Atlantic: Wagner and Ragtime in Imperial Germany." In The Routledge Companion to Choreomusicology, edited by Samuel N Dorf, Julia Helen Minors, and Simon Morrison. Forthcoming, 2025.

“Who Laughs Last? The Dancer in Haydn’s Concert Minuets.” In Music in Eighteenth-Century Culture, edited by Mary Sue Morrow, 48–85. Ann Arbor: Steglein Publishing, 2016.

“Waltzing around the Musically Beautiful: Listening and Dancing in Hanslick’s Hierarchy of Musical Perception.” In Rethinking Hanslick: Music, Formalism, and Expression, edited by Nicole Grimes, Wolfgang Marx, and Siobhán Donovan, 108–131. Rochester: University of Rochester Press, 2013.

Book Reviews

Review of Marking Modern Movement: Dance and Gender in the Visual Imagery of the Weimar Republic, by Susan Funkenstein. Central European History (December, 2022): 627–628.

Review of Balanchine and Kirstein’s American Enterprise, by James Steichen. Modernism/Modernity (September, 2020): 620–622.  

Review of Performing Antiquity: Ancient Greek Music and Dance from Paris to Delphi, 1890–1930, by Samuel N. Dorf. Notes 77/2 (December, 2020): 299–302.

Review of Dance and Drama in French Baroque Opera: A History, by Rebecca Harris-Warrick. Notes 75/1 (September, 2018): 72–75.


“Isadora Duncan and her Collaborators.” Guest post for the New York Public Library. https://www.nypl.org/blog/2017/05/01/isadora-duncan-and-her-collaborators


Disdain for Dance, Disdain for France: Choreophobia in German Musical Modernism, University of California, Davis, 2012.


Awards and Fellowships

2021                National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Stipend

2016                Selma Jean Cohen Prize in Dance Aesthetics          

2016                New York Public Library Short-Term Fellowship

2011                Alvin H. Johnson AMS 50 Dissertation Fellowship

2011                Phi Beta Kappa Graduate Scholarship, Northern CA Chapter

2010                UC Davis Humanities Institute Research Award

2009                UC Davis Consortium for Women and Research, Graduate Research Award

2009                Mabelle McLeod Lewis Grant in Aid of Scholarship

Professional Associations

German Studies Association

Council on Undergraduate Research

Society for American Music

Dance Studies Association

American Musicological Society

American Musicological Society, Northern CA chapter

Phi Beta Kappa