Drs. Tyler Argüello, Arturo Baiocchi, and Jennifer Price Wolf, Division of Social Work, have published a manuscript in social work titled "Social work matters: Californians’ perceptions of social welfare." This work derives from the Californians Speak on Social Welfare survey instrument, developed by these authors with support from CHHS. Free access can be found at academic.oup.com.
Dr. Tyler Argüello, Social Work, presented two papers this summer at international conferences, based on his empirical work supported by CHHS. The first, "HIV Stress Exchange: HIV trauma, intergenerational stress, and Queer men, at the 13th annual conference of the Interdisciplinary Social Science Research Network, at the University of Granada, Spain. The second, titled "Cuming together: Recent reasoning in negotiating HIV chronic stress, desire, and intimacy, at the Social Work and Sexualities conference at the University of Montreal.
Sylvester "Jim" Bowie, Social Work, has been elected president of the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) California Chapter, the nation's largest social work chapter, for 2018-2020. He also is chair of the National Council of Presidents for the national organization. In this role, he will preside over the state board and executive of the association and will serve on the national board. NASW, as the organization that provides the practice standards and guidelines and provide benchmarks that describe the services that social workers should provide; that employers should support and that consumers should expect. Standards/guidelines reflect current and emerging best practice trends and are a critical component of the professional social worker's toolkit. They are useful for both new and experienced practitioners.” NASW.org
Dr. Michelle Dang, School of Nursing, partnered with homeless youth to conduct a youth-participatory action research (YPAR) project to address the disparities in STI and HIV rates among homeless youth. The study, “A Youth Participatory Project to Address STIs and HIV among Homeless Youth,” recently was published in Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Nursing. The project is one of the few published YPAR projects that explicitly involved youth as co-investigators and co-authors. The youth investigators in this project co-developed the study’s instruments, collaborated in the study’s design, and co-analyzed the data. Dr. Martha Moon, retired faculty in the School of Nursing, also contributed to the data analysis and is a co-author. Results from the study highlight the importance of youth-centered services and interventions related to sexual health and the feasibility of having youth as co-investigators.
Dr. Denver J. Fowler, Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, will present his research in Cape Town, South Africa, in August at the World Education Research Association – World Congress, an American Education Research Association sponsored event. His research presentation is titled Research on Ethics and Educational Leadership in the 21st Century and Beyond. In addition, Dr. Fowler has been invited to Guest Lecture at Nelson Mandela University in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. His Guest Lecture is titled Preparing School Leaders and Teachers in the 21st Century: The Importance of Effective Technology Use with Educational Leadership and Classroom Instruction. Dr. Fowler recently authored a book titled The 21st Century School Leader: Leading Schools in Today’s World, which has quickly become a best seller amongst all books on school leadership. In addition to his Program Coordinator and Assistant Professor responsibilities at CSUS, Dr. Fowler serves as an elected Senator on Faculty Senate, serves as a member of the Curriculum, Assessment, Technology, and Teaching Excellence committee, and serves as the Graduate and Professional Studies in Education Department Representative and Social Media Chair for the California Faculty Association (Capitol Chapter).
Dr. Nicole Fox, Criminal Justice, and her colleague, Dr. Hollie Nyseth Brehm (Ohio State University Sociology), were curious to understand why and how people took high risks to save others during times of war or genocide. To answer this question, Fox and Nyseth Brehm traveled to Rwanda to interview people who saved others during the 1994 genocide. They interviewed 25 rescuers and analyzed a survey of 273 individuals who participated in rescue efforts (one of the largest samples of rescue efforts to date). Their study, recently published in Social Forces, explores the importance of social networks, socialization and intergenerational stories of rescue to prosocial behavior. This exciting study has significant contemporary importance as we struggle to understand how to teach young people to intervene in violence or unjust situations, especially in times of #metoo and deep political tensions. Full citation: Fox, Nicole, and Hollie Nyseth Brehm. 2018. "I Decided to Save Them": Factors That Shaped Participation in Rescue Efforts during Genocide in Rwanda." Social Forces 96, no. 4: 1625-1647.
Jonathan Kaplan, Economics, recently participated in a panel discussion titled “Assessing the real impact of plant pathology: the many hidden losses due to plant diseases,” at the 16th International Congress of Plant Pathology held in Boston, July 29-Aug. 3. His participation on the panel also included a talk on the impact of plant diseases on high value products (the effect of grape diseases on the wine industry).
Jamie Kneitel, Biological Sciences, presented and participated in the 2018 CSU Campus Climate Research Community Conference. Climate researchers from across the CSU System participated in this web-conference. He presented his work on climate change effects in California vernal pools.
Kazue Masuyama, World Languages and Literatures, was appointed to be the Chief Reader for College Board Advanced Placement Japanese Language and Culture Examination from July 2018. Japanese is one of 36 AP subjects and Prof. Masuyama oversees the scoring of the Japanese AP Exams and prepares related publications and training manuals. Prof. Masuyama also served on the Exam Development Committee for the College Board SAT Japanese Exam (2013-16) and AP Japanese Language and Culture Exam (2007-2011). She has been active in AP Reading since its launch. As the Chief Reader, she presented “Core Practices for AP World Language and Culture Courses” and “Results from the 2018 AP Japanese Language and Culture Exam” at the AP Annual Conference in Houston on July 20.
Dean Dr. Jenni Murphy, College of Continuing Education, has been selected as the new chair of the Girl Scouts Heart of Central California (GSHCC) Board of Directors, which serves 18 counties. Dr. Murphy has been a longtime supporter of the Girl Scouts starting as a troop leader, joining the board in 2014 and currently serving as vice chair. Dr. Murphy starts her new role in February, at time when GSHCC “is expanding its offerings to local Girl Scouts including new spaces for Girl Scouts in STEM and an expanded outdoor program,” according to a council news release. “GSHCC is devoted to building girls of courage, confidence and character in Alpine, Amador, Calaveras, Colusa, El Dorado, Glenn, Mariposa, Merced, Nevada, Placer, Sacramento, San Joaquin, Solano, Stanislaus, Sutter, Tuolumne, Yolo and Yuba counties.”
Dr. Santos Torres Jr., Division of Social Work, and Debra L. Welkley, lecturer, Department of Sociology, co-facilitated a professional development session at American River College, The Power of Vulnerability: Strongest in Our Broken Places, on Aug. 22. The session explored how in the role of instructor, can often generate a tendency to focus on experiences that have made us feel at risk (e.g. course evaluations, classroom observations, disruptive behaviors, etc.). In addition to professional and personal challenges that faculty often face, strategies for overcoming such vulnerabilities are a central aspect of this professional development session. Through this workshop, participants will be able to explore the creation of a new narrative relative to vulnerabilities faced.
Dr. Santos Torres Jr., Division of Social Work, recently had his article, EBSA: Promoting Student-Centered Learning Through Evidence-Based Self-Assessment, published with the Association of College and University Educators (ACUE), The 'Q' Blog. a student self-evaluation tool referred to as Evidence-Based Self-Assessment (EBSA). The EBSA is designed to encourage students to be actively engaged and accountable for their learning. The article explains this tools and how it can be beneficial for engaging students in the classroom and in online courses. He has presented on this assessment tool at several conferences during the past two years as well as departments across the Sacramento State campus. Read the article at community.acue.org/blog/ebsa-promoting-student-centered-learning-through-evidence-based-self-assessment.
Lindy Valdez, Ed.D. Kinesiology and Health Science, presented, "Online Publications: The Success and Saga," at the Media + Innovate Learning 2018 international conference in Amsterdam, Netherlands, June 25-29.