Celebrate this year’s Constitution and Civic Engagement (CACE) Week, Sept. 12-29, with a variety of events aimed at creating a better understanding of this living document and putting the tenets of community involvement to work.
The annual event is organized by the Sacramento State Community Engagement Center (CEC). This year’s theme is “Constitution Matters – Raise Your Voice.” Speakers will address current events such as the presidential election, voter engagement, democracy, and social justice.
During the week, the Sac State and surrounding communities are invited to attend various talks addressing topics related to the Constitution. Students also will have an opportunity to work in teams of three to test their knowledge of the U.S. and California constitutions during the Constitution Quiz Bowl on Wednesday, Sept. 14. As part of the civic engagement activity, CEC will recruit Sac State students, faculty, staff, and alumni to engage in a Day of Service, painting and refurbishing houses in the South Oak Park neighborhood on Saturday, Sept. 17. A lecture by Cornel West, a distinguished professor and activist, is scheduled for Thursday, Sept. 29.
The calendar of events includes:
Noon to 1 p.m. Monday, Sept. 12: “The Challenges and Rewards of Being a California Voter,” a talk by Kim Alexander, president and founder, California Voter Foundation, at The WELL, Terrace Suite. Sponsored by Sacramento State’s Community Engagement Center.
Noon to 1 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 13: “Hear Us: Sac State Student Leaders Panel,” a discussion by representatives from various campus organizations, at the University Union, Redwood Room. Sponsored by Student Organizations and Leadership (SO&L).
9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 13, to Friday, Sept. 16: Day of Service Part 1 – Pre-Paint the Town. Ten to 12 volunteers are needed to assist with prepping for painting, removing, and setting posts for fence-building in the Oak Park neighborhood of Sacramento. Lunch will be provided. If interested, please contact Sharon Eghigian at Sharon@nwsac.org or call (916) 452-5356, ext. 2217, by Friday, Sept. 9. Sponsored by NeighborWorks Sacramento.
Noon to 1 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 14: Constitution Quiz Bowl, University Union Ballroom. To participate, teams must register at eventbrite.com/e/2016-constitution-bowl-tickets-25931278151 by Friday, Sept. 9. Pizza and refreshments will be provided. Sponsored by the Center for California Studies and the Project for an Informed Electorate.
11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 15: Community and Civic Engagement Resource Fair, Library Quad. Sponsored by Sacramento State’s Community Engagement Center and the Foundation for Democracy and Justice.
1 to 3 p.m. Friday, Sept. 16: “Challenges, Choices and the November Election.” Student leaders are invited to participate in a civic engagement training and discussion. Lunch will be provided. University Union, California Suite (third floor). Sponsored by Sacramento Area Congregations Together.
8 a.m. to noon and 1 to 5 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 17: Day of Service Part 2 – Paint the Town. Sac State volunteers will help make exterior improvements in the Oak Park neighborhood by painting, landscaping, performing minor home repairs, and much more. Lunch and a volunteer T-shirt will be provided. Register at csus.edu/cec. Sponsored by NeighborWorks Sacramento and Sacramento State’s Community Engagement Center.
Noon to 1:30 p.m. Monday, Sept. 19: “Serna Center Forum: Past ASI Presidents Reflect,” a panel discussion with former Sac State ASI presidents. University Union, Foothill Suite (third floor). Sponsored by the Serna Center.
5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 21: “An Evening on National Race Relations in the U.S. Political Drama,” a panel discussion of student research, University Union, Hinde Auditorium. Sponsored by the History Department.
7:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 29: “Race, Democracy, Justice and Love,” a lecture by Cornel West, thought leader and activist, University Union Ballroom. Sponsored by Associated Students Inc., the Center for African Peace and Conflict Resolution, the College of Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Sciences, the Community Engagement Center, the Cooper-Woodson College Enhancement Program, the Multi-Cultural Center, the One Book Program, the Sociology Department/Al Qazzaz Lecture Series, Student Academic Success and Education Equity Programs, and University Union UNIQUE Programs.
Every day throughout CACE, the ASI Office of Governmental Affairs will host a voter registration table at all the above-referenced events. For more information, including locations and times of events during CACE Week, please visit csus.edu/cec/cace.2016.html or call Francine Redada, Partnership/Program coordinator, Community Engagement Center, at (916) 278-4610.