Preview story: California State University (CSU) Chancellor Timothy P. White will spend one day – Tuesday, May 3 – at Sacramento State, and it promises to be a busy one.
It’s his second visit to campus since becoming the seventh Chancellor to lead the CSU, the largest four-year system of higher education in the country, and his first since President Robert S. Nelsen took the reins at Sacramento State last summer. Chancellor White is visiting all CSU campuses this academic year, meeting with campus leaders and faculty to identify best practices and innovative research efforts that can be scaled system-wide to increase student success and degree completion rates.
The Chancellor’s day will begin with an 8 a.m. breakfast at The WELL, hosted by the President and his wife, Jody. Invited guests include Sac State alumni, donors, members of the President’s Cabinet, and student ambassadors. Entertainment will be provided by Sacramento State’s C-Sus Voices, named the No. 1 college vocal jazz group in the nation at this month’s Monterey Next Generation Jazz Festival.
From there, White will begin a whirlwind tour of signature programs and innovative projects on campus, and he’ll lead an open forum in the afternoon.
Highlights of the Chancellor’s day at Sac State include:
- A sustainability initiatives campus tour – The tour will make stops at STORC (the Sustainable Technology Optimization Research Center), stormwater-management sites, and the composting area in Lot 10; 10 to 11 a.m. from Mariposa Hall.
- Open forum – White will make opening remarks and take questions from the audience; 2 to 3 p.m. in the 400-seat University Theatre, Shasta Hall.
- Classroom visits – Professor Rachel Clarke and her students in Art 143, Computer Animation, will demonstrate the 30-second, 3-D animation they’re designing for the entrance to the Golden 1 Center downtown, the new home of the Sacramento Kings. White also will join a Chemistry 1 Peer-Assisted Learning (PAL) session. PAL encourages students to learn cooperatively under the guidance of trained students called PAL facilitators.
- Program overview – White also will spend time touring and meeting students who participate in Student Academic Success and Educational Equity Programs (SASEEP).
In addition, White will meet with members of Associated Students Inc. and have lunch with representatives of the University Staff Assembly.
As Chancellor, White oversees the CSU’s 23 campuses, which serve nearly 474,000 students, and 49,000 faculty and staff. The CSU is one of the most diverse and affordable university systems in the country.
White made his inaugural visit to Sacramento State three years ago. He’s currently nearing the end of his 2015-16 “Innovations in the Learning Environment” tour of all 23 campuses.
MEDIA OPPORTUNITIES: Chancellor White will be available for interviews from 3 to 3:30 p.m., immediately following the open forum. Media is welcome to also gather B-roll during the hourlong sustainability tour from 10 to 11 a.m. To RSVP for either event, please contact Elisa Smith, Director of News & Communications, at elisa.smith@csus.edu or (916) 278-4016. – Dixie Reid
In the media:
"CSU chancellor visits Sacramento State," Capital Public Radio