Sacramento State’s One Book selection for the 2016-17 academic year is the New York Times bestseller The Other Wes Moore: One Name, Two Fates, by Wes Moore.
It’s the true story of two men who lived parallel lives, to a point. They were born within a year of each other, grew up fatherless in similar tough Baltimore neighborhoods, and had run-ins with the law in their youth. Wes Moore the author grew up to be a Rhodes scholar, a decorated combat veteran, a White House Fellow, and a successful businessman. The other Wes Moore, convicted of felony murder, is serving a life sentence in prison. The two men would come to know each other.
“The Other Wes Moore highlights the struggles of African American men growing up in a world that is becoming increasingly divided by race, education, and economics,” says Hellen Lee, faculty coordinator of Sac State’s One Book Program. “In our moment in history, young African American men and women are feeling less welcome at colleges and universities. This book will allow our campus community to examine what the decreasing number of African American and other students of color will mean for preparing students to move into a world that is becoming more diverse, global, and heterogeneous.
“This important book also offers all students a hard look at the difficult and life-changing choices they will make for the daily and milestone events in their lives.”
The Other Wes Moore: One Name, Two Fates (Spiegel & Grau, 250 pages paperback) is $12.80 plus tax at Hornet Bookstore, a 20 percent savings off the list price.
The One Book Program was established in 2008 to introduce the campus community and Sacramento region to writers who have addressed contemporary issues in a compelling way.
The One Book selection committee each year invites the One Book author to campus for Author Day, which usually includes a reception and public lectures. This year, because of budget constraints, there will be no Author Day, Lee says.
Instead, the committee will sponsor other events on campus to allow people to gather and talk about The Other Wes Moore. Those activities will be announced soon on the One Book website: www.csus.edu/onebook.
The One Book Program is sponsored by the Hornet Bookstore, University Enterprises Inc., UNIQUE Programs, and Academic Affairs. – Dixie Reid