Photos from the 2015-16 Outstanding Faculty Awards

Preview story: It’s "awards season” at Sacramento State, as the University prepares to honor exceptional members of its faculty over the next few weeks.
The University Award for Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity for Early-Career Faculty (formerly the President’s Award) this year goes to Nikolaos Lazaridis, an associate professor of history.
He was singled out by the research and creative activity subcommittee of the Faculty Senate for having made significant contributions to his discipline over the last five years, as evidenced by research, scholarly activity, or creative and artistic endeavors. The award includes a $2,500 professional development grant and three units of release time from the University.
Lazaridis will present his award lecture, “Daring the Desert: Ancient Travelers and Their Graffiti in Kharga Oasis, Egypt,” at 4 p.m. Wednesday, March 30, in the University Union, Forest Suite. A reception will follow his talk.
The subcommittee also selected Rafael Escamilla, professor of physical therapy, to receive the 2016 University Award for Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity for Senior Faculty.
Formerly called the Outstanding Scholarly Achievement Award, it recognizes tenured and tenure-track faculty who have been at Sacramento State for at least 10 academic years and have made significant contributions to a discipline through their research, scholarly activity, creative/artistic endeavors, and publications. Escamilla’s award also includes a $2,500 professional development grant and three units of release time from Sacramento State.
He will present his award lecture, “Elbow Biomechanics and Elbow Injuries in Youth and Professional Baseball Pitchers: Is It an Epidemic and Why?” at 4 p.m. Tuesday, April 26, in the University Union, Orchard Suite. A reception will follow.
In addition to these two awards, the Faculty Senate will honor 24 faculty members for their commitment to teaching, scholarly and creative activity, and service during a ceremony and reception at 3 p.m. Thursday, March 17, in the University Union, Redwood Room.
The honorees were chosen for recognition by their peers in the faculty ranks.
Along with their contributions as educators and leaders, the 24 individuals are committed to student success, and display consistent and engaging collegiality on the Sacramento State campus.
“The 2015-16 Outstanding Faculty Awards are a reminder of the gargantuan efforts made by faculty to ensure that the mission and reputation of the University are maintained and built on,” says Sylvester “Jim” Bowie, chair of the Faculty Senate.
“These awards also are significant because of the substantial roles played by faculty in turning mirrors into windows for our students and colleagues. These few faculty who will be honored at the awards ceremony are most deserving.”
Recipients of the 2015-16 Outstanding Faculty Awards are:
Outstanding Teaching Awards
- Bryan Coleman-Salgado, Physical Therapy, College of Health and Human Services
- Ghazan Khan, Civil Engineering, College of Engineering and Computer Science
- Vera Margoniner, Physics and Astronomy, College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
- Roberto Pomo, Theatre and Dance, College of Arts and Letters
- Kristin Van Gaasbeck, Economics, College of Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies
- William Vicars, Undergraduate Studies in Education, College of Education
Outstanding University Service Awards
- Sue Escobar, Criminal Justice, College of Health and Human Services
- Ben Fell, Civil Engineering, College of Engineering and Computer Science
- Ana Garcia-Nevarez, Undergraduate Studies in Education, College of Education
- Enid Gonzalez-Orta, Biological Sciences, College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
- Greg Kim-Ju, Psychology, College of Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies
- Mark Ludwig, Communication Studies, College of Arts and Letters
Outstanding Scholarly and Creative Activity Awards
- Barbara Carle, World Languages and Literatures, College of Arts and Letters
- Lisa Hammersley, Geology, College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
- Katrin Mattern-Baxter, Physical Therapy, College of Health and Human Services
- Carlos Nevarez, Doctorate in Educational Leadership, College of Education
- James DeShaw Rae, Government, College of Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies
- Sudhir Thakur, Finance Area, College of Business Administration
- Jian-zhong "Joe" Zhou, Reference Department, University Library
Outstanding Community Service Awards
- William DeGraffenreid, Physics and Astronomy, College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
- Susan Heredia, Graduate and Professional Studies in Education, College of Education
- Sujatha Moni, Women’s Studies, College of Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies
- Celeste Roseberry-McKibbin, Speech Pathology and Audiology, College of Health and Human Services
- Jenny Stark, Communication Studies, College of Arts and Letters
– Dixie Reid