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2006 Transit of Mercury

Image of 2003 transit of Mercury
Image Credit: SOHO (ESA/NASA)


On November 8th 2006 the planet Mercury will transit the Sun. The next transit will not occur until 2016.  We are fortunate that the full transit will be visible from Sacramento. The total time for the event will be a little less than 5 hours.

Transit Timeline

External Ingress 11:12:38 PST
Internal Ingress 11:14:31 PST
Greatest Transit 01:41:02 PST
Internal Egress 04:07:42 PST
Internal Egress 04:09:35 PST

Observing Location

We will be observing the transit from the astronomy observing platform on the room of Amador Hall (entrance on 4th floor).

small map - amador hall
Aerial Photo: U.S. Geological Survey

Longitude: -121.42446
Latitude: 38.55930

Path of Mercury

External Links

NASA: 2006 Transit of Mercury
ASP: Mercury, its time has come
ASP: Mercurio ¡Ha Llegado Su Turno!

Jason Ybarra  (jybarra@csus.edu)
Department of Physics & Astronomy
6000 J Street
Sacramento, CA 95819

Updated 10/17/2006