Child Development 131 (3):

Language and Learning

Spring 2002

Dr. Weissman


Exam 1 Revision Guidelines

You may earn up to 50% of the points you missed on exam questions by doing the following:

1) For Sections 1, 2 and 3; explain why the answer you chose or provided was incorrect or incomplete, AND explain what the correct answer is and why it is correct.

2) For Section 4 (parts I and II). Rewrite the question so that it is correct and complete. If you provide examples, they must be original (i.e., not from the text, class notes, or other students)! Note: You must answer the question you originally attempted. If you did not answer any of these questions, you may choose one to answer for up to 1/3 of the possible points.

3) Your revised exam responses must:

        a) be typed and spell checked; single spaced with an extra space between questions.

b) include question numbers

c) be turned-in by Thursday, April 11th with your original exam attached.

Note: these revisions must be in your own words; you will not receive credit if you directly quote or copy from the text or the instructor!




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