Child Development 131 (3): Language
and Learning Spring 2002 Dr. Weissman
final Child Language Portfolio will be a compilation of all of the
transcription analyses plus an APA-style summary paper describing your
findings. Written
Report This
paper will be an APA-style paper summarizing your method, findings, and
conclusions. Your paper should include the following sections: 1.
Title Page
Include a project title,
the author’s name (i.e., your name), and University affiliation 2.
This should be a brief
summary of the paper/study, including one or two sentence answers to
each of the following questions: What did you do? Why did you do it?
What did you find? 3.
Method Participants:
Who participated in your study? Where did you find this child? What
background/demographic information can you share about the child? (This
is the biographic information that you obtained when collecting your
sample- see original Project 1 handout) Procedure
and Materials: What did you do (be specific)? What materials (i.e.,
questionnaire, books, games) did you use? How long did this take?
Describe the process of transcription. Include the calculations
regarding descriptive statistics of your transcript (see Project 1-part
2 handout) 4.
Results This
is where you present the analysis of the child’s language! Analyze
the child’s language according to each of the systems of language we
have covered in this course. Much of this you should have done already.
All actual calculations completed should be included as Appendixes –
not in this section. Be
sure to talk about each of the five language components: a.
Phonology (Did you notice anything about your target child’s
phonetic awareness? Include reference to your phonetic transcription). b.
Morphology (Talk about your child’s MLU as described on Project
1-part 4 handout) c.
Syntax (Talk about your target child’s understanding of
sentence form and structure using information from class and/or text) d.
Semantics (Talk about your target child’s knowledge of words.
This is where you can discuss the results of the CDI, both your
child’s results as well as his/her results as compared to the entire
class) e.
Pragmatics (Based on your interpretation, explain your target
child’s pragmatic understanding using information from class and/or
text) In
your analysis you might want to: ·
to specific examples in the transcript (by line number) to illustrate
your analysis of the child’s language according to each of the
language components. ·
to the calculations in the appendixes. ·
overall totals, means, and or percentages for any of the topics you
discuss. These can be included in the text or in tables or graphs. ·
the reading material for this course (APA style, by authors and date) to
support your analyses of what child is demonstrating in the language
sample you have collected. 5.
Discussion Interpret
your results. What do your results mean? Summarize your overall
evaluation of the child’s language status, justifying your conclusion
by referring to specific aspects of the language analysis you have
provided. Comment on the extent to which you see this child as within
the normal developmental range for his/her age group, and why you
reached this conclusion In
this section you can also talk about any problems with your transcript.
Is there anything you would do differently next time? What else might
you like to know about your child? 6.
If you reference anything, it should be included in a reference
list. 7.
Include a copy of everything you did. At a minimum, I expect to
see: a signed human subjects form, a copy of your transcript, a piece of
your transcript with phonetic translation, a completed CDI checklist,
and morpheme notations with an MLU calculation. If you perform any other
calculations, or code your data for any other information, you should
include the information in this section. Portfolio
Composition Your
portfolio is, in essence, the paper described above. All of the language
analysis assignments you have been working on this semester will
comprise your Appendixes and serve to inform your writing. Your paper
should be the top piece and all other components should follow, in order
of mention in the paper. As mentioned in class, you do not need to put
all of this information in a binder, they are accepted, but a binder
will not increase your grade. The
entire Child Language Portfolio is due in my office (Brighton Hall 131)
no later than Tuesday,
May 21st at 4 p.m. Note:
if you want me to mail your portfolio to you after grading, please
include a self-addressed, stamped envelope with your portfolio.
Remember, these are going to be heavy, so please weigh the portfolio and
provide stamps based on weight; if I do not have enough postage, I will
not send the paper.
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