Lecturer in Accountancy
Office: TAH 2055
Phone: 278-6272
Hrs: TTR: 8:45-9:30am
Email: cwall@saclink.csus.edu

ACCY1 (Accounting Fundamentals) is taught in the classroom but access to course materials and all Assignments, Quizzes and Exams are completed and submitted online in Connect Accounting. Links to the Publisher's website (Connect Accounting) are provided in the course online environment in SacCT 9.1. (also known as Blackboard). Students are assumed to be computer literate and capable of studying this course using the internet. If you're unfamiliar with the University's latest version of SacCT follow this link: SacCT9.1. A more detailed explanation of the course, and related policies, are included in the Course Syllabus.
Useful Links
California State University, Sacramento | 6000 J Street | Sacramento, CA 95819 | (916) 278-6011
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