Publications, and Presentations ::
Cook, Jerry & Tripp, Paula. Child Development: Issues,
Trends and Current Research. Workshop presentation at Home
Economics Careers and Technology Leadership and Management State
Conference, Sacramento, CA. August, 2004.
Tripp, Paula. The FACS Pre-Credential Program. Presentation
at CSUS FACS Department Open House. April, 2004.
Tripp, Paula. HECT Teacher Demand Exceeding Supply! HETAC
Headlines. Fall, 2003.
Tripp, Paula, and Weston, Wendi. Updating Curriculum with Technology
Resources . Workshop presentation at Home Economics Careers
and Technology Leadership and Management State Conference. Rancho
Mirage, CA. August, 2003.
Tripp, Paula, Antrobus, Michelle, and Weston, Wendi. Plan Your
Education Career Pathway! Workshop presentation at FHA-HERO
State Leadership Meeting. March 31, 2003. Fresno, CA.
Goughnour, Kelly & Tripp, Paula. Skills and Strategies
for the New Teacher. Workshop presentation at Home Economics
Careers and Technology Leadership and Management State Conference.
Sacramento, CA. August, 2002.
