Computer Terminology for the Inquiring Mind
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analog: a continuous, unbroken signal or display. Opposite of digital.
ASCII: (pronounced ‘as-key’) An acronym for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. ASCII is a coding standard. With all microcomputers that use ASCII, 01000001 equals the letter ‘A’, 00110010 the number ‘2’, 00101011 the ‘+’ sign, etc. See byte.
BASIC: Beginner’s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. A once popular programming language for novice computer users.

backup: An extra copy of software, normally kept on file in case the original program is lost or damaged. (also called ‘archival copy’)


binary number system: A number system (‘base 2’) using 1s and 0s to represent all numbers. 0=0, 1=1. 10=2, 11=3, 100=4, 101=5, 110=6, 111=7, 1000=8, 1001=9, 1010=10, etc. These are the only numbers computers understand.


bit: A short way of saying ‘binary digit,’ the smallest unit of information in a computer. A bit is either a 1 or a 0. Taken together, a number of bits are used to represent data inside a computer. See binary number system and byte.


boot: To start a computer including loading the operating system and start-up program into the computer’s memory. See DOS and startup disk.


Browser: A World Wide Web program for navigating the internet. Most browsers display graphics, text, and hyperlinks to "jump" from one Web page to another. Microsoft Explorer and Netscape Navigator are two examples of browsers.


bulletin board system: An electronic message center. Most BBSs allows you to send and receive mail, read messages, or transfer files to and from your computer.


byte: The smallest meaningful unit of information in a computer. A sequence of 8 bits that represents a single character, number or other keystroke. See ASCII and bit. 


catalo: See directory.


CD-ROM: Short for Compact Disk - Read-Only Memory. An optically (or laser) read disk which can store approximately 600 MB of data, about 250,000 text pages. Data on CD-ROM disks cannot be changed by the user.


character: Any letter, digit, or other symbol that is used to represent data. All symbols that appear on the computer keyboard are characters. The space and carriage return also are characters.


chip: common name for a small, flat piece of silicon upon which electronic circuits are etched. See CPU, memory, RAM and ROM.


client: A requester of information. As you surf the Internet, you, your computer, or your browser may be considered an Internet client.


clock speed: The speed at which a CPU executes instructions. See MHz.


copyright: The right given to those who develop original material (e.g., software) to be the sole beneficiaries of the material. Copyright laws protect persons from having their ideas used or duplicated without permission (e.g., purchasing a single copy of software and loading it onto more than one machine would be a violation of copyright laws.) 


copy protected: A disk that is ‘copy protected’ has data recorded in a way that the disk cannot be copied using normal copy programs or other normal means. 


CPU: Central Processing Unit. A chip on the motherboard that works as the ‘brains’ or ‘traffic cop’ of the computer. The CPU does most of the calculations and directs the operations of the computer system. The CPU consists of an arithmetic logic unit (which performs calculations and logical operations) and the control unit (which executes instructions).


data: A general term meaning any and all information, facts, numbers, letters and symbols that can be acted on or produced by a computer.


database: An accumulation of information organized so that the computer can arrange the information or conduct searches for data that meet certain specified criteria.


dialogA window on your computer screen that prompts you to type something, make choices, or confirm a command before the program can continue.


digital: A signal that is broken into pieces and then treated as a number. Frequently represented as either an off or on or a 0 or 1. Opposite of analog.


digitizer: A device that translates an analog input into digital data that can be manipulated by a computer (e.g., a scanner, an optical character recognition device).


directory: A file on a disk where information is kept such as the names of files and programs, where the data are stored on disks, and whether a file is locked. Also referred to as the catalog.


diskette: A magnetic or optical disk used to store computer programs and data.


disk drive: A device that reads and records data on disks. See floppy disk, hard disk, optical disk and removable cartridge.

document: Data file used by an application (e.g., a letter created using a word processor).
documentation: Written instructions within a program or an instruction sheet or manual for a piece of hardware or software.
DOS: Disk Operating System. The program that controls all disk-related activities. Each major type of computer has its own DOS (e.g., MS-DOS). The full operating system on IBM and IBM-compatible computers is sometimes referred to as DOS.
driver: Software that instructs the operating system how to communicate with a peripheral device (e.g., hard disk drive, printer).
electronic mail: (AKA e-mail) The electronic transmission of messages and documents from one computer to another over a network.
e-mail address: The address you use to send and receive e-mail. Your e-mail address contains your username, the @ symbol, and the domain name, as <>.
emulate: The ability of a computer to imitate another type of computer (e.g., with additional hardware and/or software, a Macintosh can emulate or work as though it were a IBM-PC or clone).


FAQ (Frequently asked questions) Pronounced "FACK" a file containing answers to common questions that new users of a program or service might ask. If you are new to a newsgroup or list serv, you should look up the group’s FAQ file and read the answers to questions others have already asked.
FAX machine: Short for facsimile machine, a device that can send or receive pictures and text over telephone lines.
FAX modem: A device that enables a computer to send and receive FAX messages. Usually a modem can be used as a FAX modem by using an additional software program. See modem.
firmware: A computer program that is permanently stored on a ROM chip.
floppy disk: A 31/2 or 51/4 inch flexible, magnetic-coated disk used to store computer programs or data. Floppy disks can store 150KB to 1.4MB of data. Also called ‘diskette.’
format: To prepare a disk for reading and writing. Formatting divides the disk into tracks and sectors, creates a directory (also called ‘catalog’), writes the DOS for that type of computer, and may write some of the computer's Operating System.
GB: (short for ‘gigabyte’) a thousand megabytes (230). {Precisely, 1,073,741,824 bytes.}
GIF (Graphic Interchange Format): One of two common formats (the other is JPEG) for fimage fifles associated with Web documents. The acronym may appear at the end of a filename, as in <mypicture.gif>.
graphic user interface (GUI): a user interface based on icons (graphic symbols) usually selected with a mouse. Used on the Macintosh and with Windows for IBM and IBM-compatible computers. See interface and Windows.
hard disk: A rigid, metal magnetic-coated disk used to store computer programs or data. More information can be stored on a hard disk than on a floppy disk and the drive can transfer data more quickly. Hard disk may be external or internal (built into the computer). Hard disks can store from 20MB to 3,000MB of data.
hardware: The physical (mechanical and circuitry) parts of the computer (e.g., the CPU, chips, keyboard, disk drive) as opposed to ‘software.’ See software.
homepage: Usually the first page you see when you access a particular web site. A homepage usually has hypertext links to other pages on the same server or to other Web servers.
HTML (hypertext markup language): A computer code that alows you to create pages on the World Wide Web. HTML "tags" electrocnic text to indicate how it should be displayed on screen by a browser. It provides a common language for browsers using different cxomputer systems.
HTTP (hypertext transfer protocol): The communication rules used by browsers and servers to move HTML documents across the Web.
hypermedia: Programs that allow you to use or create stacks of ‘file cards’ which you can read, search through, and jump from a word or button to other cards in the stack, other stacks, files or video. HyperCard and HyperStudio are prominent hypermedia programs.
input: Information entered into the computer, most frequently from the keyboard. Data also may be input from devices such as a joystick, microphone, mouse or scanner.
integrated circuit: A complete electronic circuit on a single chip.
interface: 1. The hardware and/or software used to connect two devices (computers and peripherals) that otherwise could not be used directly together (e.g., an interface between the computer and a disk drive). 2. The interface the user sees on the screen that controls interaction between the computer and the user. See graphic user interface.
initialize: See format.
Internet: A world-wide linkage of computers; a network of networks designed to share information.
Internet service provider (ISP) : A person or company providing access to the Internet.
JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group): Pronounced "Jay-Peg."One of two common formats (the other is GIF) for image files associated with WEB documents. In file names the acronym may appear as .jpeg or .jpg, as in <mypicture.jpg>.
KB: (short for ‘kilobyte’) a thousand bytes (210). {Precisely, 1,024 bytes.}
language: A set of words and other symbols used to give instructions to a computer (e.g., assembly, BASIC, C, FORTRAN, Logo, Pascal).
load: To input data and/or programs into a computer from storage, usually a hard or floppy disk. Also see boot.
MB: (short for ‘megabyte’) a million bytes (220). {Precisely, 1,084,576 bytes.}
memory: Circuitry and devices that hold the binary 1s and 0s the computer can access. Memory usually refers to the main memory held in chips (particularly RAM and ROM). It also is used to refer to information stored on floppy or hard disks. See storage.
MHz: The speed of a computer (measured in millions of clock cycles per second). A higher MHz number means that the computer can work faster than can one with a lower number.
microcomputer: A stand-alone computer that has a microprocessor as its main central processing unit. See CPU.
microprocessor: The central processing unit of a computer that holds all the elements for manipulating data and performing arithmetic calculations.
modem: A device that allows a computer to talk to another computer over telephone lines. Because microcomputers use ASCII code as a standard way to represent characters, different brands of microcomputers can communicate through modems. Short for modulator/demodulator.
monitor: The screen on which you see your work.
motherboard: The large printed circuit board which contains the CPU, main memory chips, slots, and most of the other electronic components.
mouse: A pointing device used to move the cursor. Used with a graphic user interface to select icons or items on a menu.
multimedia: Computer applications that integrate a variety of audio and video elements with a computer.
network: The connection between several computers that allows them to share programs, data and peripherals.
operating system: The underlying set of instructions that tells the computer how to perform its basic functions. Each major type of computer has its own operating system. Also see DOS.
optical disk: A storage medium where data are read and, in some cases, written to by laser. The most common optical disks are CD-ROM and videodiscs. Both of these are read-only disks. See CD-ROM and videodisc.
output: Information or results that are generated by a computer while running a program and sent by the CPU to a built-in or peripheral device (e.g., a speaker or monitor).
parallel: Bits of data moving simultaneously, next to each other, over separate wires.
peripheral: Equipment that is attached to the computer. The most common peripherals used with microcomputers are the keyboard, disk drives, printers, and monitors.
port: A place to connect other devices to a computer.
program: (1) {noun} A computer program is a list of instructions that tells a computer what to do and how to do it. See software. (2) {verb} To prepare the list of instructions.
RAM: Random-access memory. The main type of memory used in a microcomputer. The computer can find a piece of information in RAM in about the same time no matter where it is stored.
RAM chips: Chips called ‘RAM’ in a microcomputer are random-access memory chips in which all data is lost when the power is turned off. The memory available to store programs and data; the computer’s workspace. See RAM.
removable cartridge: A type of disk drive where hard disks are enclosed in plastic or metal case so they can be removed like floppy disks. Storage ranges from 40MB to 270MB.
ROM chips: Read-only memory chips. These chips are random-access memory chips in which information is stored permanently and cannot be altered. Data can be read from, but not written to, ROM memory. ROM stores the programs that start up the computer and perform diagnostics on the computer. Part or all of the operating system is stored in ROM.
scanner: A device that reads text or pictures printed on paper and changes the information into digital form that can be used by a computer.
sector: A portion of a disk track on which data can be stored. It is the smallest unit on which the disk drive can read and write data. See track.
serial: Data moving one bit at a time over a single wire.
slot: A connector on the motherboard into which boards or cards (e.g., a monitor interface board) can be plugged. A slot is a specialized type of port. See port.
software: Computer programs. The term was coined to contrast with ‘hardware,’ the actual mechanical parts and circuitry of a computer. Some sources also include ‘data’ in their definitions of software, describing software as anything that can be displayed on the screen or printed on paper. See firmware.
spreadsheet: A program that creates a large worksheet on which you can perform numerical computations and projections using data and formulas that you enter.
startup disk: A disk that contains some or all of the operating system needed to boot or startup a computer which does not have all of the operating system on ROM chips (e.g., the Macintosh). The startup disk usually will be your hard disk drive. See boot.
storage: Memory that is kept on disks.
telecommunications: Communicating with another computer by sending data over telephone lines.
track: A circular path on a disk on which data can be stored.
utility program: A program designed to perform a functional task (e.g., a gradebook or a program that creates crossword puzzles ) Also a program that will correct or repair file storage and disk errors as in "Norton’s Utilities."
videodisc: an optically (laser) read medium. Each side of a videodisc can store 54,000 slides or one hour of video.
Windows: A software program developed by Microsoft that adds a graphic user interface to IBM and IBM-compatible computers.
write protected: When a disk is ‘write protected,’ you cannot erase the disk or change its contents. A 51/4" disk is write protected by covering the write protect notch; a 31/2 " disk by flipping up the write protect tab.
word processing: The entry, manipulation, editing, and storage of text using a computer.
World-Wide Web: A special type of Internet site that allows you to click on a highlighted term (i.e., HyperText or a HyperLink) and move directly to another Internet site.
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