Speaking Across the Curriculum Resource Page

Topics: Programmatic Principles / Other University ProgramsTeaching Resources Online / Dealing With Anxiety / Broadening the Scope

Programmatic Principles of Speaking Across the Curriculum 

Building a Solid Communication Across the Curriculum Program (pdf) 
Sustaining Speaking Across the Curriculum Programs, Robert O. Weiss (pdf)

Speaking as a Way of Knowing (ppt) 

Other University Programs

Southern Illinois University at Carbondale
The SIUC site provides a rationale for speaking across the curriculum (SXC) along with a series 
of helpful questions for individual faculty, departments, or colleges to discuss as those entities work 
at constructing a program. 

University of North Carolina at Greensboro
UNCG has a communicating across the disciplines program divided into two tracks: one is writing intensive (WAC) 
and one is speaking intensive (SAC).  The SAC program and some resources are described in detail.  This more 
developed site will be useful as a planning tool and as a resource once the program is underway. 

Teaching Resources Online

Allyn and Bacon
This is one of the best basic public speaking resources available online.

Stand Up, Speak Out by Jason S. Wrench, Anne Goding, Danette Ifert Johnson, and Bernardo A. Attias (a very good, free online text)

A "Short Course" in Public Speaking (ppt)
A bit of theory and explanation that may be helpful to those who haven't had a
course in public speaking.

Presentation Toolbox (Point students to this one) This useful page provides
excellent tips in very brief "articles" that students will find engaging.

Computer Resources: Public Speaking (Thanks, Kristina!)

Poster Presentation Assistant Poster sessions have been used in business for some time; 
increasingly they are being used in academia. This site provides useful direction for construction
of and use of an informative poster.  For more presentational information for those in the sciences, 
go to: http://lorien.ncl.ac.uk/ming/Dept/Tips/present/present.htm   

Competent Speaker Rubric
This rubric focuses on the eight basic competencies of speaking.  It is in

MSWord, so you can download and modify as you like. (Originally constructed by National
Communication Association [NCA]).

Dealing with Speech Anxiety

Personal Report of Communication Apprehension
The PRCA is a diagnostic tool that helps students assess their levels of apprehension in a variety of 
communication contexts. The assessment can be focused on single contexts (public speaking, interpersonal, 
group or meeting) or an overall score can be calculated.  Norms provided give some context for interpreting 
individual scores. If students score  high in apprehension, they need extra opportunities to practice skills 
without being graded and with formative feedback.

Speech Anxiety Self-Help

Broadening the Scope of Speaking

Professional Speaking

  • Academic presentation
        Delivering a conference paper
        Scholarly lecture