Assignments |
Class Participation (5%) Your participation grade is based on the following: Attendance: If you do not attend class, you penalize
yourself in two ways: first by missing important information that might be on
the exam, and second by lowering your participation grade. Attendance will be
taken. Missing more
than two class periods may result in an "F" for your
participation grade. Active Participation in classroom activities: There will be both small and large group discussion. You will be assigned a grade based on your participation in these sessions.
Exams (37.5%) There will be three non-cumulative exams, each worth 50 points.. These exams will cover readings, lectures, class activities, and videos. A study guide will be posted on the web page two weeks prior to each exam. There are no scheduled make-up exams. If there is a scheduling problem, you must speak with me prior to the (day of the) exam. The only valid excuses for missing an exam are: (a) official University business, (b) illness, or (c) family emergency. All of these require documentation (e.g., letter from doctor) to be valid.
Observation Assignments (25%) In addition, two of the observations will be written up as a report. Each paper is approximately 8 (double-spaced) pages in length and should adhere to APA style. and each written paper is worth 25 points. You may access handouts for these assignments using WebCT.
Presentation (10%)
Research Paper (15%) A 6-8 page (double-spaced) research paper is required. This assignment is designed to allow you to investigate a (social developmental) topic of your choice in more depth than a survey course permits. The paper is intended to be a focused and integrated review of recent empirical research (at least 4 empirical articles). Intermediate versions of your paper are due throughout the semester:
Send problems, comments or suggestions to: lstone@csus.edu
State University, Sacramento
College of Education
Department of Child Development
Updated: March 17, 2002