* New Urbanism * Gardens |
Please see Sac
class schedule for scheduling
information. |
154: Design in Rec, Park + Tourism Facilities |
Focuses on
principles and practices involved in recreation and park facility
planning and design, with emphasis on master planning, design
standards and criteria, and effective use of natural resources.
Design theories and concepts are explored in relation to
architecture and urban planning, and the position of recreation
facilities within the overall urban plan is emphasized. Examines
principles and practices relating to development and implementation
of a maintenance and operation plan for recreation, park and tourism
facilities. |
Square::Portland, OR
cities are marketing themselves as places to live/work/play - with
more people interested in the "play," and extending that
"play" into all aspects of work and living. It gives
recreation people a new responsibility - that of urban and community
planners. Recreation and Tourism facilities should be integrated
seamlessly into the urban fabric, and designed to compliment and
enhance the surrounding environment, appealing to residents and
visitors. Jamison Square in Portland, combines multiple uses of
sunning, water play, socializing, and sand areas to appeal to children
and adults. The design of the park keeps these activities separate,
but within easy viewing of each other, for child safety. Residential
units surrounding the park contain other "third place"
facilities such as coffee houses and restaurants. While there is
limited parking at the site, and nearby public transportation, the
pedestrian is clearly at the center of attention and most of the
people arrive at the park on foot or on bike.