and Publications ::
Recent Meeting Abstracts
Savage, T.J. (2004) Mining of plant databases:
identification and transcriptional analysis of the pyruvate kinase
gene family in Arabidopsis. Poster presented to the Western
Sectional Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists,
October 22-23, 2004
Refereed Journal Articles
Phillips, M.A., Savage, T.J. and R. Croteau.
1999. Monoterpene synthases of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) produce
pinene isomers and enantiomers. Arch Biochem Biophys
Wise, M.L., Savage, T.J., Katahira, E., and R.
Croteau. 1998. Monoterpene synthases from commom sage (Salvia
officinalis). cDNA isolation, characterization, and functional
expression of (+)-sabinene synthase, 1,8-cineole synthase and (+)-bornyl
diphosphate synthase. J Biol Chem 273:14891-14899
Savage, T.J., Hamilton, B.S. and R. Croteau.
1996. Biochemistry of short-chain alkanes: tissue-specific
biosynthesis of n-heptane in Pinus jeffreyi. Plant
Physiol 110:179-186
Savage, T.J., Ichii, H., Hume, S.D., Little, D.B.
and R. Croteau. 1995. Monoterpene synthases from gymnosperms and
angiosperms: stereospecificity and inactivation by cysteinyl- and
arginyl-directed modifying reagents. Arch Biochem Biophys
Savage, T.J., Hatch, M.W. and R. Croteau. 1994.
Monoterpene synthases of Pinus contorta: a new class of
monoterpene synthases in plants. J Biol Chem 269:4012-4020
Lewinsohn, E., Savage, T.J. and R. Croteau.
1993. Simultaneous monoterpene and diterpene analysis and
assessment of monoterpene stereochemistry in conifer oleoresin.
Phytochemical Anal 4:220-225
Savage, T.J. and R. Croteau. 1993. Regio- and
stereochemistry of cyclopropyl ring formation in the biosynthesis of
(+)-3-carene. Arch Biochem Biophys 305:581-587
Gijzen, M., Lewinsohn, E., Savage, T.J. and R.
Croteau. 1993. Conifer monterpenes: biochemistry and bark beetle
chemical ecology. In “Bioactive Volatile Compounds from
Plants” (Teranishi, R., Buttery, R.G., and H. Sugisawa, eds.), ACS
Symposium Series 525, American Chemical Society, Washington DC, p.
Waring, R.H., Savage, T., Cromack, K. Jr. and C.
Rose. 1992. Thinning and nitrogen fertilization in a grand fir
stand infested with western spruce budworm: part IV, an ecosystem
perspective. Forest Sci 38:275-286
Savage, T.J. and R. Croteau. 1992. Oleoresin
biosynthesis in conifers: implications for biotechnology. Naval
Stores Rev 101(5):6-11
Wagschal, K., Savage, T.J. and R. Croteau.
1991. Isotopically-sensitive branching as a tool for evaluating
multiple product formation by monoterpene cyclases. Tetrahedron
Cromack, K. Jr., Entry, J.A. and T. Savage.
1991. The effect of disturbance by Phellinus weirii on
decomposition and nutrient mineralization in a Tsuga mertensiana
forest. Biol and Fertility of Soils 11:245-249
Lewinsohn, E., Gijzen, M., Savage, T.J. and R.
Croteau. 1991. Defense mechanisms in conifers: relationship of
monoterpene cyclase activity to anatomical specialization and
oleoresin monoterpene content. Plant Physiol 96:38-43
Bormann, B.T., Tarrant, R.F., McClellan, M.H. and
T. Savage. 1989. Chemistry of rainwater and cloudwater at remote
sites in Alaska and Oregon. J Environ Qual 18:149-152
Published Patents and Patent Applications
Voelker T, Val D, Savage T (2004) Elevation of
oil levels in brassica plants. US Patent Application 20040172681
Voelker T, Val D, Savage T (2004) Elevation of
fatty acid synthase levels in plants. US Patent Application
Laurie CC, Ravanello M, Savage T, LeDeaux JR,
Rogers JA (2004) Nucleic acid molecules associated with oil in
plants. US Patent Application 20040025202
Valentin HE, Voelker T, Zheng W, Savage TJ (2003)
Metabolite transporters. US Patent Application 20030148300
Savage TJ, Croteau RB, Katahira EJ, Wise ML
(1999) Monoterpene synthases from common sage (Salvia officinalis)
US Patent 5891697
