California State University, Sacramento
College of Education/Teacher Education Department
EDTE 330: Technology Lab
Multiple Subject Program
Fall 2010

Instructor:     Dr. Mark A. Rodriguez
Phone: 278-4084
Office: Eureka Hall 411
Communication: The preferred and most efficient way to contact me is through e-mail.  All of my E-mail: is through:
Phone: 916-278-4084     
Office Hours: Wednesday 1030-12, Thursday 3-4:30, or by appointment                          

1. Catalog Description

Technology laboratory delivered in the form of mini workshops, a web-based resource center and one-on-one facilitation. Students will be supported as they develop a range of technology skills, build an electronic portfolio, and complete the technology assignments from course work and field experiences across their program. Prerequisite: Admission to Multiple Subject Credential Program. Graded: Credit / No Credit. Units: 1.0.

2. Course Description

This course supports students to meet California “Teacher Educator Preparation Program Technology Standard 9.” ( 2001, revised March 2007, p. 47)

3.  Requisites

·         Purchase a subscription to TaskStream, the E-portfolio tool selected by the Teacher Education Department.  To subscribe go to  TaskStream is used in the teacher preparation program to support students in meeting the California Teacher Commission requirements for obtaining a California teaching credential (SB 2042).

·         Obtain a SacLink Account and an email account. All CSUS students enrolled in one or more units can create a SacLink account for electronic mail and WebCT.  At this web address find more “how to” information:

·         Obtain a USB flash drive for data storage: or the Hornet Bookstore

4.  Learning Goals, Outcomes & Objectives

·         Learning Goals

o   Know how to use technology for teaching & learning.

o   Know how to use technology for the “Teacher Preparation Program.”

·         Learning Outcomes (SWBT:)

o   Identify and apply technology in planning for instruction and assessment.

o   Identify and apply technology for instruction and assessment to support or enhance student learning according  to California curriculum content standards or frameworks.

o   Identify and apply technology for communication and information processing.

o   Demonstrate knowledge of basic computer troubleshooting and available avenues of technical support in schools.

o   Demonstrate basic knowledge of online research tools.

o   Demonstrate knowledge of computer related copyright, safety, security, privacy issues and acceptable use policies.

o   Demonstrate knowledge of the E-portfolio requirements and competency with the TaskStream E-portfolio tools.

·         Learning Objectives

Learning objectives are the steps taken to achieve the learning goals and outcomes, and describe specific units of knowledge and skill.

Learning objectives are described in each lab session, and in the instructions for each assignment.

5.  Assignments & Grading

§  EDTE 330 is graded credit/no credit.

§  To receive credit for EDTE 330, 90 points must be earned and the E-portfolio must be completed.

§  Students are expected to complete their own work, although collaboration is encouraged.  See CSUS important information on plagiarism: 


 Graded Items


Diagnostic Quiz


Diagnostic Survey


TaskStream Quiz


Technology Integration Plan


Web Folio




Lab Sessions


Total Points


Descriptions of Graded Items. (detailed information/instructions for each item will be given in lab sessions according to the course calendar).

§  Diagnostic Quiz (10 points):  The diagnostic quiz will be given on the first day of class, consisting of a hands-on activity and short-answer responses to questions.  Students may improve on their quiz scores by participating in the 2nd lab session. Students scoring below 70% on the quiz will be expected to attend Lab Session #2 and for these students, not attending the 2nd lab session will result in 0 points. 

·         90-100 percent score on the quiz will achieve 9-10 points

·         80-90 percent score on the quiz will achieve 8-9 points

·         70-80 percent score on the quiz will achieve 7-8 points

·         0-70 percent will result in 0-7 points

§  Diagnostic Survey (10 points):  The diagnostic survey will be given on the first day of class.  Students will answer survey questions related to their knowledge and beliefs about technology.  This information will help the instructor to work more effectively with students in the class. To receive full credit (10 points) students need to answer all questions with the most appropriate response during the first class session.  See instructor for survey ID. Make-up surveys:

·         Up to one week late will earn 9 points

·         Between 1-2 weeks late will earn 8 points

·         Beyond 2 weeks late will result in zero points

§  TaskStream/E-portfolio Quiz (10 points):  The TaskStream quiz will be based on the “help” sections in TaskStream and also on an article about e-portfolios. Students will need to subscribe to TaskStream in order to access the help sections. See the “course calendar” for the quiz date (3rd lab session).

·         90-100 percent score on the quiz will achieve 9-10 points

·         80-90 percent score on the quiz will achieve 8-9 points

·         70-80 percent score on the quiz will achieve 7-8 points

·         Below 70 percent will result in zero points


§  Technology Integration Plan (25 points):  The technology integration plan will focus on uses of technology in planning instruction and assessment. Instructions and specific grading criteria for this assignment will be provided according to the date scheduled on the course calendar. 

·         90-100 percent score will achieve 22.5-25 points

·         80-90 percent score will achieve 20-22.5 points

·         70-80 percent score will achieve 17.5-20 points

·         Below 70 percent will result in zero points


§  Web Folio (15 points):  Students will use TaskStream to create a web folio structure of content representing individual formative understandings related to “teaching performance assessment.”  This assignment will be explained in more detail in the 3rd lab session.

·         90-100 percent score will achieve 13.5-15 points

·         80-90 percent score will achieve 12-13.5 points

·         70-80 percent score will achieve 10.5-12 points

·         Below 70 percent will result in zero points

§  E-portfolio (Required)

·         This assignment is required, and must be completed to receive credit for EDTE 373A.

·         For the E-portfolio (DRF) to be completed, assignments must be uploaded and submitted for evaluation in TaskStream.

·         The E-portfolio (DRF) consists of assignments that are given in several other courses, and represents core content essential in demonstrating teacher candidates have the knowledge, skills, and abilities required of a beginning teacher in California public schools.

§  Lab Sessions (30 points)

·         Lab sessions support completion of assignments, and also provide opportunities for students to experience various types of educational technology.

·         There are a total of 10 lab sessions, of which five are “open labs.”

·         Open labs are worth 2 points each, and required labs are worth 4 points each. 

·         Students having difficulty meeting assignment deadlines are expected to attend open lab sessions.

·         Participation, cooperation, courtesy and collaboration in lab sessions are essential.

·         Peer support to students is encouraged.

·         Attendance at required labs is essential.

·         Tardiness to lab sessions or leaving lab sessions during presentations or demonstrations can result in a deduction of 1 point from the lab.

Technology Lab Tentative Schedule





Lab 1


  1. Introduction to the Technology Lab
  2. Diagnostic (presentation & spreadsheet software)
  3. Survey

For Lab 3:

  1. Subscribe to TaskStream
  2. Read about Tool (TaskStream)
  3. Explore TaskStream

Lab 2


  • Review, practice & demonstrate understanding of TaskStream Tools & e-portfolio.
  1.  Reflection on e-portfolio

Lab 3


  1. Begin Web
    Folio Assignment
    (Part I).

Lab 4


  • Technology Integration Plan Assignment
  1. Begin Technology Integration Plan Assignment

Lab 5


  • Video
  • Technology Integration Plan


Lab 6


  • Using Word Processing/PowerPoint in your Classroom


Lab 7


  • Scanning Skill, Digital Picture Imaging


Lab 8


  • Using Spreadsheets and Databases in your Classroom


Lab 9


  • E-portfolio
  • Web Folio Part II Due


Lab 10


  • E-portfolio Assignment Due
  • Technology Integration Plan Presentations


7.  Special Needs

·         Please contact the instructor if there are any special circumstances related to successful completion of this course. Thank you

·       Students with disabilities that may require special accommodations are encouraged to contact the Services to Students with Disabilities.

(Lassen Hall 1008, phone: 278-6955, 916-278-7239 (TDD)).

8.  Recommended Resources

·         Resources for EDTE 373A are provided on the instructors course web site at

·         Bibliography of Research and Resources on Technology and Engaged Learning

·         Check here for campus student computer labs' schedule at

·         Purchase a computer at an education discount through the Hornet Bookstore: