Dr. Arline
California State University,
Division of Social Work
School of Health and Human Services
and Publications
Name: Dr. Arline Prigoff Title: Professor Office: Mariposa 4006 Office Hours: Tuesday, 1-4 PM E-mail Address: prigoffa@saclink.csus.edu Telephone: (916) 278-7170 FAX: (916) 641-7529 Mailing Address: Division of Social Work, CSUS Street Address: 6000 J Street Sacramento, CA 95819-6090 |
Economics for Social Workers: The Social Consequences of Economic Globalization, with Strategies for Community Action. Publication in process; expected date of printing, 1999.
Course Syllabus on "International Social Work: Global Dimensions in Policy Analysis and Social Development Practice (SW196D) in Global Perspectives in Social Work Education: A Collection of Course Outlines on International Aspects of Social Work. (1997). Compiled by Lynne M. Healy and Yvonne W. Asamoah. Alexandria, Virginia: Council on Social Work Education.
Co-author, with Dorothy Van Soest (1997), Chapters 12: "From Violence and Trauma to Processes of Healing," and 13: "Toward Solution: Approaches to Healing." The Global Crisis of Violence. Washington, D.C.: NASW Press.
"The Findings of Research on Gender," Social Development Issues. Vol. 16, No. 1, 1994.
"Women, Social Development and the State in Latin America," Social Development Issues. Vol. 14, No. 1, 1992.
International Social Work: professional exchanges with Nicaragua, El Salvador, Colombia, Mexico , Macedonia
Economics: economic theory, the social and environmental impact of economic globalization and trade policies, community economic development and their relevance for social work
Social Welfare: evaluation of welfare policies and practices, based on consequences for families and communities
Levels and Cycles of Violence: patterns and concepts, implications for social work practice
Gender Studies: the origins and consequences of gender stratification, violence against women
Advanced General Practice in Social Work: curriculum development for social work education on multilevel, multi-dimensional social assessments and social work interventions
National Association of Social Workers - Elected Delegate from District D, California Chapter, to National NASW Delegates' Assembly
Council on Social Work Education - Member, International Commission
Send problems/comments/suggestions to: prigoffa@saclink.csus.edu