BEN & ME |
Introduction· You and a partner will be traveling back in time with Amos, your friendly mouse! Amos will introduce you to Benjamin Franklin of a very close friend of his. Of course if it was not Amos we would not have some of the great things that we have today as you will learn. Along the way you will also meet some of Ben's friends and you will have some tasks to accomplish along the way! |
TaskSelect at least 1 of the Following Activities:
We watched the video entitled Ben and Me by-- The Good
Mouse, Amos. Keep in mind that Mr. Benjamin Franklin was a man of many
talents and interests but Amos allowed Ben to think that he was responsible
for many inventions. In actuality, it was Amos who had the natural
curiosity about things and the way t ·
As you can see, he really was an amazing historical figure of
the 18th Century. He certainly was a man who wore many hats, so to
speak. Working in pairs develop a Bio-poem about Mr. Franklin using
this site, information from your book, and encyclopedias
· Using the information from your notes and the video develop the front page of a Newspaper. Include an article on Ben Franklin. You must also select at least two other historical figures/events in addition to my friend, Ben. · Read several accounts of the deaths of some famous early historical figures and then write an obituary about my dear and beloved friend, Mr. Benjamin Franklin. |
Evaluation· Turn in your finished project at the end of class.
· Do Conclusion for homework. · Rubric designed by teacher.
ConclusionNow Select and design a Final Project of your
own based upon an event in Ben Franklin's life. You may use a selection from the task section that you have not completed if you cannot think of a project yourself. If You decide to you can do your project with a partner,