Life As A Member

Of The Hupa Tribe







IntroductionTaskProcessResourcesEvaluation - Conclusion



·    Step inside a time machine and transport yourself back in time to the year 1895! You are a ten year old member of the Hupa tribe. What is your life like? Where do you live, what do you eat, and what do your clothes look like? Dare to take a journey that will introduce you to a completely different way of life!


·    Your task is to infiltrate a Hupa village in the Northwest Cultural Area of California and collect as much data as possible about the life of a typical ten year old. Upon your return to the year 2003, you will be responsible for creating a poster to illustrate your journey and reporting on your findings. You will work in groups of four to complete your task.






·    Include the following steps in your process:

·    Choose partners with whom you can work productively. All partners are responsible for every part of the project.

·    Choose one group member to keep a log of the contributions of each team member.

·    Explore the resources listed below. You will report on at least four of the following subjects. (tribal location, language, clothing, housing, religion, diet, trade)

·    Create a poster illustrating what you find.

·    Be prepared to report your finding to the class.





·    Click here for information

·    Click here for information

·    Click here for information


You will be evaluated on:

·      Group cooperation and participation

·      The information you gathered

·      The organization of your poster (color, clarity of information, visual appeal)

·      Your report to the class


You should now have an idea of what it was like to be a ten year old member of the Hupa tribe in the year 1895. Now, use this information to help you compare this life with that of a ten year old Chumash child as you infiltrate the tribe in the Southern Cultural Area of California.