Papers and Publications
Johnson, P.D., P. Girinathannair, K.N. Ohlinger, S. Ritchie, L. Teuber and J. Kirby (2008) “Enhanced Removal of Heavy Metals in Primary Treatment Using Coagulation and Flocculation,” Water Environment Research , 80 (5), 472-479.
Ohlinger, K.N., Young, T.M. and Schroeder, E.D. (2000) "Post Digestion Struvite Precipitation Using a Fluidized Bed Reactor," ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering, 126 (4), 361-368.
Ohlinger, K.N., Young, T.M. and Schroeder E.D. (1999). "Kinetics Effects on Preferential Struvite Accumulation in Wastewater," ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering 125(8), 730-737.
Ohlinger, K.N., Young, T.M. and Schroeder, E.D. (1998). "Predicting Struvite Formation in Digestion," Water Research, 32(12), 3607-3614.

Ohlinger, K.N., Kerri, K.D. “Current Trends in Training,” Association of Boards of Certification Conference, San Antonio , TX , Jan. 2008
Holman, S.R., Ohlinger K.N. “An Evaluation of Fouling Potential and Methods to Control Fouling in Microfiltration Membranes for Secondary Wastewater Effluent, 80 th Conference and Exposition of the Water Environment Federation, San Diego, CA, October, 2007
Ohlinger, K.N. "Distance Learning from Sacramento - coordinating your training with the rest of your life," Northern Regional Training Conference, California Water Environment Association, Sparks, NV, September 2006
Ohlinger, K.N. “Math for Operators of Wastewater Treatment Facilities,” Northern Regional Training Conference, California Water Environment Association, Reno , NV , September 2004
Ohlinger, K.N. “Responding to the Need for Operator Training,” CWEA Annual Conference, Ontario , CA , April 2003.
Ohlinger, K.N., Mahmood, R.J. “Struvite Scale Potential Determination Using a Computer Model,” IWA Conference on Scaling and Corrosion in Water and Wastewater Systems, Bedfordshire , UK , March 2003.
Ohlinger, K.N. “Building Technical Capacity in Pacific Islands Drinking Water and Wastewater Systems through Operator Training,” Invited Speaker – EPA Pacific Island Environmental Conference, Koror, Palau, June 2002.
Ohlinger, K.N. “Enhancing Training Capacity for Smaller Utilities,” Invited Speaker – EPA Region 4 / Region 6 joint workshop on smaller utility capacity enhancement. Dallas , TX , Apr. 2002.
Ohlinger, K.N. “Kinetics and thermodynamics of struvite crystallization as it applies to phosphate recovery from municipal wastewater for agricultural fertilizer production,” Invited Speaker – Second International Conference on Recovery of Phosphates, Center for European Studies of Polyphosphates, Amsterdam, Netherlands, March 2001.
Ohlinger, K.N., Young, T.M., Schroeder E.D. and Kido, W.H. "Characterizing and Controlling Struvite in Digestion and Post-digestion Processes," 72nd Conference and Exposition of the Water Environment Federation, New Orleans, LA, October, 1999.
Ohlinger, K.N. "Struvite Crystallization Controls in Digestion and Post-digestion Processes," California Water Environment Association Annual Conference, Ontario, CA, April, 1999.
