Changing the ascii drawing in your Tapped In office to an image map

Office remodeling should be easy. Unfortunately, because it requires several procedures that involve creating or modifying images, storing images on a server, copying or modifying code, and inputing code into the Tapped In editor, it is not really for the novice. However, the following instructions can help those with some experience get over the tricky hurdles.


Tapped In Office Remodeling: Adding a Graphic to a one-room office

The link above is extremely helpful and should be used as the primary resource in Tapped In office remodeling. Tapped In members may even use the graphics supplied on this and other webs.


  1. You have an office in Tapped In.
  2. You already have a image that you have uploaded to a server.
  3. You know the URL of the image you have uploaded.
  4. You have used an image editor and have located the top, left X and Y pixel coordinates and the bottom, right X and Y pixel coordinates for the exit (OUT) on your image.
  5. You have used an image editor and have located the top, left X and Y pixel coordinates and the bottom, right X and Y pixel coordinates for the whiteboard on your image.
  6. If you haven't done these things above, use the URL reference above and scroll to the top. Follow the directions to accomplish these tasks. If you know all this, and you really want to start building, skip this puz and go below.


Here is an image I have borrowed from Tapped In. The code showing the pixel coordinates refered to above is at the right.

# Format: NCSA

# Red Table Room

# go out, view whiteboard, or default look

rect #30143 16,70 71,109

rect {#30141,"whiteboard"} 119,1 223,27

default {#30141,"look"}


In an image editor (PhotoShop, LiveView Pro, PhotoStudio, etc.), I can determine the coordinates for the exit (OUT) and the Whiteboard. In this particular case, Tapped In provided them for me.

The numbers 16,70 71,109 refer to the pixel coordinates for the top, left (16,70) and the bottom, right (71,109) of the Exit (Out) object which is assigned #30143.

Creating the Objects:

So, since we're talking about objects and object numbers, we ought to find out more about this.

Exits are objects that are part of the collection of items that you own. You can see your items by clicking on "my items" in the web window when you're in your office. You can also type @exits in the java text window and it will give you all your exit object numbers. You will probably only have one since you're in a single-room office. Look for the exit number that leads you out of your office. You'll need it later when you assign pixel coordinates to it as in the example above. Remember, the exit object number for my Red Table Room is #30143.

Entering the code editor:

You may not have permission to get into the code editor yet. To get permission, you need to enter the the following code into the text area and press enter or return.

@edito -cut&paste

This only needs to be done once. Once this is done, your office can be modified.

Create your mapping code in a word processor or a simple text editor (Word, Notepad, SimpleText, etc.) and save it. Make sure there are no spaces before and after the commas in the pixel coordinates. Also, eliminate spaces at the ends of lines.

Here's an example that I'll use for creating Blue Table. This is a room that I will use as an office.

# Format: NCSA

# Blue Table Room

# go out, view whiteboard, or default look

rect #30146 16,70 71,109

rect {#30144,"whiteboard"} 119,1 223,27

default {#30144,"look"}

This must be your first line of code.

The pound sign at the beginning of a line indicates a comment.

More comments.

What you see in red is the object # of the Exit for the Blue Table (An office in TI).

What you see in red is the the object # for the office named Blue Table.

Notice that the object # is the same as it is for the whiteboard.

Modifying the Blue Table:

The Blue Table is an office in Tapped In. Offices are rooms which are objects with assigned object numbers.

Here is what I have for the Blue Table so far:

Now, I need to create the image map object. I'll call it blue_table_map.

Next, I will link the blue_table_map to a URL.

@edito -cut&paste

@edit blue_table_map

del 1-$


# Format: NCSA

# Blue Table Room

# go out, view whiteboard, or default look

rect #30146 16,70 71,109

rect {#30144,"whiteboard"} 119,1 223,27

default {#30144,"look"}





Do this only if you haven't done so previously. Press Enter.

Press Enter

Press Enter

You actually type the word enter and then press Enter (Return).

This is what I copy and paste into the text editor.




Press Enter

Type a period and press Enter.

Type Save and press Enter.

Type Quit and press Enter.

See below for the final step if there are no problems.

If you get a message that says "not saved" because of an error, there is a typo in the mapping. Look for extra spaces between commas, etc. Repeat the above as necessary (until you fix the typos).

Now, I type

@set-imagemap blue_table_map for here

When I press Enter, I'm done. Update your view and you'll see your new office look.

The Blue Table office looks like this.

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