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Chemistry 6A Fall 2007

Dr. Jeffrey A. Mack

Online Notes

Notes will be posted after each lecture.
I will not post notes prior, please dont ask.
I will randomly protect some notes with a password given that day in lecture.
Any problems worked in class on the chalk board will note be posted.

Lecture section 1: MWF 9:00 -10:00 am
Week M W F
1 No Class
5-Sept 7-Sept
2 10-Sept 12-Sept 14-Sept
3 17-Sept 19-Sept 21-Sept
4 24-Sept 26-Sept 28-Sept
5 1-Oct 3-Oct Exam 1
6 8-Oct 10-Oct 12-Oct
7 15-Oct 17-Oct 19-Oct
8 22-Oct 24-Oct 26-Oct
9 29-Oct 31-Oct
Exam 2

10 5-Nov 7-Nov 9-Nov
11 No Class 14-Nov 16-Nov
12 19-Nov 21-Nov No Class

13 26-Nov 28-Nov 30-Nov
14 3-Dec 5-Dec Exam 3

15 10-Dec 12-Dec No Notes

Final: Monday, 12/17/2007 8:00 to 10:00 am