1. Basic
2. Another
3. Just enter
the birthday you wish to track and JavaScript will display the
person's age, down to the second. Displays your age along with the
day you were born.
4. This useful
JavaScript calculator will tell you the degrees, Nautical Miles,
Statute Miles, and Kilometers between your originating and
destination airports. It's got a built-in database of over 150 of
the most traveled airports!
5. Calculates
an individual's blood alcohol content based on the quantity of
beverages consumed, the alcohol percentage in each drink, the
person's weight, and the time spent consuming the drink.
6. Converts
input between binary, ternary, quintal, octal, decimal, and
hexadecimal bases. Try entering a string of zeroes and ones in the
binary field - when you click off, the script displays that number
of the other bases.
7. Just enter
your height and your weight, and JavaScript can use a formula
created by the Panel on Energy, Obesity, and Body Weight Standards
to figure out your Body Mass Index. This index classifies you into
one of several categories, from underweight to desirable to obese.
Male Only.
8. JavaScript
can help you figure how many calories you have burned during a
9. This script
calculates the nutritional value of your salad.
10. Use JavaScript
to calculate compound interest.

11. Enter two
dates (including the time!) and this script will display the number
of weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds between the two. The
seconds field is optional, too. For an example, try entering your
birthdate and compare it to today's date. Make sure you click on the
“Cancel” when asked for the military time.
12. Calculate what
day of the week a given date was. It works for leap years and also
tells you whether the date is in the past future or today.
13. Calculate the
time, distance, or speed given any two of the pieces of information.
14. Use JavaScript
to estimate the driving distance between U.S. cities.
15. Enter your
vehicle's quarter mile time (assuming you know it) and vehicle
weight and this JavaScript program will display your car's estimated
16. Estimates your
weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, and yearly income. Very useful when job
hunting when offered an income per hour, month, or year. The tax
bracket numbers are adjustable with each year's income tax levels.
17. Use JavaScript
to find out just how much that new house or car is going to cost you
each month. Enter values into the fields below to find out how much
each monthly payment would be with the given number of payments,
interest rate, and loan amount.
18. Calculates a
man's ideal body measurements based on his wrist circumference.
19. Computes the
miles per gallon of your car via the miles traveled and the number
of gallons used. Also, if you enter the cost per gallon and how many
miles you drive a day, it will estimate your monthly and yearly gas
20. Enter the
number of bills and coins and this script will calculate the total
amount of money you have. All blank entries are ignored. Input field
validation is also included -- try entering a non-digit into a

21. This
calculator can be used by painters to find out how much paint is
needed to cover a given area. The calculator also has an advanced
feature that will take the total of the width and height of doors
and windows and subtract that measurement from the total area.
22. Entering your
pay rate and the number of hours you worked and optionally any
overtime hours and pay rate, your own tax rate, and other
deductions. Find out where your money comes from and where it's
23. Does it ever
bother you how much a long-distance phone call is going to cost,
after you hung up? With this script, all you have to do is enter the
amount per minute, and any initial amount, then click start when the
call begins and see the total charge at any time!
24. Allows runners
to calculate their time, distance covered, or pace by entering the
other two values. Distance and pace can be converted between various
measurements. A great 3-in-1 script for runners!
25. Enter how much
you can afford to save each month, how long you can save this
amount, and the interest rate you can get on your savings and this
script will display your total savings.
26. JavaScript
helps your to calculate the before and after tax prices for
purchases. Very easy to use. Just put into the price, the tax, and
hit compute! It's all figured for you!
27. Assists ham
radio operators in converting a frequency to its wavelength in feet
or inches. Other uses include acoustic measurement and adjustment,
microphone placement, room tuning, and speaker positioning.
28. Estimates the
current world population based on US census data and the world
growth rate. Not exactly precise, but neat anyways.
29. This calendar
allows you to select a month and year and automatically display the
complete calendar for that month.
30. Allows for the
conversion back and forth from hours, minutes, and seconds to
fractional hours. Input validation also ensures the time input does
not contain invalid characters.
31. Displays trivia facts about any of the 50 states when selected
from the pulldown menu. Facts include state capital, date admitted
into the union, state flower, and state bird. The script could be
modified to display details about products you sell, members in a
club, etc.
