School of Business Administration
Calendar | SBA History | Other Anniversaries | Sacramento, 1947-48
The Future | CSU,S Calendar | SBA Page

The School of Business Administration joins with the rest of the campus community in the celebration of the 50th Anniversary of California State University, Sacramento. The month of March, 1998 has been designated as the School of Business Month for the campus celebration and we have a number of events being planned.

Several topics are going to be addressed on these pages over the nine months of celebration. The first is a (brief) history of the School of Business Administration at California State University, Sacramento. The first installment focuses on the very beginnings (1948-1954). Subsequent months will add to the material, up to the present time.

The second is a listing of other significant events that happened 50 years ago and the third is a look at the Sacramento Consumer 50 years ago.

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Update: February 5, 1998
Arthur N. Jensen, Professor of Marketing
School of Business Administration
California State University, Sacramento

Disclaimer: Professor Arthur N. Jensen takes full responsibility for the information posted. The information on this page represents that of Professor Arthur N. Jensen and not that of California State University, Sacramento. [as required in PM BA 96-13 Policy on CSUSInfo World Wide Web (WWW) and Gopher]